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Dec 30, 2023
This wasn't really an improvement but probably more of the same except for the climax
So I got 4 episodes into this season and got so irritated by the side school characters that I just plainly skipped until there were just parts of Elias and Chise, because that's just how annoying those characters were to me.
How the entire chapter came off to me was just too filler like and uninteresting to the point where I really wish they'd drop the school slice of life stuff as it got to me that much, that the first season was that much of a masterpiece and then we got
such boring and annoying characters to have to sit through and their issues which made me care less.
If this anime drops the school stuff and the characters from it and return to the original cast which actually have synergy and cohesion together which makes for the entertaining first season we got then it will do well, chances are low of that from the blonde girl we saw acting behind the scenes. So hopefully the sooner we get back to content with just Elias, Chise, Ruth and Silky the better.
The show fell from grace from its second season and this season apart from the last 4 episodes also tanked.
Needs to lose the school and characters to return to being something remotely entertaining.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 29, 2023
What the Harem genre has needed for soo long
I was very sceptical at first with this anime but wow, it blew me out of the park with this. Coming from Bibury which is only known for quintuplets they released this near masterpiece of a harem.
Keep in mind I started this anime at the end of the season and it kept me hooked so well I finished it in a day, and that is something very rare for me to do and only happens when the anime is that good.
The anime gets right to the point in the first episode with how the MC Rentaro is
put into this situation and progresses the story very well with adding quick answers to implausible issues which come up for a harem anime, such as who gets the first kiss? and so on. The different characters all synergise comedically together with their different personalities very well, producing Konosuba levels of comedy, and honestly I'm even suprised I'm saying this but this anime has the potential to replace long reigning harem king Highschool DxD as the best harem anime.
This anime I regret not picking up at the start of the season but I definitely have no regret after watching it with its plot, which kept me constantly entertained, the variety in characters, personalities and traits they all possessed, the superb art style used which complimented the anime very well and the opening and ending music which was composed for it which made me not skip them with each episode.
If there's one thing I'd like would be to have an uncensored version, which is unlikely to keep the PG 13 rating (no idea how they managed to get that low of a rating)
So for anyone who was on the fence on this anime like I was, if you want a good comedy and want to watch every mans fantasy of watching a guy get absolutely pampered and loved by multiple women and also treating them in the best ways to reciprocate their love then by all means pick it up asap.
Until season 2 which has been confirmed rightly so
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 23, 2023
Very nice modern romance
I didn't have much expectations for this anime although it did perform slightly above my expectations, especially when the studio ENGI are kind of only known for their mediocre animes besides Uzaki which is their only anime which has performed well ish.
The anime highlights social issues in the dating scene where the MC Ryuuto falls in love with a gyaru Runa who sadly has had alot of previous relationships and experienced alot of things in those, including the deed only to be dumped after a month or two by them. Then she meets Ryuuto who is a sincere person who genuinely
has feelings for her, eventhough she knows nothing about him and vice versa. So in a way she gives the guy woman would normally not look at a chance, he then has to deal with her insecurities and issues along with plot issues which is her twin sister.
The scene which stood out to me the most was during the festival where Ryuuto is experiencing everything with Runa for a first time and she breaks down due to not being able to experience these things with Ryuuto for a first time, and acknowledges that it doesn't feel good to her.
Besides giving a normal guy a chance, this does highlight a realistic issue in the dating world in the west atleast, where women don't value experiencing their first times with their special someones as much, and then have to deal with not being able to bond as much as they could've with their partner.
With that being said, it's not like I have a gripe with just Runa, as with Ryuuto we have the kind of average guy who likes to watch live stream gamers with his friend group. Yes very odd to me atleast. And overall they're people that would just not be looked twice at in a romantic way. Ryuuto is a bit too feeble in my own opinion, as for a protagonist he to me comes off as a bit too weak and not too masculine, but I guess every man can be different. Though that does leave alot of room for growth, such as being more assertive, confident and overall masculine. We may see that in a season 2 if it gets green lit, maybe not as this anime only did as well as you'd expect.
One major dislike I had was a part in the anime where Ryuuto and Runa take a small break from eachother over a misunderstanding which occurred, He then gets sent a photo from social media of Runa with a guy, which ofcourse messes with the audiences feelings, as we still don't know too much about Runa and what we do know is that she's had alot of past relationships, so we immediately think she's cheating, ontop of being at the beach with this guy.
Then he goes to find out the truth for himself only to find out the guy is her uncle, eventhough the guy is so much darker than her and has dyed blonde hair. The guy honestly looks too unrelated to her and looks more like an NTR protagonist.
Apart from that and overall, the anime was a nice school life based anime between a gyaru who hasn't had a sincere relationship because of how gyarus are seen and an introvert who managed to build up the courage to ask that gyaru out.
