Aug 23, 2013
I just love hentais that have an animation budget of MORE than 10 bucks.
When Roger Ebert saw Avatar, the visuals reminded him of when he first watched Star Wars. Indeed, when I watched Koikishi Purely kiss, I was reminded of when I saw Kanojo X Kanojo X Kanojo.
The animation is paramount to any normal non-H anime you've ever seen. Any hunter of hentai knows how hard it is to find a Hentai that doesn't (A. Steal scenes from other hentai, B. Re-use footage over and over again, C. Suck) This is indeed one of the best animated hentais I have ever seen.
We got the blue
haired main character and her love interest, Central Intelligence Agency, but we'll just call her Cia, or Alcia. This hentai and it's characters remind me a bit of SAO except it has more plot and likable characters than SAO could ever hope for. Indeed this couple is likable as much as a hentai can provide, even though that schtick in the middle where she thought he was cheating produced more laughs than sorrow.
For some strange reason, these people are supposed to be knights despite the fact that they appear to be living in modern day Japan, which leads me to think they are all on some wacky drug causing them to hallucinate.
Sad to see that the next episode will come in Spring 2014. But quality over Quantity, this is a fine hentai indeed. I watch alot of hentai, but this one was so good that I felt I had to write a worthless review about it, even though I usually don't
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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