Looking for a innocent, calm, cute and charming anime that doesn't have overly sexualized children or women?
Look no further than Non Non Biyori...
This 12 episode beauty will leave you with a smile for sure, after ever episode, this relaxing anime, packs a punch with beautiful environment art, with a nonchalant feeling, as well as great Open intro and Ending music to set you in the mood.
Dec 19, 2013
Plastic Neesan
Watch it before you read this review, if any, it's only a little under 30 minutes...
This anime is definitly about quaility over quantity, with every episode roughly 2 minutes long and during that short period, the anime casts out colorful characters, each different and potrayed really well, episode got me laughing louder than the last, with some outlandish slapstick I haven't seen in a while, and simple animation style, that dish out some real comedic emotions, there was little or anything (maybe Cindy...) I didn't like about this, quick and funny, to bad it wasn't made into a full length anime. Sep 22, 2013
Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
A Very Nice Anime Indeed! All about trying hard and even if the situation is unfair, you should never give up, the protagonist, who is a resident of Sakurasou, a dormitory for troubled students, in which he wants to be a game designer and I can sort of relate, since, I'm currently doing a Major in Game Design, it was amusing to see this and comparing, and silently judging, at the same time, because I sometimes didn't agree on with how a game should be made and pitched, as described and shown in this anime, I'm Looking at you 'Aesthetics'! But it could be,