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May 21, 2018
Overall - 5:
Inferno cop is unique but it's nothing special.
Story - 5:
A parody of typical action anime, and it does this alright.
Art - 2:
It's bad (and I know this is kinda the point, but that doesn't make it good)
Sound - 6:
The OST is actually pretty good, but the voices were bad in the same way the art is intentionally bad.
Character - 5:
Some of the characters are kinda funny or cool, most are kinda bland
Enjoyment - 6:
It gave me a couple of laughs, but I didn't love it. As I said before I don't really think it's anything too special.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 15, 2018
Overall - 8:
Aggretsuko is a cute, short anime that only took me a day to watch (and I watched it all in 1 day since I was so enthralled with the characters). There are many things to like about this anime, especially if you are a fan of adult comedies (but adult in the sense of character age and problems, not so much the content of the show).
Story - 7:
There are a couple arcs in this show, and all of them are pretty good, but suffer from similar problems. That being that they cover a lot of the same things again and again. The show
makes it so this isn't uninteresting, but it doesn't make for a super engaging story.
Art - 8:
The cutesy character designs and simplistic backgrounds fit the show, and are done very well.
Sound - 6:
Couldn't find the OST online, but the show itself has some great voice acting (I watched dub) and the death metal segments (although somewhat repetitive) were well done.
Characters - 10:
Every single character in this anime is amazing in its own right. Some of the characters aren't made to be loved, but the purpose they designed for works for them so well. This is probably due to the amazing writing that makes every character feel fully fleshed out.
Enjoyment - 8:
This anime doesn't have the thrilling engaging overarching story that some anime do, but for what it does it does that well. I really did enjoy watching this anime and would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of strong character writing and slice of life style comedy. I really did laugh out loud at times, and that's something not many anime have done.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 12, 2018
Overall - 7:
This show is a well animated, enjoyable mess of a show. The plot is all over the place and nothing makes sense, but if you look past that you might enjoy the show.
Story - 3:
I'm not going to try to dress this up, the plot is bad. In addition to either being far too complicated to reasonably explained or much too magical to try to put rules to the show focuses too much of its effort on delivering plot twists. I love plot twists, but in order for them to be meaningful the story has to make a reasonable amount of sense and
follow through on what those plot twists mean to the story. This show fails in both those aspects.
The plot functions well when it's not trying too hard to deal with the bigger picture and just focuses on the fight at hand, and it does this well in the beginning. Unfortunately this didn't last.
Art - 7:
The worlds the characters go to, the fights they have, and the character designs themselves are all top. The day to day stuff not nearly as much, but it's still functionable.
Sound - 8:
The OST really has some good tracks in it, and the ending theme of the show is one of my favorite anime songs of all time now.
Character - 8:
The characters are great, and the more screen time they get the more you understand about them and feel for them as well. This means that some of the side characters just aren't as appealing, and characters who don't get much screen time in the beginning can seem bland until they get their development.
The characters also suffer from some of the bad elements of the plot, making their relationships to each other get confusing.
Enjoyment - 8:
This show was very fun, and I really enjoyed it (when it wasn't too caught up with the plot). There were times where I was hyped up for the fight, amazed by the worlds, and choked up by some of the sadder moments. I was annoyed by the frequency with which the characters called out to each other (seriously, not only did this happen like every episode but they just keep calling out again and again).
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 10, 2018
Also worth noting: this review is of both series because I dislike when anime feel the need to make a seperate series rather than just making a second season of the same anime. I feel like the distinction is somewhat arbitrary as someone who is watching it after all of it has come out.
Let me begin with a quote from the show about the movie Haruhi was making that seemed too purposely place for it to not be talking about the show. I changed some of the words to better apply to the show rather than the movie, but the premise is
the same. "It's clear that [the writers don't] care about certain details like plot or foreshadowing I doubt that [they] have even come up with a proper ending [to the show] yet. who knows the [anime] might end unfinished."
Overall - 1:
This anime is a pathetic mess of a show, and here's why: you take a terrible cast of unlikeable character and make them do one of two things: nothing or save the world in some poorly explained and executed sequence of events.
Plot - 1:
A story is allowed to be simple and it can still be great. A story can have a twist that changes what you thought the series would be like and it can still be great. A story can have elements that are unexplained or seemingly unpredictable and can still be engaging. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu had all these things and each one of them made the show that much worse.
The anime starts off as a slice of life club anime, but it introduces some fantasy elements a bit into the story. By the time they do I've already started to dislike the anime quite a bit, but it was early enough that I was hopeful they would improve the story. I was wrong, so very wrong.
The times they do have a more down to earth scene or episode it is just unbearably boring. They seriously had a scene that lasted for about a minute of Yuki sitting in the clubroom reading. That was it, nothing important at all happened. Even when more out there things are happening it remains boring or frustrating.
