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Jul 21, 2023
I understand most of the reviews who sees Kimetus no Yaiba as underwhelming, or disapointing especially this season, but I don't really feel like that, I guess perheaps it is because I wasn't part of the hype when it first came out. I know it sounds very anoying-I-m-better-than-you-otaku, but for starters, I didn't actually watch the 1st season, well, not entirely. I know I rated it, but I actually read the manga and only came back to watch my favorite parts, but the real reason I'm saying that is that while reading, outside of the "this is spectacular inovative content" mindset, I never once got
the idea that Kimetsu was anything other than a nice story, with funny yet touching characters. My take on the general experience is that it is a pretty good series, it just feels like everybody( or rather, a lot of those anoying anime obsessed 12 year old otakus) were talking about the series being breathtaking and such a new concept, and how inovative everything was, but for me, what actually made me enjoy the series was that Gotouge and ufotable took many fine aspects of anime people liked and made it better. not outstanding, but certainly better.
- The mix between 3d and 2d animation isn't new, but you hardly see it done well (even here we have some weird looking stuff sometimes)
- important girl characters (tho misturi kinda boggles my mind) isn't a new idea, eighter, but here it actually feels like they tried and achieved it to most of them.
- memorable and dinamic cast is attempted in almost every anime ever, but hey I can remember pretty much most of their names and why do I care for them or why I want them to choke.
Now, after I finished praising all of that, I think some things should be said about the whole thing, especially regarding characters:
sometimes it feels like the idea was lost in the process, or like, someone in the writing room said "actually, we need something else here". Idk it's hard to explain for me.
MITSURI - she feels like she doesn't belong here. I know it's her whole character "I don't fit with the others", but I mean it in the sense that she doesn't fit the story, or the hashiras. Her motivation is silly, not funny, just, like, stupid. I find it dumb and weird that everyone gets a crazy sad backstory, tons of motiavion and pain, and the whole anime is about growing up with physical, emotional and spiritual pain, and she is just there. The juxtaposition with tokito and genya just makes it even worse, what even is she? It feels like some editor asked "okay, but could you add a cute girl character for fanservice?" and gotouge just made whatever the hell this is and yet she is given a lot of screentime, like I'm supposed to care, or almost like there was somethinf else planned for her, but it got discarted and everything else about her was kept unchanged. I know you're not supposed to compare peoples pain and trauma but, girl... Tokito watched his twin brother die bleed to death and then watched larvas eat him and you say you are sad becaus ONE guy said no to you ONCE?! BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO STRONG FOR A GIRL?!! come on!
I don't want people to think I hate her because she is a girl, I'm a girl, but her problems are so dumb. I liked Kanao, I wished we got to see more of her and her achievements, Usui's wives! they were all pretty intersting and seem to have interesting stories and missions! Tamayo was also a really good character! I know she doesn't do much when it comes to fighting, therefore can't be in a lot of scenes, obviously, but I loved her character, she feels perfect for the role and the story! Nezuko is by far one of my favorite characters, really she only loses for Inosuke (it's inosuke! you know you love him) Nezuko is always intersting and mostly in screen! She's great, but Misturi? no, definately not.
FUNKY DIALOGUE - sometimes, things that characters say out loud feel dumb, I though it might be translation, but after rereding the manga I just think It's an adaptation issue, at least for me. sometimes you may read the lines of a character (usually an oni) in their last moments, reminising about their life and their issues and while you read, you really feel the angst of it, sometimes it makes you empathise with them, but my God... I feels weird to hear gyutaru talk about him being hungry, dirty and ugly. I get it, but, idk. when you read and feel the voice of your mind saying it, it's one thing, but having a guy force his throat and say it out loud to you... for like, 5 minutes non stop... uuuuh no. And gyutaru's monologue is only one exemple, there are many.
Sometimes it's just silly, like, "that's not an answer, that someone gives to this statement"
BE SAD. PLEASE CRY - there is a lot of dramatic moments. not many sentimental or thouching moments, but many, many many dramatic ones. sometimes it feels like everybody is in a life and death situation all times. something similar happens a lot in banana fish too. the show wants to keep you emotionaly engaged, but instead, it makes it so everyone (tho, mostly Tanjiro) almost dies constantly.
so you have moments like: oh no, tanjiro was stuned and is blinded and lost his smell and hearing for a few turns, but then he imediantly gets it back. oh no he broke his leg, but keeps running, but oh no he has reached his limit (and someone needs him desperately), but aha! zenitsu told him to breathe, once, off screen for no reason, so now he can sprint forward, but oh no he fell of a clif, but he can still 'breathe', but oh no he is not making it in time. You get what I mean. I suppose these make for good clifhangers in the manga (and I really think they do, I only read the manga for the first season as it was airing, and they are good clifhangers, I enjoyed them at the time) but it's not the manga here. it's anime. it's quicker, more dinamic. that's why it's an adaptaion, you should adapt the story, not by rewriting it entirely, but by ajusting them timestamps.
