I thought your reply in the " What do you think about rap and hip hop?" thread was good. It was nuanced and positive.
Thanks for representing hip hop fans in a great way.
Lots of isolations & iso heavy players like Ingram, Edwards, JB, etc.
Set a damn play you idiots!!!
No good post defender especially against a physical big man...
Kessler, Jaren, Bobby & Banchero are not good post defenders AT ALL!!!
No wonder why they post up the guards every chance they get!!!
Im actually referring to my 1st comment on that thread i gave you!!!
MAL with their BS(short for bullshit/Ben whatever you gonna call it, theyre the same) coding once again!!!
Instead of referring to the post number of the thread,
They instead refer on the ID number of the user & forum post of the thread!!!
Who the fuck change that???
A random thought? Maybe so, but there's still a lot of depth to what you said. Consuming the game through highlights is different from watching the game in my opinion: you are watching part of the game, but not the entire game. Watching it with absolute attention, as you are describing, is the true way to appreciate the game. If you watch the same team over and over, maybe you'll understand the plays they're running, or the executes that they make. This is the case if you want to understand a specific player's game as well.
Basically i act like a damn scout looking for players to enter my team & improve their strengths & mitigate their weaknesses or taking advantage of it if theyre playing against us!!!
& probably thats the reason why i havent watched anime for awhile already!!!
FIBA & the users here took my free time!!!
BTW, You watching FIBA???
Anyways, so you dunno who Starbury & Crawford were huh!!!
Your team is not worth mentioning or talked about in the mid 2000's...
No seriously!!!
They just sucked!!!
Here are some insights i gave about them this past playoffs!!!
Sorry if its too short & not what you expected of me for your liking!!!
For some reason,
I dont want Randle's game!!!
Has bad decision making skills in offense,
Especially when double teamed,
Likes wearing his choker when come playoff time,
I just dont want him as your star player!!!
& i cant explain why!!!
& for me,
Josh Hart is your 2nd best player!!!
Barrett is a good slasher but a very meh shooter!!!
Honestly just looking at your team,
Too many iso heavy players & 2 out of 3 of them on your starters are not good offball players being Barrett & Randle!!!
JB in the other hand...
He has a good post up game for his size!!!
Can create his shot!!!
Can playmake!!!
Is a decent defender!!!
& good at taking charges!!!
Mitchell Robinson reminds me alot of Sakuragi from Slamdunk!!!
Too strong & athletic for his size & his position & very good at rebounding!!!
Quickley is basically Maxey in my opinion!!!
& you are right!!!
You can praise the players more for the game if you observed them more often than a casual!!!
To make sense of my 2nd point on why i rarely get impressed by highlights despite being an NBA fan,
As an NBA fan for like 20 years,
Yeah i do get impressed on new highlights here & there but if you are like me who is following this for 20 YEARS & therefore has seen most of what the NBA can offer for my eyes to see,
I cant help but rarely get impressed!!!
& because of that need of seeking the thrill & excitement that ive been wanting to see eversince being a fan or when i was younger,
I still watch, & watch, & watch!!!
Despite knowing how mundane, predictable, repetitive a single game could get!!!
& in terms of watching a player's strengths & therefore their highlights & how good they are on a certain skill they excel at,
I rarely get impressed & instead i dont focus on that!!!
I focus on 2 different things!!!:
-Whats the weaknesses of their game in their specific position???
Cant they go left???
Not a good passer???
Bad defender???
No post up game???
Not a shooter???
Too slow for his position???
2nd being & kind of related to the 1st one:
Besides that one single skill they excel at,
What are the other things they can do to help their team win???
Besides being a good passer,
What can they do besides that???
I always assume as a fan that there will be a day that a player cannot be good at something they excel at!!!
So if that day somehow comes,
I want to see a player that doesnt focus on one single skill!!!
& good at something else with or without the ball!!!
& it doesnt help that i grew up being a defensive minded player,
So i mostly focus more on defensive approaches in highlights & analyze what can they do to stop that play???
Defense is barely talk about in todays NBA that is just sad & annoying to look at!!!