Another big negative is the fact that the world literally revolves around Haruhi Suzumiya (which I'll get to later). But this means that really anything can happen and the explanation is "our god Haruhi Suzumiya willed it"
Crazy eights was bad, but honestly I felt like it was only marginally worse than the rest of the show. Don't get me wrong it was completely stupid and had no reason to take as long as it did, but the base episode wasn't the worst one the could have kept repeating.
Art - 4:
There were moments where I felt like the animation was pretty good. The scene that stands out in my mind is when Yuki was defending Kyon from the other alien. Otherwise it's kinda generic and not that good. I also took a point off because sometimes I couldn't tell if Kyon was talking, thinking or narrating. I'm not entirely sure where to put that since it could fall into story, art, or sound, but I put it here since that just means the shots weren't framed well.
Sound - 5:
Nothing all that bad, I disliked Kyon's voice but I chose to watch the dub so it's whatever. I will take the time to make a note here though: Mediocre art and sound alone aren't enough to bring up the overall score of an anime.
Character - 1:
Mikuru Asahina is the most whiny pathetic character I've seen in a while. Her whole character is being sexually abused for a joke and then crying about it. The literal only redeeming thing about her is her cooler future self who we only see very briefly, and who's character amounts to next to nothing. And the whole classified information thing wasn't all that funny the first time, and it didn't get better the more times she said it.
Itsuki Koizumi is not too unpleasant, but he is guilty of being a yes man to Haruhi, honestly of all the characters he's probably the best.
Kyon is the most monotone, boring and generic protagonist who has no motivation whatsoever to be a part of the SOS Brigade. He likes Mikuru because she's cute, and I think that's about it in terms of reason for him to go to the club. He does what Haruhi says, but at least he is quite annoyed by her.
Yuki Nagato somehow manages to be even more monotone and boring than Kyon and really does next to nothing 95% of the time. She is essentially not a character since she doesn't really want anything, and her only goal is to observe (which she probably could have done without being in the story).
Haruhi Suzumiya is the worst character in this anime by far, which only makes the anime that much worse since it focuses on her the most, and how the story is essentially 'she is god, what she wills to happen happens'. Haruhi is a child, she does what she wants and gets upset when she doesn't get her way. This is just hard to watch, and it doesn't make for a funny scene. In addition to being completely immature she is also completely manipulative. Yuki she treats like an object quite a bit (and I know she kinda is, but Haruhi doesn't know that). Mikuru she abuses basically every episode, and has forced her into doing all sorts of things she doesn't want to do. She used Mikuru's body as a way to blackmail the computer club into giving them their best computer, without any care for Mikuru or the members of the computer club. And on top of all of that she's perfect in just about everything she does. She's good enough to make amazing grades with next to no effort, play any sport better than professionals in that field, and she can play a song on an instrument we've never seen her play before just by looking at the sheet music and practicing an hour beforehand.
Another overall problem with the characters is that they never undergo any significant change, they're still the same boring or horrible characters that they were in the beginning of the story.
Enjoyment - 1:
I hated this anime. There were only moments that I got a kick out of, but when those are surrounded by frustrating or boring scenes the rest of the time, it doesn't make for an enjoyable experience. I think I enjoyed the show most when it was talking meta about the show itself. I got a kick out of the time Kyon referred to the club saying "With a level of disinterest bordering on apathy" since that's exactly how I felt throughout the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 8, 2018
Overall - 6:
This show was a passable for a chill slice of life with some fantasy elements, and at times it could be kinda funny, but it didn't really go beyond that. There were some issues with the way the set up played out.
Story - 5:
The story was alright. But one of the issues with it is that the main character is a teacher, and all of the students develop feelings for him in one way or another. He does right by trying to avoid their advances (to a certain extent), but they play up them making a move on him and then someone seeing
or finding out about it leading to a misunderstanding. This is overdone.
Some of the episodes try to have a bit of a more serious tone as the characters deal with some problems they face, but, at least for me, the problems they encountered didn't seem all that bad, especially for how much they played it up.
The setup of the main character being intrigued by the demi-humans is good because it allows him to fill the shoes of the viewer who is also unfamiliar with demi-humans and would want to ask questions as well.
They also sometimes set up some new characters or raise some questions that don't get addressed very well, this happened not once but twice, and it definitely feels unsatisfying when it happens.
Art - 5:
Typical anime art, nothing particularly good or bad about it (except for this really jaring 3d water from one of the later episodes that just felt so out of place, but it only lasted for like 30 seconds max, so I'm not going to take off points for that.)
Sound - 3:
Boring soundtrack.
