One of these days, people will realize how much of a shitty anime Girls Band Cry really is:
Well. Looks like you've found me! Let me introduce myself. My name is José Diogo Da Silva Gomes. I'm also known as Diogo-Gomes-1995 on PSN or diogogomes19951 on Steam. But you can call me simply Diogo if you want.
To put it bluntly, i'm just a random european portuguese guy who's into anime, tokusatsu, video games, music, you name it.
And since it's anime that we talk about here in MAL, i think i'll give my minor history with anime:
I began watching anime ever since i was around 4-6 years old. It was around that time where i began watching Doraemon on Canal Panda and sometimes Pokémon when i used to have a VHS tape of three episodes of it or when i'm watching it on SIC. Now where which one is the first anime i've watched is beyond me, though.
But anyway, through out the 2000s, although i was focused on watching cartoons and playing video games, i did got the time to watch some anime that used to air on television as well.
As a child, i kept watching Doraemon, while i did began watching Digimon, Captain Tsubasa, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Saint Tail, Naruto, Keroro Gunso, Ninja Hatori-kun, Kochikame, Ojamajo Doremi and Dragon Ball.
As a teenager, i did watch a couple of anime shows around my time like One Piece, Blue Dragon, Onegai My Melody and Death Note.
It was around 2011 where i barely even watch anime because i was so hyperfocused on video games and Cartoon Network at the time, i didn't get the time to watch more anime shows.
Around between 2013-2015, i only managed to watch three shows: Jewelpet Twinkle, Mazinger Z from 1972 and Getter Robo from 1974. I did watched a few episodes of some animes like Futari Wa Precure and Kirarin Revolution. But sadly, i kinda felt lazy and didn't bother finish the entire shows for no reason.
Then in my adulthood, i began watching Dragon Ball Super on SIC when it began receiving it's own european portuguese dub that i've been following the anime. And around that time, i also began watching the first 9 episodes of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) after finishing the Phantom Blood manga.
It's only around 2017 when i began focusing on anime ever since i got back into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) and began my journey through watching all JoJo stuff through out spring. Around that time, i also got a chance to watch more anime shows that i never managed to finish around that time. Like Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Show By Rock!!, My Hero Academia, Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation, Love Live! School Idol Project, Spice and Wolf and so much more.
Ever since then, not only i found my passion for japanese animation, again, but i also made a decision that Anime will be my biggest focus throughout the rest of my life. Mostly because there's really nothing else to see on portuguese television that interests me, anymore.
By 2021, i began following animes on a weekly basis, now that i have a better PC laptop that my boss from work offered me after my old Laptop broke. That's where i am today.
From 2023 on, starting with Hana no Ko Lunlun, i decided to watch anime in either brazilian or european portuguese subs/dubs because after watching so many anime and many of them having either mediocre or shit subs from Crunchyroll or Funimation, i decided to switch the language just so i don't get any issues with it. Plus, i'm more comfortable watching an anime translated in my own portuguese language than i am for english. There will still be exceptions where i have to watch some obscure anime in english subs if the portuguese subs aren't available anywhere, though.
So yeah, that's pretty much my history with anime.
And if you seen my list of animes that i've watched, you should probably know that i do enjoy watching a huge variety of genres. Magical Girl, Shonen, Slice Of Life, Idol, Fantasy, Supernatural, Mecha, etc.
So you could say i am open-minded to watching whatever anime i find. That's because i choose whatever anime i find it the most interesting to me and give it a shot to myself. I do eventually watch popular ones as well, but only if the hype dies down a bit and not jumping into the bandwagon like many people do so i can give it a shot and see if i like it or not.
Not that i review animes, but when i sometimes do, i would like to review a very obscure show that not many people talk about and that does need some recognition that it deserves (Keep in mind that most of animes that i review are also animes that aren't even subbed or dubbed at all).
And yes, i do give ratings for each show, movie, special, OVA and what have you. So here's how i rate theses shows:
(10) = It's a masterpiece. An work of art that deserves all the praise it gets.
(9) = An absolute blast to watch, from start to finish. It also deserves the praise it gets.
(8) = While not as perfected as the other shows/movies, there are more highs on it than lows. So no need to go too harsh on it.
(7) = It's probably good, or at the very least, decent, at best. Not exactly a masterpiece like i wanted it to be, but atleast i had my enjoyment out of it.
(6) = Ehhhh, i think it's alright, i guess. It has lots of things that gets me scratching my head a bit, but maybe the anime had its own moments where the show can be kinda fun to watch. So there's that.
(5) = It's not good, nor bad. It's either average at best, or it's just mediocre at worst. It can also be a mix bag with good points and bad points in between one another.
(4) = It's not good. Not exactly the worst thing in the world, but watching this lame anime makes me wish i was doing something more productive than wasting time on it.
(3) = It's lame. Sure it does have its good parts, here and there, but it's not enough to salvage the anime from being an disappointment. Best to avoid it, or drop it, if you rather do that.
(2) = It's fucking trash. Even with good parts, those good parts don't excuse the anime from being utter trash. or should i say, GARBAGE!
(1) = The word "Trash" isn't strong enough to describe this anime! It's an dumpster fire! Literally, it's an burning, flaming garbage! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM IT!!!
Thoses are how i'd rate it at least. Sometimes i might not give it a rating until i finished the show (Unless if the show is bad).
Also, i actually give my opinion comments on certain anime shows and movies that i watched that you can also see on the "More" button. Just in case people want to know what do i think of what anime i watched. Of course all of this is just my personal opinions. So take it with a huge grain of salt.
And one more thing to add is that all of my favourite animes are temporary. So there will be a subject for change once i watch more animes.
Also, i'm mostly a anime-watcher, myself. I do read manga sometimes, but only to take a small steps of reading some mangas that aren't too long or still ongoing. If i, for example, wanted to follow the story of One Piece, i'll just watch the anime. But if the manga isn't quite as long and only has like 100 chapters, then it should be enough to take make some small progression and read whenever i have the time for it. Not all the time, though, but maybe things will change once i get there.
And finally, i don't mind accepting friendship invites. In case you want to send me a friendship invitation, feel free to do so. I will accept it and reply after that, unless you hate every anime except Evangelion or Attack on Titans.
Now here's my top 100 favorite animes (As of winter of 2025):
Of course, even as a guy who loves anime, i have a few ones that i do despise with an burning passion. But right now, i can only make ten of them for this one. So here's my small, but easy and updated, top 15 worst animes that i've ever seen:
I also play video games, as well. I decided to remake my list from scratch just so i can form a better list of which games i consider my favorites. For now, here's top 25 favorite video games of all time:
All Comments (661) Comments
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
60 minutes ago
Completed 25/25 · Scored 9
fico feliz que gostou.
curtiu o gancho pra próxima temporada?
produção é bem pobre e quase estática o tempo todo.
imagino que deve ser de baixo orçamento , já que designer dos personagens são bem simples.
vamos ver até aonde vai essa série , até o momento esta valendo a pena assistir.
code geass vi em 2023 todas as temporadas.
e ja esteve em meu top 10.
que bom que esta curtindo a história.
conheço alguns que odeiam esse anime.
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
4 hours ago
Watching 9/25 · Scored -
o que esta achando desse anime?
9 hours ago
Watching 6/12 · Scored -
Gostei desse episodio 6 , do baseibol.
as referencias a dragon ball foram bem colocadas.
Today, 2:26 AM
Watching 14/24 · Scored -
esta gostando?
I'm doing well, and you?