The point is,
I wanted to find that sense of excitement & thrill that i find in games especially now since i barely feel it compared to when im younger since ive seen almost everything & instead of getting impressed of how good a player is,
I instead look at them in an analytical/critical lens!!!
Its too hard to love something for long without seeing the flaws!!!
So instead you find ways to improve it despite being impossible to achieve perfection!!!
Just a random thought that come to mind...really...
Well thanks for the reply I like talking to people for no reason. Its kinda funny to say its in-depth because I felt like what I wrote was pretty meaningless but oh well.
I think its kinda funny because I consume much more j-pop than like actual anime, and I dont really do it for any cultural reasons. Its more like I just like how it sounds and I have this weird habit of inserting my own meaningless words into the lyrics, which is easier with a language I dont understand. Either way I dont really pretend to be learning anything about Japanese culture or any culture for that matter, closest I got to that was learning some of the Japanese hiragana and katakana because I love symbols/letters. I guess I have "no longer human" as a Japanese book, but I havent really read it because I dont enjoy reading that much. Tried reading it on a 10 hour bus trip but got carsick after 20 pages.
I would agree with the idea that people probably cling to the cultures of other nations due to them feeling like they cannot connect to their own country. I think this has a lot to do with nationalism and national identity even. A lot of people want to have the feeling of belonging and a national identity is the easiest to achieve that, now this is increasingly harder with a nation which you have ideological disagreements with. This is probably a big reason people feel this need to connect to some culture because ideologically they mostöy agree with the notion of nationalism and national identity but feel dissatisfied by their nation not reflecting their ideals. With nationalism here I dont really mean like the extreme type that you would only see from conservatives, because being a nationalist is very ideologically compatible, not because it may make logical sense, but because national populism is easy to adopt into a framework. This to me is what leads people to choose a country like Japan, which they have consumed media from, as their "new national identity" by pretending they have some connection to their culture and that they can integrate. Of course, the most important thing about this is that they do not actually learn about the policies or cultural standards of Japan, because the handy thing with this is that they can just overlay whatever their ideology is on Japan and now it is this utopia they want to be part of.
With NEETs and incels I feel like there are different reasons as to why these two are prominent in "weeb circles". For NEETs it is just probably either just an interest they are likely to develop due to anime being rather easy to consume with like piracy and whatnot and of course they would be prominent due to having more time on their hand. I think people would say NEETs would be attracted to anime because they are losers or smth, which yeah some are, but being a NEET doesnt make one a loser, it can happen to anyone. Now with incels they just love anime because they are fucking losers lol. I think with incels it is just that anime does pander to a lot to demographics that incels would be most likely apart of. Sexualization and degradation of women as sex objects is common in anime and incels would eat that shit up, so of course they see Japan as this awesome sexist place that they want to join because they hate women. I mean they arent totally wrong Japan does have its issues with sexism obviously. But yeah I feel like the reason anime attracts such people is often the case that they are openly pandering to them. This is pretty sad and especially turns me off from an anime if it has "fanservice" because I know they favor such weirdos only for the money they provide.
Personally, with national identity in the context of Germany, I think I have always lacked that feeling of identity that many seem to feel. Ideas like "dying for my country" or "being proud of where you have been born" did not make sense to me. I think it has more to do with my personal issues of what identity is and how to be a person, as I still have problems with concepts like authenticity. But either way it is fair to say these things arent that popular in Germany, at least not in obvious ways, there still is a large neo-nazi underground here. So I guess in a lot of ways I cant relate to people fixated on other cultures because I have never felt any interest in the culture of Germany in the first place. Weirdly enough I care more about what people think instead of what nations think. I usually take the philosophical view on things because I lack many other ways to engage with the world.
