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Aug 28, 2016
Mankind has declined and magical fairies have taken over the planet. Interesting, right?
- How did mankind decline?
- What happened to society, economy, etc?
- Where did the fairies come from?
- What's the source of their magic?
If you're looking for answers to the above questions, be prepared, you'll not going to get them.
This anime raises several questions with each episode, yet answers absolutely none of them. Despite this, it's a lot of fun.
After a couple of episodes you'll stop questioning and you'll accept any kind of weirdness that come up in this show.
To me, the purpose of this anime is pure entertainment, which is executed quite well (in a simple, let's say "dumb" way). The main character's internal dialogues are especially entertaining as she is pointing out various inconsistencies and gaps with stoic calmness. Oh, by the way, she doesn't even have a name...nobody in this show has (maybe the 2 probes) but who needs one anyway? She's accepting everything that comes by and tries to make the most out of what she has.
Story ?/10
Hard to give it a score, there isn't really a storyline or at least I could not find it.
Characters 7/10
There is only one considerable character, the main girl, who seems quite accepting to whatever happens. The show introduces several characters but drops them after 1-2 episodes. Why? I dunno XD The only other recurring element worth mentioning are the fairies, who are super cute, simple-minded and weirdly hedonistic at the same time.
Art 6/10
Nothing strikingly good or bad. A bit too simple for my taste but okay. I somehow wish that Shaft studio had animated this. It could have been more of a blast.
Honourable mention: 9/10 -> that opening song totally blew my mind XD
Overall 7/10
I'd recommend this anime to whoever is too tired to follow such trivial things as storylines, character development, basic laws of physics or any kind of logic.
It's a totally soothing way to get lost in a world that makes absolutely no sense.
It seems like a low-budget, non-mainstream anime, but there's nothing wrong with that.
Apart from the last 2 episodes I enjoyed this show a lot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 1, 2016
Every time I went to a manga store the shelves were full of Nana and I wondered...hmm I should really watch this.
Before I started watching it, I already knew it was going to be good - MAL review score above 8, Madhouse, etc. I just didn't imagine it to be this good.
I was first a bit afraid that it will be a fully music-centred anime but it is not. There is a little bit of music in it but don't worry, it's completely fine.
Story 10/10
Nana is a story about friendship. Friendship between girls, mostly, so it might not be the best thing to
watch for guys. If you think Frozen is a great story about friendship between girls, you will be surprised when you watch Nana. I swear Frozen is like a pile of dogsh*t compared to Nana. (sorry)
I like that the story shows quite a long period of time, so there's space for character development and the events don't seem repetitive.
Another thing which I loved: It's not set in a highschool. I think I'm too old to enjoy those animes or I've just got an overdose of them. No ecchi elements either - YESS!
The story has a proper ending, more or less but they could have made 1 more episode between 46 and 47. Maybe I'm just thinking this because I didn't want it to end...
Characters 10/10
The reason why I loved Nana so much is because of the characters. They seem very realistic to me and the actions they take are also very real.
K. Nana is not the typical shoujo "kawaii desune" girl and O. Nana is not the typical tsundere. The guys in the story also seem very real to me. I will not spoil it for anyone but I'm sure everyone can relate to at least 2-3 of them. There are no big scenes or overly dramatic moments in it. It just looks real.
Design: 8/10
Not sure if I can judge this really, it's a 10-year-old Madhouse anime...of course the animation is good. Even though it's 10 years old, it's still fully enjoyable. Well done!
Overall 10/10
A classic anime from the pre-ecchi times by Madhouse is like a breath of fresh air nowadays.
The story, the characters and their actions are painfully realistic. I absolutely loved that! You will see all the typical mistakes people make in relationships and it will make you feel even closer to the characters.
The ending felt a tiny bit rushed but on the other hand it was time to finish it already.
I've literally just completed the series and I must say, I'm clueless about my life and my whole existence...but I like that feeling. Nana has really given me a lot.
- Ne, Nana?
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 31, 2016
First review for this movie yeey!
I hate to admit, but I have not seen the original show. I tried, I struggled with it as it is just (sorry to say but) too old...
Therefore, I was so delighted when I heard that they are making a movie series out of it.
Hokuto no ken is the grandfather of all fighting animes, the most testosterone-filled anime I have ever seen (Jojo's bizarre adventure being a close second).