NICE GWAPHICS - I love animation. in many contexts I'm style over substance, but this here, is a narative, so I do get that it looks good, but it's nothing super new and incredible. it's... you know... plausable, for a fine shonen. And I will defend it because it's very consistent and the worldbuilding is interesting. Onis are scary, but I would want to live in this wolrd, because it's beatiful and feels full and creative. sure there's a lot of "and that happens", but there is also a lot o pretty good writing. sometimes you don't need everything to be justified in the minimal details, it's fine to have some supernatural fantasy.
well... with all that being said. I must again admit: I really liked it.
It's my type, definately. I has it's mistakes, but It's not disapointing when you have fair expectations. and there are the expectations you should have:
-engaging fights
-beautiful animation
-a simple story
-funny characters
-funny faces
-some touching moments that might make you cry, but probably wont.
I guess if you are like me, and enjoy animation, bloody figths, dumb physical comedy and the supernatural in generel, It's very likely you will enjoy it, but If you really want something revolutionary, or just outside of the usual, then, really this isn't the best place to look for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 20, 2022
I believe the question this manhwa asks is: "what is the point where society needs to intervein diretly when it comes to someone's mental illness?" or "from what point is it your fault not to control your own impulses?"
In this review I'll just assume you have read at least up until chapter 5 or so...
He clearly isn't mentaly sane for multiple reasons, tho what I really like to analise is the fact that he is somewhat unaware. He comments about how peple regard him as strange and knows he is a perv who just likes to stalk others, yet doesn't feel like he is worth
being around any of them, he is aware everything he is doing is wrong, but all of the terrible things that happened to him were not a consequence of his wrong doings, but a factor to cause... he is aware that he is awkward, but doesn't seem to notice why, therefore he seems to work on a mindset of "I'm not really hurting anyone" or "whatever comes of it no one will care" and "It can't be helped", In fact, from my interpretation, he thinks so little of himself he doesn't think he could ever be a threat to anyone, only others are a threat to him. Yoonbun has never really seeked for help, not because he didn't think he needed, but because the feedback he recieved from everyone was that he is a creep that can't be helped, so he is under the impression he has to work on himself and I guess "try not to be an awkward creep", completely by himself, of course nobody at his level of damage can do that just by trying really hard, so he ends up on a cicle of trying to be a good citizen all of a sudden - having no idead how to do that - failing and being called a creppy stink - thinking he just can't be helped - wanting to be better and just repeating that over and over again.
Having him actually make it to millitary service is, for me, a very interesting point. How did he even got accepted? it's clear a work envoirement based in constant pressure is most likely to make everything even worse, I mean, It's clear he can barely function in a normal envoirement, right? I think that having a plot point where he is accepted is just another wording of the "all that it takes to get better is to get a job", "You just feel like that because no one ever demands anything from you" , "you're just lazy". All of this culminates in how society sees a person like him, a "stinky creepy perv", and how they think these are good advices and call outs, when they are just making it all worse, by looking at the person, not the problems and traumas that made him that person.
when he sees Sangwoo he doesn't feel inspired by him, but feels jelous. he would like to be just like Sangwoo and just have it all together + be nice. He knows he can't just have it all, the looks the athletic body, the smarts, etc. at least not so suddenly, so he starts to obsess over Sangwoo, but masks it behind "adoration","gratitude" and "love", with no other reasons to live, having no one to save him ever, he sticks to the one person who validated him as a human being. Thinking about Sangwoo as something like "what would someone who sees a valuable life in me be doing right now?"
Sangwoo: He is kind of taugh case, since we actually only see other real sides of him and get a deeper look at his character by the ending of the story. He seems to be suffering of psycopathy and is being tormented by not only the domestic abuse he adn his mother suffered when he was child, but also by the sexual abuse he suffered from his mother and the death of his parents: his father being murdered by his mother, who is then murdered by him, arguably, in self defense. He seems to have been born a normal child, so it's more of a question of nurture, not nature. Or it could also be that he was born a psycopath and just became more uncontrollable because of the things that happened to him. Which in most cases I'd argue that is not the case, since most stories like to foucus on the revenge, having a "you made me this way" mensage, specially when it comes to villains. However, in Sangwoo's case, I believe what the story is trying to say is similar, but diferent: It is very possible that Sangwoo was just born a psychopath and what made him become a crazy serial killer was neglect and trauma (most serial killers aren't just born murederes, you know?).
