Short Review for Code Geass
Introduction: 7.5/10, was pretty good.
Main Dynamic: 9/10, the dynamic between Suzaku and Lelouch was great.
Side Dynamics: 8/10, were also very good—especially KallenXSuzaku and LelouchXC2.
Relationships: 9/10, were great.
Plot: 7/10, was good.
Complexity: 9.4/10, was extremely great.
Depth: 9.2/10, was also great.
Protagonist: 10/10, Lelouch is a masterpiece of a character.
Nov 1, 2024
With its constant nudity and body jokes, Ranma 1/2 is not for everyone. That's why I'm not giving it "Recommended" even though at least to me, it's great! I loved Ranma 1/2. I loved its jokes, its characters, its worldbuilding, nearly everything. now let's talk about its strong suits. It's art is a good 9/10. It's plot 8/10. It's Worldbuilding 7.8/10. It's romance 8.9/10. Its fights 9.4/10. And finally its drama/stakes 9.2/10. If we average these categories, it comes out to 8.71/10 per category. Now its weak points, I hated the p-chan chapters, many arcs felt or are straight-up unnecessary, like the arc where
Aug 11, 2024
Maison Ikkoku
Maison Ikkoku, a journey worthy of being called a masterpiece.
I picked this up a few months ago. I'll be honest. At first, it was a drag to go through. But then it started to get better. After episode 20 or so I was hooked. Then it started to slowly forced it's place into my heart. I loved the dynamics, characters, monolouqes EVERYTHING. Especially Godai's character development. What I loved about Maison Ikkoku, was that it was very realistic. Unlike most romances nowadays, it was grounded in reality. Most likely because it was created in the 80s. But even compared to other Rumiko ... |