With things like the history of Germany, I dont really take a historian's perspective because I frankly suck at history beyond understanding politics. But when it comes to the nazis or monarchists of old I like taking the philosophical perspective. I think I can never understand what makes someone feel like they want to have these identities, but I can for sure understand philosophical argumentation and its in a way kinda introspective looking at all these people and where they have errors in their logic and how they make the most obvious mistakes. I dont think of these people who did horrible things as people who did bad things for Germany, I feel like they did bad things due to flawed reasoning abilities. And idk I think thats one of the best ways to look at it, because you actually learn from it. I think with historians it is often said they give us the facts on what happened and then we learn from them, which isnt really true. Historians give us the facts but the judgements we make have to be made with well informed thoughts based in an understanding of the fellow human. I think thats what leads people to often have an interest in history without actually learning from it. I respect of course anyone historian, it would be kinda shitty to say this to someone who studied this stuff rn. But its interesting how people are sometimes deep in the "realism" and then missing out on what could be actually learned from this.
To not go too far into a tangent but when I think about all this I realize how much stranger identity is. I mean I have my philosophical understanding of it of course, but it is weird to think people sometimes see these things that I will be unable to see forever. In a way I am of course thankful because I think the inability to feel things like "true national pride" have led me to be a better person than I could have turned out as. But I realize that I miss out on a lot. But oh well thats how it be. Yknow I love meaningless words thats what I be doing.
Either way with the USA that reminds me of the time I had a fascination with America, but it wasnt really cultural or national. It was more about looking like I had some quirky interest of mine to seem more like a person to others and especially to see more studious as I excelled in English at school. I think it was mostly insincere, but that is most of my life. But maybe I am the real American weeb who loves cultural artifacts of the USA like Doritos, Mountain Dew, and of course Fox News. All the cultural touchstones. Maybe foreigners dont hpyerfixate on things like the American civil war because Americans already do that lol.
That's great advice. I always usually give things or people a chance even when others don't. I find myself more patient and tolerant of others and things? I don't really know xD. Anyway thanks again!
Hiya Dulonkk! Thank you so much for your warm welcome and an extra big THANK YOU for your awesome list of well-organized anime suggestions. I've added them to my list. I hope you have an amazing day and if you ever want to chat or need anything from me hit me up!
Oh I see now, forgot to add that I haven't finished the Clannad visual novel, so hope I'll understand how and what it means then~I really want to finish it but just don't have the time to do it.
I kind of guessed who that robot represents right because it's kind of obvious as the story progresses.
I like the picture with Nagisa and Nayuki!^^
I'm actually kind of surprised that I didn't enjoy Clannad as much as others, for some reason the second half of s2 didn't hit me that hard as I originally expected, maybe my expectation of it is too high and I kind of don't understand the ending, my favorite part of Clannad is probably Fuko's route, both the anime and the visual novel for this part are so amazing.
All Comments (19) Comments
Thanks for representing hip hop fans in a great way.
Lots of isolations & iso heavy players like Ingram, Edwards, JB, etc.
Set a damn play you idiots!!!
No good post defender especially against a physical big man...
Kessler, Jaren, Bobby & Banchero are not good post defenders AT ALL!!!
No wonder why they post up the guards every chance they get!!!
Montenegro shouldve been a sign already...
Im actually referring to my 1st comment on that thread i gave you!!!
MAL with their BS(short for bullshit/Ben whatever you gonna call it, theyre the same) coding once again!!!
Instead of referring to the post number of the thread,
They instead refer on the ID number of the user & forum post of the thread!!!
Who the fuck change that???
Basically i act like a damn scout looking for players to enter my team & improve their strengths & mitigate their weaknesses or taking advantage of it if theyre playing against us!!!
& probably thats the reason why i havent watched anime for awhile already!!!
FIBA & the users here took my free time!!!
BTW, You watching FIBA???
Anyways, so you dunno who Starbury & Crawford were huh!!!
Your team is not worth mentioning or talked about in the mid 2000's...
No seriously!!!
They just sucked!!!
Here are some insights i gave about them this past playoffs!!!
Sorry if its too short & not what you expected of me for your liking!!!
For some reason,
I dont want Randle's game!!!
Has bad decision making skills in offense,
Especially when double teamed,
Likes wearing his choker when come playoff time,
I just dont want him as your star player!!!