He and his mother were already being abused and neglected by his father, which leads him to percieve his mother as his only friend, when she also starts to abuse him(this time, sexually), he sees himself alone, I believe that was when he distaciated himself from everyone else and started to feel like his problem are way too much. Now he thinks he has uncovered the truth from his mother: "she is just a harlet bitch who deserves it", leading him to feel like his fathers actions are closer to being justified than his mothers (not excused, justified), Sangwoo, having a 'romantic' relationship with his mother, sees himself even closer to his father and starts to think quite highly of himself, not only over his detestable mother, but also more in controll over everything than his father. He, in his point of view, has achieve a higher ground, everyone is beneathe him.
When his mother kills his father, he interprets that he is next, and being above both of them, this is unacceptable, but because he still maintains a 'romantic' relationship with his mom, it's still odd to kill her, specially after she gaslights him into thinking he killed both of them.
Now, Sangwoo is higher than everyone, yet unable to trust anyone to anything. Never seeking any help to deal with any of this not only because it would ruin the "perfect man" facade, but because he truly thinks he is perfect. He has gone through all of that, but he has worked har, he fools everyone, he has achieved it all, and society rewards him for thinking that because of his ability to fake perfection and never doubting him. Even he looks down at Sangwoo for "not trying hard enough".
The only thing Sangwoo trully hates is women. He sees them as harlets, never letting anyone know about their true nature, and much like his mother, ready to stab him in the back. every women reminds him of his mother, who he hates, therefore, enjoys reenacting her murder. While every man reminds him of his father, who he also hates, but simpathizes wiht, because deceitful women harm them.
Sangwoo isn't gay. He is a Heterosexual who hates women. "Oh but he stays with Yoonbum. he must be at least bisexual, and-" no. he stays with Yoonbum, because Yoonbum is feminine enough to decieve the untrained eye, but once he is naked, he remings Sangwoo of his father and keeps him from losing his temper and murdering Yoonbum.
You See, both of them are fully formed adults. They have been going through a lot most of their childhoods and have showed simptoms of mentall illness for many years. They constanly frequent public spaces and are seen as somewhat unatural to other(specially Yoonbum). And yet, it's only after they've caused so many problems that they are seen adn even then, they are just taken away. Yoonbum is oficially diagnosed with anxiety, depression and borderlinde personality disorder, right after scaping a kidnapping, murder attempt, witnessing many other murderes then imediately toss in the streets. Again society expects him to simply get better and go back home.
I feel like after reading through it all, It begs the questions "whose fault is this? was it all Sangwoo's? Yoonbum's? Or has society failed them? Can you even blame Sangwoo for being a murderer, when he wasn't in total controll of his mental facultys? Can you even blame Yoonbum for being a creepy stalker and then for becoming a murderer himself when he too hasn't been in controll of his mental facultys eighter?"
From what I have read, I concluded that although both of the main leads actions were completely wrong and vile, I feel almost like I can't really blame them, at least not entirely. Inicially you may even think this is unjustifiable, but I truly think the intent of the story was to question damagded people's true responsability within their actions, however, by exagerating it to a point where it becomes extreme.
I think it is a very interesting idea to be discussed. I liked the whole tone and I don't even see this as a 'dark romance', more like psychological horror and thriller. I like the fact that they say it in the story Yoonbum and Sanwoo do not love eachother and I actually loved the endind. it fited the over all tone and I think it was exacly what it needed. It's a cautionary tale and a perfect one at that.
well... perfect... it would be, if they didn't sexualize all the rape scenes so much... but that is truly my only complaint.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 19, 2022
I'm going to start the review with what I would say If I was a 14 year old with no standars.
OMG the fights were amazing!!! I'm just like Kirito 2.0 or whatever the main guy's name is lmao! pink hair girl is soooooooo HOT!!! but big boob blonde girl has bigger TITS lol im such aperv haha The most EPIC anime of today!!! watch this if you love swords and hot chicks!!!!
if that is what you wanted to read then fine. just stop reading my review, because this has to be the most unispiring anime I have ever seen. Truly, I think there might be
hentai with better story and deeper characters.
The main character is so plain I honestly don't know what his motief is supposed to be. Is he a quirky perv? no he is too kind harted and virgin. Is he the pushover kind harted strong hero? no, he is too cool to care. Is he the sasuke, quiet to cool to care that ends up caring anyway? kinda, but also no, he is too nice to everyone even jocks and always tries his best. well, then is he the "looking for my identity" guy? maybe, but he seems very sure of himself and never seems to have taken any wrong paths, like, ever... what is he? an amalgamation of all cliches for this type of story, it seems.
