Curry, Denzel

Alternate names: Aquarius'Killa, Zeltron
Birthday: Feb 16, 1995
Website: https://www.ultimateden...
Member Favorites: 130
Denzel Rae Don Curry was born on February 16, 1995, in Carol City, Florida. He is of Bahamian descent through both his mother and father. Curry started down an artist's path with early poetry ambitions in Elementary School before he began rapping in the sixth grade. His time was spent at a local Boys & Girls Club where he challenged others to rap battles. He attended Miami's Design And Architecture High School for his first two years of high school. After being expelled, Curry then attended Miami Carol City Senior High School, where he started working on Nostalgic 64 while still attending class. In a 2018 interview with The Breakfast Club, Curry disclosed that he was molested by an unnamed older male during his childhood.

(Source: Wikipedia)

He performed the songs "Crash the Sever" and "Lonestar Jazz" for the character Ezekiel in Carole & Tuesday.

Twitter: @denzelcurry
Facebook: @
YouTube: Denzel Curry

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