& i cant explain why!!!
& for me,
Josh Hart is your 2nd best player!!!
Barrett is a good slasher but a very meh shooter!!!
Honestly just looking at your team,
Too many iso heavy players & 2 out of 3 of them on your starters are not good offball players being Barrett & Randle!!!
JB in the other hand...
He has a good post up game for his size!!!
Can create his shot!!!
Can playmake!!!
Is a decent defender!!!
& good at taking charges!!!
Mitchell Robinson reminds me alot of Sakuragi from Slamdunk!!!
Too strong & athletic for his size & his position & very good at rebounding!!!
Quickley is basically Maxey in my opinion!!!
& you are right!!!
You can praise the players more for the game if you observed them more often than a casual!!!
For reference:
To make sense of my 2nd point on why i rarely get impressed by highlights despite being an NBA fan,
As an NBA fan for like 20 years,
Yeah i do get impressed on new highlights here & there but if you are like me who is following this for 20 YEARS & therefore has seen most of what the NBA can offer for my eyes to see,
I cant help but rarely get impressed!!!
& because of that need of seeking the thrill & excitement that ive been wanting to see eversince being a fan or when i was younger,
I still watch, & watch, & watch!!!
Despite knowing how mundane, predictable, repetitive a single game could get!!!
& in terms of watching a player's strengths & therefore their highlights & how good they are on a certain skill they excel at,
I rarely get impressed & instead i dont focus on that!!!
I focus on 2 different things!!!:
-Whats the weaknesses of their game in their specific position???
Cant they go left???
Not a good passer???
Bad defender???
No post up game???
Not a shooter???
Too slow for his position???
2nd being & kind of related to the 1st one:
Besides that one single skill they excel at,
What are the other things they can do to help their team win???
Besides being a good passer,
What can they do besides that???
I always assume as a fan that there will be a day that a player cannot be good at something they excel at!!!
So if that day somehow comes,
I want to see a player that doesnt focus on one single skill!!!
& good at something else with or without the ball!!!
& it doesnt help that i grew up being a defensive minded player,
So i mostly focus more on defensive approaches in highlights & analyze what can they do to stop that play???
Defense is barely talk about in todays NBA that is just sad & annoying to look at!!!
The point is,
I wanted to find that sense of excitement & thrill that i find in games especially now since i barely feel it compared to when im younger since ive seen almost everything & instead of getting impressed of how good a player is,
I instead look at them in an analytical/critical lens!!!
Its too hard to love something for long without seeing the flaws!!!
So instead you find ways to improve it despite being impossible to achieve perfection!!!
Just a random thought that come to mind...really...
I think its kinda funny because I consume much more j-pop than like actual anime, and I dont really do it for any cultural reasons. Its more like I just like how it sounds and I have this weird habit of inserting my own meaningless words into the lyrics, which is easier with a language I dont understand. Either way I dont really pretend to be learning anything about Japanese culture or any culture for that matter, closest I got to that was learning some of the Japanese hiragana and katakana because I love symbols/letters. I guess I have "no longer human" as a Japanese book, but I havent really read it because I dont enjoy reading that much. Tried reading it on a 10 hour bus trip but got carsick after 20 pages.
I would agree with the idea that people probably cling to the cultures of other nations due to them feeling like they cannot connect to their own country. I think this has a lot to do with nationalism and national identity even. A lot of people want to have the feeling of belonging and a national identity is the easiest to achieve that, now this is increasingly harder with a nation which you have ideological disagreements with. This is probably a big reason people feel this need to connect to some culture because ideologically they mostöy agree with the notion of nationalism and national identity but feel dissatisfied by their nation not reflecting their ideals. With nationalism here I dont really mean like the extreme type that you would only see from conservatives, because being a nationalist is very ideologically compatible, not because it may make logical sense, but because national populism is easy to adopt into a framework. This to me is what leads people to choose a country like Japan, which they have consumed media from, as their "new national identity" by pretending they have some connection to their culture and that they can integrate. Of course, the most important thing about this is that they do not actually learn about the policies or cultural standards of Japan, because the handy thing with this is that they can just overlay whatever their ideology is on Japan and now it is this utopia they want to be part of.