The main girl, is just that as well, but like, with less personalities to pick from. she is, of course a tsundere who is super strong and angry, but secretly has a feminine side that only a few people are allowed to see as long as they get passed her bullshit. Unlike better established tsunderes she has no reason to be like this and judging by how quickly her personality changes from agry nag to lovely girlfriend and back and forth, I'm assuming they will not comment about this as some sort of insecurity or flaw she needs to overcome.the other girls are just as empty as her:
blonde big boob girl: is the sweet big sister who knows more than you think she does. (also she seems to be the only adult around, which is weird)
blue hair girl: she is a kuudere...I think. I mean I think she is supposed to be with her lack of expression, but also she is way to expressive to be a kuudere, it's a weird middle ground. Plus she is so far away from the protagonist and the pink hair girl power wise that she is pretty useless. Also her color pallet kills me - the blue hair + yellow hairpin + pink shirt + white blaser + pink eyes + details in black is just too much.
white hair girl: um...I guess she is supposed to be the lolli, but also like...ugh I don't know. the whole thing she has with the protagonist rubs me the wrong way. she escapes one man that is bossing her around and slapping her just to be bossed around by another man who doesn't slap her... that's fine I guess, but she talks abou how the protagonist reminds her of her father and then proceeds to talk about how she is kind of turned on by him? very freudian plotline, I'll just say that.
The plot is a mix of nonsense Sci-Fi and, and unispired Sci-fi. Nonsense is always present in Sci-fi, but you usually don't care because it looks cool, here it just looks like the author didn't care to even try and think of ways to make it look possible or cool, it's just generic and most weapons look like bootleg pastic toys. A bunch of misteries that either aren't misterious or are pretty dumb to even be a mistery. The whole thing about a terrorist at the school is stupid for a number of reasos:
julia (yes, I looked up her name) is being threatened by someone in school grounds fro being the best fighter and they all think the terrorist is being paid to do this by some other school.
1-ok but isn't she the best fighter by far, whoever they are paying is beneath her. what makes you think your terrorist will ever stand a chance against her.
2-She leaves the school in the next episode, why can't the best fighter from another school be the terrorist? they might tand a chance, it's not like the students are trapped in the school
3-the terrorist was some bully from the 1º episode, whatever I didn't even remember him, he was so unremarkable I was shocked they didn't even try to make a more intersting design for him in this adaptation, I mean you're adapting! shouldn't you fix mistakes.
4-the so called terroris is attempting to trap julia and Kirito(I'm not looking up his name again) and have them fight a bunch of robots he designed to be just like a game of chess, which is clever because... well... chess people are clever...? Anyway, I play chess, my dad plays chess. I don't know what he did or what his play was, but that was not like chess in any way, shape or form. also the robos were weak as fuck.
5-"omg a tiny cut on my leg! I -the best fighter in the whole school by far- am now defenseless... kirito help me!" children get worse wounds and keep playing, why is she, again, THE BEST FIGHTER, so defenseless with a tiny fucking cut on her leg????
this is just one exemple of them finding out about a mistery that is so stupid it should be obvious from the start.
I dropped the anime because I, like many others, discovered shivalry of a failed knight. now, shivalry isn't awesome, but it's definately better, like, pretty much the same format episode by episode, character by character, but better.
If you liked this watch Shivalry of a Failed Knight, and if you were disapointed by this (what were you expecting really?) watch Shivalry of a Failed Knight.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 19, 2022
my friends were insisting we go watch the new SAO movie that is coming out, so I told them I did not like SAO, but I could go with them anyway so they could get the 3 movie ticket discount. Of course, being long time fans of the show, they were shocked I said I was not and still dared to call myself an otaku...
So yeah, I rewatched the show.
The first time I watched SAO I thought it was a meh show for 14 year old boys, and that I didn't like because I was a girl. Now I see that's not the case, simply
because I like many anime that are made with boys in mind and that was never a problem for me. the real issue I believe is the whole point the show is trying to make.
Kirito, the main character, is generic enough you can see yourself in him and live vicariouly through him, but also cool and edgy enough for you to want to be him. exacly how a 14~16 year old sees himself. handsome, powerfull, strong, smart, thoughtfull,a cute type of otaku who gets all the girls while still being a quirky virgin, tho stil lacking all of the problems that come with being just some kid trapped in a video game where if you die in game you die for real. There are hints he might be going through something, hints he is pretty scarred fro life, hints he is not getting over this stuff so easely, but then... he does? seemingly with little to no effort or pain, and this is just 1/3 of the anime. let's go to the 2/3.