I'd like a season 2 just because I hate an unfinished story as much as the next guy though I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't get one.
And for anyone contemplating watching it, I'd say it's good if you want a semi modern realistic romance but don't have major expectations for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 9, 2023
That was really poorly done for a finale - 4
As the title says, this could've been written alot better especially for how long we waited for this which was 6 YEARS.
To start off we had 2 filler episodes which you can skip because it has near no impact to the story later on.
Then there's the whole Gasou Arc which was very swiftly dealt with eventhough she was meant to be the big antagonist of this story separating Masamune from Aki. Like this was meant to be a big issue for Masamune to have to get around but instead she was easily dealt with and
her ulterior motives only come about after the arc which was again really disappointing as this could have been written to be so much more rewarding, but instead it's swept under the carpet.
Then we begin the main arc where Masamune gives Aki her present and in doing so his whole guide on how to get revenge falls out with it for her to read, showing his dumb motive which was cleared up as a mistake from Yoshino, which also tips the whole reason for the plot in its head making the whole point of Masamunes 8 years of getting fit pointless.
This is made aware to Aki and yet she still loves Masamune and also because she feels responsible for him somehow.
Now here's the very dumb part of the show which was the most poorly written.
Aki then dumps Masamune after a date where she introduces him to one of the old bullies which after she determines the relationship is up. This then makes him take a trip to his grandads where inbetween this it is now confirmed that Yoshino now has feelings for Masamune which those feelings only started near the end of the second season. Another really silly thing to bring up for theatrics.
So what does Aki do? she tells Yoshino to go and confess to Masamune, which he rejects and instead they change plan to then get Aki to get back with Masamune.
You couldn't make up how roundabout and silly this is as it proves to be a big waste of time. Where as if it was written better this could have been made more emotional and heartfelt, of a boy who mistakenly got dejected by an old friend and then growing to love her and then changing his whole outlook. But instead we got this dumpster fire with no after story so as to probably try and scrape a 3rd season which won't be meaningful and more of a cash grab if it gets the greenlight.
As we could've got atleast a bit of after story such as more growth as them as a couple, As we all know you don't just get into a relationship and that's the end of the story. We saw none of Masamune's family meet Aki and it just feels soo unfinished.
Now for the worst part. Here's one thing which really disappoints me, The hair cutting.
The reasoning is stupid behind this. Cutting your hair and trying to give it symbolism to getting over something in a slight rebellious way. So not only do you make Aki look less attractive but also make it pointless due to her getting back with Masamune anyway.
To any women reading this by chance, keep your hair long as short hair is just not a nice look in comparison.
So for anyone who watched the first season and now thinking of watching the second. If you're dead set on watching it, skip the first 2 episodes so you don't waste your time and then prepare for a disappointing story with very little plot.
And you may also be wondering why my recommendation says "Mixed feelings" as the only reason is because the first season was good. But as far as this goes I would have told them to redo the whole thing to be written better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 29, 2023
A great anime although it was slimmed down extremely from the manga.
I saw snippets of GTO from youtube and the comedy was great from what I saw so I thought I'd give it a binge and oh boy was it worth it. Even for an anime which came out pre 2000 while it didn't have any fancy and smooth looking art style like what we have today and disclaimer, I don't believe you need it to be UFO table level art style to be good, especially when the setting is school and comedy. All you need is a good plot, characters with enough depth and
alot of funny drawn faces for it to be at the level it needs to be.
The plot itself for the anime was about a delinquent man Onizuka who wanted to become the best teacher in all of Japan and his job is to win over the students who from their past experiences hate teachers. Each student has their own unique personalities along with flaws like every human being does and being the characters Onizuka is he then proceeds to try and win over these students.
from what I've read after finishing the anime is that this adaptation cuts out an extreme amount from the manga which is still continuing to this day along with the fact the author has taken breaks to focus on other works.
Nonetheless I really enjoyed this adaptation eventhough it cuts out alot of important parts of the manga which could've added more context and info to the anime. I still found it very fun to watch, with Onizukas personality being the perverted yet kind of man to not care and do things his way which gives alot of comedy.
Now I'm not a manga reader, simply because I've never enjoyed taking the time to read putting it simply and without the music and voice acting does turn me off a bit, I am contemplating reading the manga of this just from how much there is and the fact that it's still ongoing and maybe (fun fact) because the final episode aired 3 days before I was born. Quick maths at this time currently I am 24 years of age.
I was disappointed by how this didn't get a second season but judging from how Japan is with how they take education very seriously and other things, this after school show was probably very influential and they didn't want to chance anything coming of it. Which is sad but kids are easily indoctrinated so to chance a kid becoming a delinquent from viewing Onizuka would cause for concern.
