Aug 31, 2024
Violence Jack: Harem Bomber-hen
Being the first Violence Jack ova in the Violence Jack trilogy, this is a very bad start, and it all has to do with the plot. To give a brief overview, Violence Jack is set in a post-apocalyptic world where law and order have been replaced with roaming gangs of criminals and crazies running amuck. Where acts of violence ranging from sexual to gorey are commonplace. The main character Jack, or Violence Jack, is this larger-than-life mystical figure. The main villain is a group of bikers led by a big buff dude called Harlem Bomber who's an underboss to the real big bad of the
Mar 26, 2023
This anime is what makes ecchi the best anime genre, 100% pure uncensored degeneracy. The amount of panty shots, titties and weird foot stuff makes this anime a masterpiece. Not a minute goes by without some goofy ass up skirt shots or unnecessary levels of hornyness. The bare bones plot/story of a man turing into a dog and trying to turn back to human à la The Shaggy Dog is just a framework to go from one horny scene to the next, with each episode being a short vignette of sexual tomfoolery.
The three main girls Inukai, Nekotani and Usagi are all streotypes of streotypes ... |