Character - 6:
I thought the most of the characters were kinda boring, nothing too bad about them, I just wasn't too interested.
Takahashi is a decent protagonist with only being guilty of lacking any sort of flaws and therefore personal growth throughout the series. He's the protagonist, but the show really isn't about him. I like his inquisitive nature and tendency to get lost in thought.
Satou is by far the best character in this series. She has struggles, goals, and growth through the series. My biggest issue is that she didn't get the screen time she deserved. She had like 1.5 episodes about her, which was just enough to set up her powers, struggles, and goals. Unfortunately nothing much came of her in the end, which was quite disappointing.
Enjoyment - 7:
Despite its flaws I did like watching it, I just feel like anything this show did has been done better in some aspect.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 5, 2018
Overall - 4:
I felt like this anime was very inconsistent. The tones shift so drastically from scene to scene or even clash within the same scene. Overall to me this anime was a bad experience with some amazing parts. There were some seriously good things about this anime, but I felt like it had more holding it back than pushing it forward.
Story - 3:
The story was all over the place, pretty poorly explained (until the end where they literally just directly said everything). The way they handled this was terrible. A bunch of fake leads going to dead ends only to have the entire thing
be explained in the end. It felt unsatisfying to say the least, and even though some of the plot was foreseeable, that didn't make it good by any means. The plot did set up for some powerful scenes and commentary on humanity, but it could have tried to be a lot more coherent.
Art - 4:
I personally think a unique art style is inherently better, and in some scenes the art style works, but in others I feel like it detracts from the rest of the show. There were times during fight scenes that I really had no idea what was going on because the way they framed the action was so poor and had so many cuts it was hard to keep up with.
Sound - 6:
Most of the soundtrack isn't that good, but there were a couple good songs that the frequently used well.
Character - 6:
There were characters in this I truly loved and felt like they were written incredibly well, this was most of the characters if I'm being honest, but there were some major things holding back a better rating here.
The first is that the villains in this are evil for evil's sake, which isn't interesting at all. The story didn't handled itself well enough for this to be excused (in the sense that a well written story that used pure evil to say something may be excused for doing so).
Another thing holding back some of the characters from being better is the sudden drastic changes they go through. For example when Akira becomes devilman his appearance (in his human form) changes so drastically he is almost unrecognizable from his former self, and in addition to that he acts completely differently. This essentially kills the Akira we knew for the first 15 minutes of the show, and yet only a handful of characters are very skeptical about the amount of change he went through in one night (and the people who are the most skeptical aren't even the people who know him the best).
Many of the characters in this show act very realistically and the human struggles some of them go through are very compelling. Most of my favorite scenes are distant from all of the fantasy in the show and are just focused on the characters doing human things.
Ryou. Throughout the series I went from dispising his character to disliking it, and this was all based on how the show was portraying him and how the other characters were reacting to his actions. It was beyond frustrating to see him mass murder people in the first episode and have Akira be more or less ok with it. It completely undermined some of the show's later conflict. Overall his motivations were weak, and everyone else was stupid for not seeing how bat-shit crazy he was.
Enjoyment - 4:
I hate gore. There were scenes in this that were just brutal and the only thing that made them watchable was the artstyle, and even then it was hard to look at. There seemed to be at least one of these scenes in every episode, and this certainly made me like the anime a lot less. Aside from that I disliked the plot and was frustrated by some of the choices the characters and writers made. The thing this show had going for it was simple: Scenes so out there they couldn't be anything but funny, Some really compelling character moments (like the rap/poem scene), and some very odd moments of fanservice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 2, 2018
Overall - 5:
I enjoyed this anime to a certain extent. There were many times that the show felt repetitive or certain jokes just didn't work. Most of the time the show was a little charming and a bit interesting, but nothing spectacular. Because it was so short it didn't overstay its welcome.
Story - 5:
There were a couple times where this show made me laugh, but those mostly happened in the beginning of the series, I fell like the overall story either didn't allow for much development or they just didn't handle the development of it very well. Particularly the introduction of a love triangle just
made it feel like it was going to turn into a harem anime for no real reason.
Art - 5:
Standard anime art, nothing spectacular.
Sound - 4:
I couldn't find the OST, the songs I did find were pretty good, but from what I heard in the show the sound was pretty standard.
Character - 7:
I enjoyed the most of the characters in this series. No one of them is perfect, and there is one that could be removed from the show to improve it quite a bit. I didn't like Mio5 and felt like she removed much more from the series than she gave to it.