I mark the 2/3 as the part where he is already getting together with Asuna. Asuna is strong, cute, smart, almost as great as him with the sword and... well, she is the first girl who talks to him and also the first one who says no to him, so of couse she is the one. to be honest, I personaly never really liked Asuna, but I can totally see the appeal, I like the fact that she can be strong, smart and still be girly. what ruins it for me is that I know why she is like this. It's the fantasy of liking to save a princess, but you feel bad for having such a fantasy, so let's just make it so the princess is actually really strong, the smartest, strongest girl around, it just so happens you're a little better than her, so she still needs you + her cooking abilitys also reflect the fantasy of getting over the tsundere shit and being able to get the rewards of sticking with her long enough.
Now with that out of the way, I actually really like this part. they have a cute romance, and at least kirito has the balls to sleep with the girl instead of acting silly to the progress of their relationships and being shocked with her advances. I just wish they didn't escalate it all so fast, but they are teens so it makes sense.
The fight scenes with both of them are also pretty cute, the coreography is kind og generic sometimes, but still cute.
Overll good 2/3, tho I feel like the story pauses for a moment, it's a little awkward, but ok.
now let's get the last part, 3/3. I mark this starting from that other game they get in, I guess fans call it the fairy arc.
before rewatching it with my friends, I had the impression I had already watched 2 seasons of SAO, but no. this is all the first one.
well, let me start with what I liked:
okay next, what I dislike:
1 - I complained about Asuna being a more progressive version of a princess needing to be saved, but you know what? here she is just that. a princess in a cage needing to be saved. All of her attitude, her flavor, her everything completely gone. she is just there sulking for most of it, and to make it worse, I feel like it would make the story a thousand times better if we only got to se her by the end. the revelation that she is there, shoulf have remained a secret, like, kirito thinks she is somewhere in the game, but we never see a cage, or anything like it, maybe have him even especulate she can only be found by hacking, something more misterious idk...
2 - I know she is tecnically not his sister, but his cousing (who he sees as a sister) isn't any better! wtf??? I mean, I know he is not interested (and at least they make it clear that it's not just because he already has asuka, but also because she is his cousin/sister or whatever), but still, why is she so sexualized? I mean, we are supposed to be seeing the world through kirito's perspective, right? In his perspective she is not a dating option, so why is she half naked, has her boobs and butt everywhere, etc??? It makes sense asuka is portraid somewhat sexually(even tho she is a teen, but I'm not getting into this debate today), but his sister/cousing?
3 - kirito is supposed to be traumatizd by there types of games, I mean he has seen real death at the battlefield, but he seems to overcome it pretty quickly. I thought he had PTSD, that would be an interesting character growth moment "I'm very damaged and traumatized by this, but I need to find Asuna" something like this.
4 - I hate kirto's daugther. I think she was a good idea, but now it's just a bother.
5 - the fights in this arc are useless and boring, we should have just had the final one, and oh... the final one...
6- what was that fight???? I know I said I understood why Asuna was sexualized, but not like this. I mean seriously? Usually when people talk about romanticisation and glorification of rape and sexual abuse, I get skepticall since these terms are tossed around a lot, but this is exacly that, the whole scene is pointless. I know it's supposed to make kirito super mad and have us despise the villain even more, but you can hint and show sexual abuse and rape without shoving it in everyones face and rubbing it in the screen, in fact, hinting at it and not being so graphic is usually more effective than whatever this was.
I conclusion, There are many things I dislike about SAO, but I actually like the concept of the story and characters, I just think it was badly executed, I mean, the story was inicially written 10 years ago in a web novel site, and I feel like had I first met the story like that I would probably have liked it more... I don't absolutely hate it, I just think one could get it better somewhere else. Actually I know where...The Abridged series!
The abridged SAO is for free on youtube. It's a parody of the original anime, it uses the same Plot, same characters and animation, with a few changes made through editing and a new dialog! It's actually a better series in my opinion, in all aspects. If you felt somewhat disapointed in SAO just go to youtube and watch SAO Abridged...
(forgive me for the bad english, half of it was typed from a phone and english is not my 1º language)
so yeah...I finished the review without going on a tangent about how Sword Art Online - the fictional game - sucks :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 19, 2022
I'm kind of shocked to see so many fujioshis say it's romanticised rape, but to be honest, after reading it all, I don't see it. It's definately a toxic relacionship between Alex and DG, but not rape.
The story is about a guy named Nam Dong-Gyun(DG) who falls in love with Ahn Jiwon(Alex), A BJ(broadcast jocker - that's basically a streamer) who just so happens to go to the same college as him.