This story is like a living fossil. I have no second thoughts if I say, that the creator was one of the few masterminds who came up with the universal recipe for
a great fighting anime:
The ingredients are pretty much:
- An epic and righteous hero
- Some beautiful girls (just to mess with their minds)
- Lovable supporters
- An epic antagonist
- A unique fighting style
When all of this is mixed together in the right proportions, something amazing will be born.
Story 10/10
The story might seem a bit of a cliché, however, most likely, everything else that is similar was inspired by this show.
The post-apocalyptic world filled with anarchy where people live in fear and despair, waiting for the one hero that will save them. It is pretty clear, not much to explain.
Art 10/10
I personally love the art style (Jojo's bizarre adventure is very similar to this). The modern art and character design make it very enjoyable. Remaking this show was probably the best thing ever. Also, it is surprisingly well done for something made in 2006...that was 10 years ago!
The background is also very nicely done but everything apart from Toki's home is very dark and depressing. Also, to my greatest joy, there is no 3D effects whatsoever in it.
Characters 10/10
Hokuto no ken Raoh Gaiden Junai-hen has all the arch-types of characters that are needed for a good show. The righteous hero, rivaling brothers, the badass female hero (a bit like Casca from Berserk), lovable background characters and lots and lots of evil ones.
It is very interesting to see the relations between the main characters. I am not entirely sure who is good and bad at this point. I hope to see lots of character development in the next movies.
Overall 10/10
Hokuto no ken Raoh Gaiden Junai-hen is a true legend in the anime world. It focuses on such pure and fundamental values that I just cannot give it a lower review score.
I recommend this to anyone who wants to see where most of today's animes came from.
In addition to all of this, needless to say, there is absolutely NO fanservice in it.
Do not be afraid that it is old. It is truly a unique masterpiece.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 24, 2016
I have been thinking for a long time when I should watch this movie but I realised there is no such thing as the "perfect time" for this. You just need to get over it.
I heard that this movie is very famous and I must say, it is famous, for a reason.
Story 10/10
The story is based on real life events and you can feel this throughout the entire movie.
The historical events are extremely vivid and detailed. I found it very interesting.
Art 10/10
Needless to say, Studio Ghibli never disappoints us. The animation is definitely better than anything else from that time. I mean, can you
believe it is from 1988?!
The art is so well-done and all the little things are captured to the finest detail, several times causing cold shivers on my back. It really shows the fact that Mr. Takahata didn't only read about these things in history books.
Characters 10/10
There are not so many, it is mostly the main characters and some other side characters. The side characters, as a whole, represent the Japanese society and they all react and behave the same way. Their distanced behaviour is just as painful as watching these small children trying to survive in a war zone.
Overall 10/10
It is such a roller coaster. Even if you kind of know already from the beginning what is expected to happen, you are still able to have a faint smile on your face at certain points.
Just to be perfectly honest, it is NOT an easy thing to watch.
However, I think it is definitely a must-watch for everyone, not only for anime-lovers.
I must say though, I am not planning on rewatching this anytime soon.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 23, 2016
So...here it comes, the movie for the much awaited Ajin. Personally, I've been waiting for this for a very long time. I have not read the manga (yet) and have not watched the anime yet (airing now).
Story 9/10:
The movie introduces the concept/world of Ajin, where some random humans happen to develop a mysterious super power, causing them many troubles and raising the ultimate anime question: "Am I still human?". Doesn't sound very original, right? We have seen this in many other animes like Ergo proxy, Parasyte, Tokyo Ghoul, etc...
However, the storytelling of Ajin is what makes it very enjoyable. It is very dynamic, there is
no unnecessary information in it. Hopefully they will keep it filler-free for the upcoming anime too.
Characters 8/10:
The characters are pretty much the standard arch-types for this movie. The "friend", the "Organisation", "the weak point" - the sister, in this case, the "veteran" and so on.
They seem to all have a background story that is not explained in detail due to the length of the movie. Hopefully, we will see their stories later on.
Art 3/10:
*heavy breathing* Well...when I first saw the teaser, I just had to do a facepalm. The CGI does not fit this show (or any show for that matter).
Despite all of that, I must say, I still really enjoyed the film overall, due to the amazing story and execution.
Overall 9/10:
A very generic topic executed in a wonderful, very enjoyable way. Graphics could certainly be better but what can we do?
I definitely look forward to the anime series!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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