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Jul 3, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Somewhat of a mediocre OVA... which is strange because the first season's OVA was fantastic.

This OVA does not continue the story of the second season but is rather a one-shot side story. It does not really advance the relationship of the characters and does not reveal any important information, it's a bit more like the first season in that regard , given that it's mostly light hearted and flows pretty smoothly.

However, the big flaw is that almost the entire run-time is dedicated to Hachiman and Iroha rather than Hachiman / Yuigahama / Yukinoshita. This is a massive downside to the OVA since Isshiki Iroha, ...
Jun 13, 2017
Blame! Movie (Anime) add
I read a couple of chapters of the manga before I fortuitously discovered that a movie had been released very recently on the manga "Blame!".

I watched it and came to realize they're not really the same story , regardless, although the movie does not really capture the essence of the manga which is INCREDIBLY fast paced compared to the movie adaptation, it's still very good.

The *Characters* are not very well developed but from what little glimpses we get, they are very interesting and could easily have filled several movies worth of content (Especially Killy and Cibo, which I later discovered , there is a good ...
Jan 1, 2017
Preliminary (1/12 eps)

I understand that the point is for hardcore players of Elsword to enjoy the show, I am not a hardcore player but I played a lot of Grand Chase and then a bit of Elsword when it came out ... I was vaguely familiar with the characters and world, not enough that I'd say I'm knowledgeable but I could follow the basics pretty well.

That being said;
This is completely unwatchable.

The voice acting is terrible, the pacing is UNBELIEVABLY BAD and there is no characterization or depth. I could not watch past a single episode.

The only thing this could have offered was good fight choreography which ...
Dec 31, 2016
This is the shortest review I will ever write;
It's Madoka Magica coupled with Akame Ga Kill.

I love Madoka Magica and modestly enjoyed Akame Ga Kill so the show was entertaining for me. It loses a lot of steam towards the end but luckily the show is only 12 episodes long so it does not become a major issue.

It is a show with a great deal of brutality and pathos... again, if you've seen Akame Ga Kill and Madoka Magica, it's that but cranked up to 11.

Highly recommended for fans of deconstruction anime, especially mahou shoujo deconstruction.
Highly recommended for fans of Madoka Magica.
Modestly recommended for fans ...
Dec 5, 2016
Mixed Feelings
I could write a long review but I will make this brief;
I loved the series and was competlely satisfied with the show on its own, because of this I avoided Rebellion for over a year and a half despite having it on my computer.

Having watched the film, I can say this;
I am glad it was a continuation of the story.

But it is clear to me that the creators had absolutely no idea what to do aside from a couple of (admittedly) very good plot points. A large part of the film's run-time is complete filler that could be excised without affecting the core plot of ...
Mar 28, 2016
This is a very difficult anime to review; I went in knowing nothing other than there was potential incest vibes a-la No Game No Life, what I didn't know was that it was an ecchi drama with borderline hentai scenes.

That being said; It effectively has no story.
It is a sequence of alternative scenarios where the protagonist Haruka socializes and eventually ..... I hesitate to say 'seduces', more like, enamorates a different girl in each sequence. It is all done very tastefully and respectfully, though there is a LOT of fanservice, it never feels gratuitous or sleazy.

For those that insist on calling it porn;
This is ...
Mar 22, 2016
I will keep this as brief as I can;
This show is a comedy show , intended to parody a lot of the tropes in "Video game/Fantasy "Another world" anime" ... unfortunately it is declawed, the jokes are very bland and the characterization is very obvious. Parody as a genre is quite lowbrow compared to its higher brow cousin 'satire'... because of this, the story and characterization suffer.

Megumin, Aqua, Darkness/Lalatina and Kazuma are all one-note characters with no depth or interesting aspects to them, they are vehicles for the atrocious comedy... now it does have some great scenes but they are incredibly rare.

All of that said;
The ...
Feb 26, 2016
Mixed Feelings
There are only two things to talk about;
1- The games; Without wishing to spoil anything (As if the title doesn't give it away) the show is entirely about playing competitive games, in which the protagonist (Shiro and Sora , two siblings) are pitted against nearly impossible odds, gambling away very valuable objects but somehow come out ahead.

The tactics that they use to overcome seemingly insurmountable problems are extremely interesting to watch in execution but even more interesting after it becomes explained. It is one of those things that keeps the viewer on their toes (if he should so want) or can be enjoyed as ...
Feb 19, 2016
There are people that review sleazy anime with standards that would be more fitting for top shelf anime. These people do not understand the concept of reviews because an anime , as well as any product, should be reviewed with standards appropriate to its medium and genre. With that opening out of the way, let's talk about saikin, imouto (etc etc.) "Recently my sister has been acting unusual";

ART (And animation):
It has some of the most boring, pedestrian, mediocre art and animation I've ever seen, on the plus side I didn't see any blatant animation shortcuts but it makes sense that they didn't take any ...
Feb 4, 2016
Basilisk takes a page from Berserk and makes the first episode an intolerable piece of garbage. To say that this anime has one of the worst introductions I've ever seen would be a colossal understatement.

The first episode is exposition from beginning to end, showing us scenes and characters with absolutely no context to back-up the action in front of us. It is the kind of episode that only makes sense after you've watched the entire series.... and while I am not opposed to heavy exposition in the first episode(s) of a series, Basilisk takes it up to 11 with absolutely incomprehensible jibberish.... so disregard the ...

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