DG finds out who is behind the mask and they agree to have a one night stand so DG doesn't tell anyone Alex's secrete. Weird agreement, but it was alex's idea, and he sees
it as an opportunity to talk about their night (which he thinks will be a flop) in his stream. he was right, it was kinda bad (they barely did anything bc they were drunk), however Alex feels unable to get hard without DG and that's basically the motief they start their relationship.
most of the drama is quite forced and frustrating. the characters, for some reason seem unable to even talk properly and have a dialog without either getting a wrong idea out of it or simply argueing about it, with DG usually being the most affected for being overall a pushover and wanting to be Alex's bf. As I said there is a lot of toxicity in their relationship, sometimes quite romanticised, but not in a "love you to death" kind of way, or "I can't help but bully the ones I love" kind of way, but more like an exagerated tsundere way. Alex doesn't want to care about DG, but he can't help it(of course he doesn't realize it very soon), and having DG submit to anything he says, afraid Alex will just disapear, makes him feel like he can basically do anything to DG, since he will end up agreeing in the end.
After all of that, they break up, and that's kind of what ruins it for me (in a sense). they break up, but rekindle very soon after, and in the weirdest way possible. I mean it is a growth momnet for Alex, but my god, he makes it so weird. It's done on purpuse, like "he doesn't know how to express his feelings" but it only gives the impression that actually he has not grown at all.
but here is what saves it for me: the backstories.
this is the part where you stop reading if you have not read the manhwa...
clichê, but effective. I mean it's a clichê for a reason. it works perfectly!
DG is not only afraid Alex - his favorite streamer - will leave him, but afraid of the fact that Alex - the person who knows him best and that he has very strong feelings for - might hate him. DG keeps himself from ever truly knowing someone because he was isolated from his friends when they found out he was gay. So having someone else who he can be himself and still be loved romantically and sexually is very important for him. It makes sense that he is being such a pushover.
As for Alex, he was constantly compared to his perfect brother and never trusly seen by anyone, the only time someone went to stay with him and because of him was DG. He has had a boyfriend once, but it turns out even that guy only wanted to get closer to his brother, so having DG actually like him for him is something completely new to Alex. I'll be honest, I don't think he is justified, I mean, he is pretty awful for most of the storie, but he himself seems to realize it by the end, like, he actually sits and thinks for a moment and comes to the conclusion "I fucked up really bad" for himself and tries to get back with DG by being a better person. I still think they should have spent more time apart or have more dialog before getting back like that, but still I liked how his situation with not believing anyone could love him was handled fine.
After all of that the manhwa spends the rest of the chapters as a cute slice of life.
Ok, you can go back to reading it spoiler free from now on...
there's also a secondary plot with the main cast's friends MD(Alex's friend, also a streamer/BJ) x Chawoo(DG friend, some weird guy really into BDSM). in short: better than 50 shades of gray.
Their relationship starts as just play, but then it evolves to a romantic one. there is toxicity, but not in their relationship.
Chawoo really likes cute boys, but has a terrible taste in man somehow and always gets beaten up by his boyfriends. he has more attitude tha DG, but as I said, has terrible taste. MD realizes that and notices he himself has feelings for Chawoo and they end up dating, which gives us some special episodes with actually good BDSM representation (no, seriously. I'm not even into that, and even I know this is closer to reality than what we usually see in media.). There is more conflic and drama about it, but it's a soup opera level of drama, if you want to know what happens, read it.
In conclusion:
It was quite clichê and frustrating at times, but the art style is beautiful and the characters 3 dimensional. I don't think it is for everyone, but it is overall pretty great. if you're interested in something kind of problematic that turns romantic and good in the end, that's definately it + drama, a lot of drama.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 27, 2022
personaly I consider this to be something of a masterpiece, It's not like it's something incredibly diferent and a must-see anime, but it sure is a well played piece. Sure, it's kind of over-hyped, and people keep taling about how it is awesome and perfect, but that's for a good reason: they want people to see a good anime.
The premise is rather simple: A assassin, a spy and a paranormal child need to pretend to be a perfect family for personal benefit. the mother(assassin) needs to be seen as a good woman in that society, so she needs to get married, have children and seem
like a good loving woman so no one will ever suspect she is a hitman, the child(paranormal) obviously doesn't want to be in an orphanage and the father(spy) needs a perfect family and a perfect child to be an inside agent at a renomed school for a mission. It could be more rooted in the stealth of it all and have anya( the child ) be some sort of little master mind, but that's very clearly not the point. It's way more about the comedic of them pretending to be perfect and keeping these apearences to eachother until they start to actually care about this pretend family they are now a part of...And that's why it works so well.
