Not a lot of animes like this one are done.... Wait.... Let me re-phrase that.... Not a lot of animes like this one are done CORRECTLY.
Out there there are a......good amount of music orientated animes but, every time someone says band show they just get K-On on their heads and over look good musicly orientated animes like this one, which in my opinion is one of the BEST ANIMES EVAAR! Right now you're probably looking at my profile picture and going all " oh here we go again another fan boy" But hey, I'm glad to be a fan boy of this anime.
is a music orientated anime, following the story of 14 year old Yukio Tanka AKA Koyuki, who at his age says " Well shit , I'll just grow up, work at an office, and die without even having my family members remembering my name" AKA his life sucks and feels as he is trapped in a dead end. This is so until he meets Rocker/MetalHead/Thug/Womanizer/IlikeCallingStartersAtPlayingGuitarShit named Ryusuke Minami. At the start of this series it is stated that Koyuki at this point in time has a very bad taste of music , in my world that would be all that POP and Hip-hop I guess in a sense and, after meeting Ryusuke he gets into rock and joins a band and have ALL THESE GREAT ADVENTURES ! (Inside joke here)
Story 10/10: Even though a lot of people might say " why would you like some slow passed shit ? This shit is so goddamn slow my MAC Pc would win in a race opening up my browser compared to that pacing !"
And you're right, but that's the cool thing about this anime. Life is not fast and it isn't supposed to be , this canalizes on the story because it lets you feel like you're there inside the anime actually experiencing what the characters are going trough and actually feeling the tension of the relationships and the bonds between the characters themselves.
Art 5/10 Now the Art and Animations are not very good, in the manga Koyuki has a wide variety of clothes and wears a different outfit occasionally. However, in the anime that isn't so , trough out the whole anime most of the outfits we see koyuki wear are the same. All of the characters look as if they only have a few clothes even though the story progresses until koyuki get to age 16 which really turned my steaming pot on at times. The Art style of this anime was MEH, simply because the creators of them just looked like not giving a shit and just throwing around some things out of their sketch book, in my opinion the character designs looked like they were done by someone lazying around.
Not to include that the animation is .... Well let me put it like this.... Some times.... The animation is BEAUTIFUL it has great lighting amazing colors that make the characters pop NOT TO MENTION that this anime has THE BEST CGI combination with anime that I've ever seen in my life ! It just looked as if it was one thing instead of looking at something mad out of play-dough in the screen. Sometimes... The animation can be average.... And some times the animation is just down right SHIT.Lets leave it at that.
Sound 10/10 Now something that I thoroughly enjoyed (loved) from this anime is the sound. This anime has very good meaningful songs that are very catchy, I used to be a very hard core Metal fan listening to bands like Megadeth, Metallica, Pantera, Anthrax, Iron Maiden, Limp bizkit Etc... While I was watching this anime and I was really surprised I liked it, I thought that the Rap-HardRock combination was just GENIUS ! And I also loved how they made some slow passed meaningful beautiful songs that instead of just making you want to mosh they make you feel good and heart-warmed in the inside, something like Stair-way to heaven by Led Zeppelin.
Characters 7/10 One thing that I hated( not really ) about this anime is that a lot of its characters were not developed as much as I would've like them to be developed. Most of the band members are just there to fill in the spot and it feels almost as if you only know Koyuki, Chiba, and Ray( Only for the first half at least) just to let you know why I'm not giving this category a 3 is because at the second half the characters do change and you get to see much more in depth inside of them and get to know why they act that way, why they carry out the varieties of situations and handle them the way they do.
Enjoyment 10/10 I love this anime with a passion , I have re watched this motherfucker 7 times , ( And now I'm tired of it so I'm looking for a new favorite anime thank you.) And yes I did count, this anime for some reason just feels like I can re watch it over and over its just so catchy engaging and at the same time so realistic. At times even making you think about your own very existence and the meaning of life and all of that Philosophical smack.
Over all this is a very good anime with only having a very huge let down on the art and animation, If they only used the budget of K-On.....
My Score 9.2/10
If you really enjoyed this anime as my self, you should start reading the manga from chapter 33 I believe which is pretty much where they left off.
I can safely say this, THE MANGA IS TITS !
I will say though, this anime is not for everyone though, I feel like this anime was aimed at mostly those Guitar players like my self out there at the moment or for a Die-Hard-Rock fans , also such as my self.
If you have already watched BECK, I will recommend you the anime NaNa which is also another very amazing music orientated anime and also.................... K-On , K-On is something like Beck...... Just that take everything to somewhere around a 3-5 the music to a solid 6 and the animation to a 10.
With that said , this review is over please give me some feed back I would greatly appreciate it I'm up for debating and such, if you disagree with some of my points or my overall view of it I would like to discuss about it.
Mar 29, 2014
Not a lot of animes like this one are done.... Wait.... Let me re-phrase that.... Not a lot of animes like this one are done CORRECTLY.
Out there there are a......good amount of music orientated animes but, every time someone says band show they just get K-On on their heads and over look good musicly orientated animes like this one, which in my opinion is one of the BEST ANIMES EVAAR! Right now you're probably looking at my profile picture and going all " oh here we go again another fan boy" But hey, I'm glad to be a fan boy of this anime. BECK ... Mar 22, 2014
I doubt there should be any review.
This anime is down right shit, seriously , I don't uderstand why people would waste money on creating such garbage. Once I got into this anime I thought to myself , " Hey , this will probably not be another K-On, Maybe it will be cool and amazingly connected to things such as friendship, band, money and maybe the songs are good AND maybe , just maybe it shows some sort of way or meaning towards why the world is so fucked up. Something like BECK." I understand some of you might be calling me an idiot at this ... |