What starts off as an interesting but dark story devolves into a convoluted mess of contradictory preaching.
The author tries to make some sort of nuanced statement about the relationships between men and women and the natural power struggle they're locked in, but ends up implying some absolutely horrifying hot takes such as:
Women may say they hate rape, but in reality they love it!
Trying to abort another woman's baby isn't a bad thing, because a MAN made you do it.
Women have no agency
The only way to overcome rape is to find another man. Good dick cancels out bad dick; it's math!
Emotions dictate everything, and that's a
May 30, 2010
What do you get when you cross the X-men with anime? You get Darker than Black, an interesting little story about super powered humans and their never ending war against humans. Is it any good? Let's find out.
Story: Super powered humans known as 'contractors' are wreaking havoc and have been for quite some time in Tokyo. Each of these "contractors" have a unique super power that they use for their own personal gain. These contractors are presented in an interesting manner and the story behind them is the Anime's main story. Talking about it without spoiling anything is near impossible, but I will say ... |