With NEETs and incels I feel like there are different reasons as to why these two are prominent in "weeb circles". For NEETs it is just probably either just an interest they are likely to develop due to anime being rather easy to consume with like piracy and whatnot and of course they would be prominent due to having more time on their hand. I think people would say NEETs would be attracted to anime because they are losers or smth, which yeah some are, but being a NEET doesnt make one a loser, it can happen to anyone. Now with incels they just love anime because they are fucking losers lol. I think with incels it is just that anime does pander to a lot to demographics that incels would be most likely apart of. Sexualization and degradation of women as sex objects is common in anime and incels would eat that shit up, so of course they see Japan as this awesome sexist place that they want to join because they hate women. I mean they arent totally wrong Japan does have its issues with sexism obviously. But yeah I feel like the reason anime attracts such people is often the case that they are openly pandering to them. This is pretty sad and especially turns me off from an anime if it has "fanservice" because I know they favor such weirdos only for the money they provide.
Personally, with national identity in the context of Germany, I think I have always lacked that feeling of identity that many seem to feel. Ideas like "dying for my country" or "being proud of where you have been born" did not make sense to me. I think it has more to do with my personal issues of what identity is and how to be a person, as I still have problems with concepts like authenticity. But either way it is fair to say these things arent that popular in Germany, at least not in obvious ways, there still is a large neo-nazi underground here. So I guess in a lot of ways I cant relate to people fixated on other cultures because I have never felt any interest in the culture of Germany in the first place. Weirdly enough I care more about what people think instead of what nations think. I usually take the philosophical view on things because I lack many other ways to engage with the world.
With things like the history of Germany, I dont really take a historian's perspective because I frankly suck at history beyond understanding politics. But when it comes to the nazis or monarchists of old I like taking the philosophical perspective. I think I can never understand what makes someone feel like they want to have these identities, but I can for sure understand philosophical argumentation and its in a way kinda introspective looking at all these people and where they have errors in their logic and how they make the most obvious mistakes. I dont think of these people who did horrible things as people who did bad things for Germany, I feel like they did bad things due to flawed reasoning abilities. And idk I think thats one of the best ways to look at it, because you actually learn from it. I think with historians it is often said they give us the facts on what happened and then we learn from them, which isnt really true. Historians give us the facts but the judgements we make have to be made with well informed thoughts based in an understanding of the fellow human. I think thats what leads people to often have an interest in history without actually learning from it. I respect of course anyone historian, it would be kinda shitty to say this to someone who studied this stuff rn. But its interesting how people are sometimes deep in the "realism" and then missing out on what could be actually learned from this.
To not go too far into a tangent but when I think about all this I realize how much stranger identity is. I mean I have my philosophical understanding of it of course, but it is weird to think people sometimes see these things that I will be unable to see forever. In a way I am of course thankful because I think the inability to feel things like "true national pride" have led me to be a better person than I could have turned out as. But I realize that I miss out on a lot. But oh well thats how it be. Yknow I love meaningless words thats what I be doing.
Either way with the USA that reminds me of the time I had a fascination with America, but it wasnt really cultural or national. It was more about looking like I had some quirky interest of mine to seem more like a person to others and especially to see more studious as I excelled in English at school. I think it was mostly insincere, but that is most of my life. But maybe I am the real American weeb who loves cultural artifacts of the USA like Doritos, Mountain Dew, and of course Fox News. All the cultural touchstones. Maybe foreigners dont hpyerfixate on things like the American civil war because Americans already do that lol.
I kind of guessed who that robot represents right because it's kind of obvious as the story progresses.
I'm actually kind of surprised that I didn't enjoy Clannad as much as others, for some reason the second half of s2 didn't hit me that hard as I originally expected, maybe my expectation of it is too high and I kind of don't understand the ending, my favorite part of Clannad is probably Fuko's route, both the anime and the visual novel for this part are so amazing.