Mar 13, 2016
Tokyo Mew Mew
I loved this anime. It's really beautiful. The emotions, the story line, the character development, it's just all amazingly done. I find it common for anime and manga to feel rushed sometimes, but they really took time in developing the story at a realistic pace. I loved every character, even the bad guys. It's incredible how they manipulate you to feel a certain way about each character and how that changes through out the story. It was sad, funny, heart braking and inspiring. Loved every second of it. I wish I could forget it all just to watch it again for the first time.
Mar 13, 2016
Tokyo Mew Mew à La Mode
Was it written in a day? I think it was definitely written in a day.. All of the characters were awful, all of the original characters were ignored a lot and lost all personality. It didn't really make sense.. Kind of disappointed, but I already read the reviews so, also expected. The original Tokyo Mew Mew is amazing, they seem to have made a really poor, two volume version for some reason. It's as if the producers were bugging them to make a second series so they purposely made it bad so they would get left alone. I didn't enjoy any of it to be