The characters are funny and have understandable and somewhat relatable motivations, Anya is adorable and they do a great job and showing what a child who can read minds would be like. The mother is also a great character, I like the dinamic of a character that only knows one thing and one thing only (in this case: killing and cleaning blood ), but needs to pretend they are a normal person with normal interests and a normal life...
The visuals are pretty great, nothing super outstanding but the animation is very fluid, the character designs are well done and even the background character have interesting features. Something I noticed is that some of Yor's clothing seem a little outrageous fro the time period this seems set in, but I'm no fashion especialist and over all it doesn't really matter...
In conslusion, Very good anime! surely recomend if you like a more light hearthed family story!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 28, 2022
Are you a lonely teen who really wants a perfect boy to tell you that you're cute and kiss you during break? but you also want a multiverse, timeloop plot? but you ALSO want to date a cute and romantic interpretation of joker (like, the card joker)(and the other cards) ? Then this is pretty much what you want!
Do I have to explain this is an adaptation of a PSP visual novel? because it is - and because of that I just went in expecting a bad story and character development, but it's actually pretty good!
You see, It doesn't ask too much from you, it's
simple, but well made. It's about this girl called... oh wait, they actually don't tell us her name - she is pretty much just a vessel for you to live the story through her eyes - She wakes up one day and doesn't remember anything, not even her name. So let's call her MC...
MC is then greeted by a... um... a fairy boy, named Orion, who tells her that he sorta 'triped' in the timelines and messed up some by accident, so now she needs to find out the answers to the following questions:
who is she?
what was her life like?
who are her friends? enemies?
does she have a boyfriend? who is it? which one of the super hot cute boys around her is she dating?
-------------------------------- minor spoilers from now on --------------------------------
There are 4 boys who she is dating - whenever she dies, she goes to another timeline where she is dating one boy. So it basically goes like this: she is dating emo boy -> she has an accident -> she wakes up in another timeline where she is dating idol boy and emo boy is more in the background.
However it's not just the boys that change, but some events in each timeline are diferent form each other, one exemple is her death. Oh... yeah... she dies, a lot in many diferent ways, which is kinda weird (and predictable - it's like "I know it's 3 in the morning and my ankle hurts, but I will follow the misterious shadow in the woods!" and then she dies )but yeah, the storie is pretty much that. it's about those little cute couple scenes she has with each boy and you talk about which boy is your favorite with your friends, i guess.
Pretty great actually, the animation isn't super great, but it looks nice, and I like the wacky character designs.
To be honest, there isn't much to be said here... it sounds fine.
they're pretty simple, honestly. just pretty much stereotypes, nothing to write home about. - except thoma, he was... honestly more intersting, misterious and fucked up then THE misterious joker guy
Oh! the misterious joker guy!
-------------------------------- THE BIG SPOILERS --------------------------------
well... I wasn't disapointed because I was expecting shit, and this isn't shit, but it's not super good either...
the joker guy is in love with MC, however they can't exist together. Everytime they are in the same timeline, one of them has to die, it's usually her. both because she is the one jumping through time and because the joker guy has a split personality who is kinda like "love you to death" and "you're so cute I want to kill you", but also he wants to live, so sometimes he kills her.
I thought that over all, in a series that is suposed to be about drama, romance and wacky timeloop... the amount of death was kinda weird, none of it is grotesque or exagerated, just weird that it's there.
Some characters have good development and it seems to be because they are fan favorites, like thoma, Shin and Ukyo have interesting plots and moments, but Ikki and kent(I had to look up his name, because he was so boring I literally ignored his part )... there's so much left to be desired. And Orinon... he is cute, not very anoying, just odd and kind of uneeded but I am thankfull he disapears when he is not needed.
It may seem like a dumb task to review an anime that was only made to sell more copys of the game, but this can pretty much work as it's own thing. it's not outsanding, but it's worth it, if you like cheap romance and like to turn your brain off a little to enjoy eye-candy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 28, 2022
Ok so, um... how do I say this...?
I may be a fujoshi but I have standards.
I found this anime back when I was 13 to 14. I was on youtube, yes, YOUTUBE and of course I was curious, I clicked and I left without a word.
Recently I sudenlly remembered about it and went to check if it was still there. It was.
This is one of those things you have the feeling you have no idea who was this intended to, but at the same time you know exacly who it was intended to... the answer is: weird fujoshis.
The story:
Well, I think it's pretty
much like 365 Days meets 50 shades of gray, but gay and with worse visuals.