Enjoyment - 6:
I don't regret watching this show, there were moments that made me laugh, and for the small time investment I'd say it was worth it. That being said I can see how it's not for everyone and particularly if you get annoyed by overdone anime romance tropes you might want to stay away from this one, because although it seems to have a fairly unique setup for its romance at first it does fall into some overplayed tropes all too quickly.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 21, 2018
Overall - 5:
This anime has many flaws and one of the biggest ones is the way they split every episode into two parts. For the first couple of episodes I watched both parts and felt like I was wasting my time. There are only a few minor changes aside from the voice actors being swapped out, and it's just enough to feel like I probably missed a couple good jokes, but not enough to justify watching the whole thing.
Story - 5:
I'm also putting humor in this section since that's basically all this show is. There were times where this show legitimately had me laughing, but
most of the time stuff was happening and it wasn't particularly engaging. I particularly disliked bob epic team.
Art - 8:
They did a really good job at keeping the style of the comics, and there were times where the effects were also really well done, and then there was bob epic team. I didn't like those skits and the art in them was bad, yes it was intentional, but it was still bad.
Sound - 6:
The soundtrack is alright, some of the songs are good, most are just alright. There were times in the show where the sound effects were on point.
Character - 4:
The characters did what they did for the sake of doing it. I have no particular fondness for either one, but I do like their designs.
Enjoyment - 5:
There were times I was laughing, but most of the time I was just uninterested.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 20, 2018
Overall - 8:
Yuri on ice is a well paced drama and sports anime. It does a very good job at balancing the characters relations with the action of the skating, and neither one feels like it overpowers the other. Coming away from the series I know more about figure skating than I thought I ever would. The show does a good job (at least from what I can tell) of portraying figure skating as it is in the real world.
Story - 7:
The pacing and progression were certainly a strong suit of this anime. Another thing I liked was the uncertainty. You really never knew who
was going to get what placement, you could only guess and hope. This created genuinely tense situations where you felt just as relieved as the characters when a skater would land their jumps. I felt like the last quarter of the last episode had some pacing issues, but that's just about the only example in the series. The reason the section isn't higher is just because the plot is somewhat simple (which I guess it should be for a skating anime), and I just prefer something different.
Art - 6:
I imagine making good animation for something like figure skating is quite difficult, but there were certainly time where I felt like the rotoscoping felt choppy, at least enough for me to pause and go back frame by frame to see it for myself. This only happened a couple of times, but there are other annoying things with some of the ways they show the skating sometimes. One more than one occasion I felt like they cut away from the skating at an inopportune time.
Sound - 8:
This anime had some fantastic tracks in it. The main songs that the characters skate to are all really well done and are very fitting for the characters they are for. The opening and ending are good as well.
Character - 10:
I don't agree with the reasons and motivations some of the characters have, and this is in no way a bad thing. The characters in this anime are very diverse, very human, and all extremely well written. You end up learning so much about all of the skaters, and in the end really want to cheer for all of them the way the others in the show are. There is not a character in this anime that I disliked.
Enjoyment - 9:
I recently rewatched this expecting much less than what I got. I know I liked it the first time I watched it, but because I couldn't remember too many specifics I felt like it must've been because I didn't like it too much. This was absolutely wrong. I basically watched the entire series in a day because I was enjoying it so much. I don't think this show ever really relied on a cliffhanger at the end of an episode to have me wanting to watch the next (not that that's a bad thing), it's just impressive to be able to make a show that is that engrossing without using super high stakes situations or major plot twists.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 4, 2018
Overall - 7:
This anime is a humorous look into a world where lewdness is banned. The main character is bland, a lot of the humor is repetitive, and there are plenty of moments that had me wounding about the specific rules of the world. All that said I had an enjoyable time watching this anime, because some of what it does is quite charming.
Story - 7:
They tried to explain how the world they want to exist works, they just didn't do a good job. Frequently I would wonder why the PMs would catch one thing, but not another. The story itself is kinda simple, it
doesn't really need to be all that complex, but I just didn't really think it was all that good.
Art - 6:
There's nothing bad about the art. There is nothing too good about it either.
Sound - 6:
There are a couple good tracks in the OST, and the OP/ED are good, but for the most part the sound is meh. There were a couple of times the delivery of some of the lines fell flat, but it didn't happen too often.
Character - 8:
Most of the characters are good. Ayame is charming and sticks to what she believes in. Anna is ... Anna created some very interesting scenes, and greatly improved the show overall by constantly being a factor to consider. For the most part the cast is enjoyable, there were a couple characters I didn't much care for, but even they were still well written and had something to contribute to the show as a whole. The one character I like the least is probably Tanukichi. His reasons for doing what he does are alright, but the way he handles himself throughout the show is generic and unappealing. He objects to every dirty joke despite being constantly exposed to them and aware that they won't go away.
Enjoyment - 8:
There were times this anime really had me laughing. Occasionally I would be confused about how stuff worked. Overall it was just enjoyable to see what the characters would do, or what their plan for a particular situation would be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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