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Aug 4, 2016
Fate/Zero (Anime) add
Quick review.
Fate Zero is a fantastic original story that really pulls you into the depth of what one would sacrifice to be a Master for the sake of the Holy Grail War and the cost to one's soul and far one would go...and ultimately ask the question, was it really worth it?
I always admired the art for the Fate/Stay series but the story felt so convoluted that I couldn't stay interested. It may be because of the fact it's based on a PC game with multiple arcs and possibilities, but the OVAs and preceding shows feels to me that it doesn't want to commit ...
Aug 4, 2016
Mixed Feelings
Just a quick review, in short I thought this show was simply fine.
It's another revenge/harem anime with no shame in showing topless women and occasionally throwing in breasts as it's theme. Though fan service does turn me away from many shows because it's an excuse to derail a story and often used as a device to draw male viewers, here I could still find enjoyment in the show regardless.
I don't like harem anime but this one doesn't throw the entire harem at the main character all the time so it didn't always detract from the mood, however Yaya's constant clinginess gets really irritating ...
Feb 18, 2015
While on my review of the first season, I couldn't help but compare it to K-ON!, this season pretty much made me feel much better about this show. The length was perfect, they take the time to flesh out the characters, and the story was wonderful.

Story: It starts a little strange and picks off right where the first season ended. Best part about this season? Very little flashbacks and when they do, it's done exactly how it's supposed to: you already knew what happened and only the small bits are there to add emotional effect. Again, no fillers which is great ...
Feb 18, 2015
If I hadn't seen K-ON! first, I would've likely rated this higher. However, as the first season progressed, while I had not initially thought of K-ON!, the parallels became progressively narrow.

Now, if you haven't seen K-ON!, you're in for a treat as this series is fun to watch. Never mind that it has to do with idols (which isn't my cup of tea), the series overall has one main character but never derails from it's central goal: the group of 9 girls has their heart set on competing (and winning) the Love Live event to boost the popularity of the school so it ...
Jan 29, 2015
It took me 9 months to finish this series because it was very hard for me to stay on this. So why am I giving this an 8?

Story: It's a simple-yet-not-so-simple coming-of-age story of three friends and a connection with music, which is a big underlying theme. If you're a music lover (especially jazz), you'll very much enjoy this series as some conflicts are resolved with music rather than words. While the story isn't groundbreaking and has a conflict (and in some cases, predictable), it became much more enjoyable as the series continued. So if you're stuck in the first few ...
Jan 18, 2015
Mixed Feelings
*very minor spoilers abound*

Oh Sword Art Online II...the franchise started with so much promise and then it felt like the some executives wanted to milk the crap out of it. If you've played the PSP and Vita games on top of watching SAO II, certainly feels like it too.

The season is split into three distinct arcs. The first arc Phantom Bullet was the longest and by far the worst for several reasons. It wasn't even good for TV show standards and I'll get into that later. The second arc Excalibur was certainly refreshing after 14 grueling episodes but lacked substance. Thankfully, ...
Jan 18, 2015
*Spoiler-free review*
I'm not sure why it was panned by a lot of reviewers, but I actually enjoyed Akame Ga Kill. It's certainly not perfect but it did some things that were executed fairly well in my opinion.

I can see why people had a problem with how a lot of humor was written in the episodes as it can mess with the pace. I saw the random bits of comedy as just that, comic relief. I did find some of it distracting or just simply drawing out the episodes, and at some point, the series started to really feel like it was just ...
Jun 29, 2014
Kill la Kill (Anime) add
Kill La Kill took me by surprise. I never thought I'd actually enjoy it as much as I did, much less actually finish the series.
To start off, I don't care for fan service, I can't appreciate non-nonsensical shows that are wacky but have no plot or depth, and fast-paced shows and style only gets you so far before it gets old. KLK ended up defying most of my pre-judgements.
I watched the first 6 episodes and I abandoned the series, writing it off as idiotic and fan service-y, almost like it's trying to compete with Highschool of the Dead with FLCL and Gurren Lagaan ...
Mar 18, 2011
Macross F (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
I like campiness sometimes. Macross and Robotech were campy but enjoyable. Sure I never liked most of the main cast but there were elements that made me enjoy the series, both when I was a kid and later when I grew older.

Problem is, I haven't seen a Macross that's captured the same spirit as the originals except from possibly Macross Plus. I never could understand this, it's not a difficult formula but it's never executed the same.

Let's start with the premise: it's a love triangle story (coincidentally, the 1st opening theme is called "Triangular") where you the three main characters ...
Dec 25, 2010
Mixed Feelings
I have a real problem with this series and it has nothing to do with Mahjong, Yakuza, nor the art. It's the Dragonball Z syndrome I dealt with during the last half of the series.

Let's start back from the top. Akagi was great fun for someone like me that either just learning Mahjong to someone that's a seasoned player. It's got its feet on the ground better than Saki does while still putting the game on a grandiose scale.

Now, I can't go far into this review without mentioning how horribly outdated the art is. What makes it better (or worse) is ...

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