Although I'm pretty sure if we tried, us the community could put together enough funds to have it remade in HD like how Urusei Yatsura is with it being green lit for a second season. Although that came out in 1981 so 18 years before GTO.
So for you anime only people I would recommend watching this as I still found it a great show and have become a bit attached to it over the 43 episodes and would definitely advise you to give it a watch. Although if you also read mangas or only read mangas I can't advise you but all I can say is, if a so called badly adapted anime can make me contemplate picking up the manga after all I've watched then it must be a great read.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 29, 2023
This should have been wrapped up this season.
As the title says I'm quite disappointed this wasn't wrapped up this season as the first half of this season dragged so much to a point there was just dry comedy and we now have watched enough of Kazuya just overall playing it so safe you'd have to consider him a simp. As harsh as I'm being with saying that he had everything set up infront of him and no reason to not be close at all to Mizuhara it felt more like a slap in the face how we all know he should have given up on
Ruka although she is a great girlfriend, just sad she went for Kazuya.
The new introduction of Mini was a breath of fresh air and has allowed the romance to progress at a better pace and the lack of Mami who ofcourse wel'll be seeing more in the next season because there's no other dilemmas to have in the next season.
Other than that, my main issue was how they wasted so much potential to create more of a bond between Kazuya and Chizuru when he had so many chances to properly console her when she had literally no one. Example of this was at the funeral, GUY JUST LOOKED BACK AND KEPT WALKING. ARE YOU STUPID?
My god this better be wrapped up next season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 26, 2023
Same cycle as professional teaser takagi.
Slice of life
No comedy
Little romance and only kids embarrassing themselves
Nice art style.
As the title says the show leaves alot to be desired and would lead me to class it as a mid season fodder of an anime.
The cycle which is used is girl who repeatedly forgets her glasses gains friendship through her male peer who is overall a nice boy and helps her cope when she isn't able to see.
She also seems to be near blind and short sighted so everything ends up with her having to smother her face so she can kind of see what she
tries to with it not actually helping. Bit unrealistic tho I'm not gonna make an issue out of it as it results in semi romantic tension between the two.
And that's literally all that's to the show.
The setting is 90% based in a Japanese school.
The music is meh.
Character design is what you'd expect from a slice of life.
Pretty much alot to be desired and wouldn't watch again as there's nothing which draws me to the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 25, 2023
I have absolutely no idea why this got renewed for a second season.
It's literally a slice of life isekai of a vending machine with a harem. That is literally all you need to know.
The setting is bland.
Only good music was the Op.
Vending machine can only say like 6 or 8 phrases and only communicates through that apart from inner monologue.
Character design I don't even want to talk about.
Animation was seasonal fodder level.
No comedy all just slice of life harem vending machine. No joke.
I'll give you one example of why this anime was a smouldering pile of garbage.
One arc of the anime is dedicated to providing condoms to animal people during mating season.
You pick this up at your own risk.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 20, 2023
A good romance with a decent amount of growth shown in the characters.
Happy marriage was a good watch and another good anime produced through netflix again.
The things I liked in the anime was:
The setting, with the show being set in old Japan (can't say which period) from looking at it, it looks early 1900s although there is also the use of magic. And as off putting as that can sound it isn't touched on too much apart from when it comes to families statuses and Kudou's work, but apart from that it takes up about 30% of the anime.
The characters are very well made
with plenty of depth to them with the focus being on Miyo and why she's extremely introverted and has no confidence at all but ultimately being a very loving person. And Kudou being quite stoic and more focused on being strong whilst making others strong.
The story otherwise starts off paced with a slow ish kind of feel which is fine as it gives you time to comprehend the characters you're introduced to and the setting with it picking up in the second half of the anime where it truly starts introducing the issues which the characters face for the dilemma of the story.
All in all it was a good romance with there being a greenlight for the second season to be made. For anyone who want's a good romance with plenty of character development this is a good one for you.
As it includes alot of traditional love and not what the fatherless women of today try and force down your throats on insta and so on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 20, 2023
One of the better releases this season which people put down.
I liked One room hero mainly for how good its comedy was and the chemistry between Max and the demonlord who reincarnates to find the hero being a miserable but funny mess and the potential for comedy was utilised decently between them and the other side characters.
The setting of the world was good although going from old europe to modern japan was a bit off but funny since they used the modern day to make more gags and not just slice of life stuff.
the characters are what you'd expect from a comedy so not too
much detail is needed as the primary focus was the comedy and then story which picks up in the second half of the anime.
The story also wraps up so the creators aren't trying to scum a season 2 with some kind of cliffhanger at the end, although it's not a big fullfilling conclusion and is more of one fitting of a comedy.
With all that in mind I'd say it's definitely an anime which will make you laugh just from how much Max is put through because of a demon that looks either like a child or an insta thott.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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