This guy, Ayase who is 18 is sold by his cousin (I guess it was cousin, I'm not going back to check) as a sex slave - pretty much - and then is "saved" (bougth) by a billionaire. Now, with that you may think "Oh! I see! he is actually a really nice guy who is saving him and is going to be like his sugar daddy and help him or something" and yes, he is, but no. Let me explain. Kanou - the rich guy - has already met Ayase in a very bad moment, I think and Ayase helped him and was genericly gentle with him and because of that, Kanou... bought him? um... anyway, He says Ayase is free to go after he pays the same amout of money Kanou payed for him, and since Ayase is pretty weak and useless and femenine looking, Kanou says he accepts sex (money too, but mostly sex) as payment. And the Anime is about them falling in love...?
- some moments were kinda...
---Actually, I read the manga and a whole lot of shit happens there, but here in the anime Ayase is um... touched by many people a lot and Kanou has to save him - There is this one time Ayase is like "I want to work so I dont have to be your personal whore" and Kanou sends him to be a Porn actor... so that was... something... - then he needs to saved again... you know the drill...
The Visuals:
The fact I put 1/10 sums it all - I wish i could put 0
Oh! and the opening... actually, no, let's not talk about it...
The characters:
He is gentle - actually he is more like, stupid and naive, but it's framed as gentle so... he has that going for. Oh! and he looks like a girl, in case you didn't notice - this is just so Kanou can say he is definatly not gay.
He is not gay not gay not gay not gay not gay - except he is... he has no interest in women and is 'in love' with a man. Homophobic Homophobe - is a trend old yaoi stories and has been mocked to death in newer ones, honestly kinda funny. i like how they don't overuse the joke. srs
Oh! yeah and he is fucked up - none of his actions make sense and he is a massive douchbag
I still don't know how someone can be hartless to the point of selling a family member as a sex slave to the mafia TWICE
Oh and there's an actuall drag guy (or girl - I don't know their identity, it's kinda confusing honestly and I'm not going back to check ) - I like them, their funny sometimes, but nothing to really write home about...
You are better of readind something just as fucked up and sexy in My Reading Manga - where things at least look good and have better developed ideas that make a good story with porn in the middle.
seriously, if you liked this you can find better elsewhere and it doesn't feel so weird, forced and ugly - I mean did you see the uke's hands? Eww!
Anyway, I know I gave it a 1/10 but this anime is most certainly a product of it's time, it made me realize how much progress we made in the industry of yaoi - If you like researching old yaoi and learning about yaoi history, you'll still find it dreadfull, but it will probably mean something for you - something from when the yaoi/BL industry didn't have much to offer expecially regarding anime, and many weird, problematic grimm things were quite popular among fujoshi.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 21, 2021
I knew what it was, and I actually started it thinking "this can't be so bad..." "the internet always exagerates...right?" no.
At first I had the impression they would go for the 'not-so-good-protagonist' and actually talk about the fact that he literally bought a person - she is this demi-human thing, but the anime reenforces the fact that she is a person - which makes it all even more messed up (seriously, if you want someone to give you emotional support and fight for you, maybe buy a magic wolf or something that, you know, is not a person.)
anyway, I was giving the benefit of the
doubt to it all... until that discussion they have with the king and the other warriors. That was just too much. it feels like my brain is slowly being washed by a cute anime girl that is now defend the fact that being a slave is nice, and this isn't messed up at all, "and you should have a slave too, bastard!"
and I didn't even mention the insensitive rape accusation...
Oh yeah, a girl accused the protagonist of rapping her in the first episode, especifically to get him to be hated by everyone. wow soo relatable, am I right guys? this is also used to get to to relate and sympathize with the protagonist, simply because by making him be hated by everyone for no plauzable reazon, you are now piting him and I makes anything that he does, doesn't matter how bad it is, is now justifiable. and no, he doesn't grow as person or sees the errors of his ways, because, you see, there were no erros... buying a slave (especifically the little girl, because, obviously, he knows how easy it will be to just manipulate her.)? nah, that's not so bad, he 'saved' her, or perhaps use his words very wisely to make her believe he is not using her, but acyually helping (that part when he goes: "I can't help you if you don't fight!" and "I won't force you to fight, but I can't help you if you don't" I feel more like he means "I don't really need you, unless you fight for me."), pssssh I'm sure he only meant to help. Except that he litterally admited he only did this because he needed someone to fight for him, he didn't really care about her, and she HUGS HIM!?WHAT!?
I really didn't like it, and I think it has many messed up themes and mensages, even putting these aside, I'ts just boring and overall generic and If you just want an Isekai, I think you can get something better elsewhere.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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