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Jan 12, 2014
MD Geist Deathforce is absolutely awesome.
It follows on from MD Geist.
It is very unusual, dark, and nihalistic.
Nothing is what it seems.
It is the opposite of most anime and most stories.
The lead is MD Geist, a man who like killing and nothing else.
And the opponents are MD Krauser and his army, who run a moving citadel and helps people.
Not for altruistic reasons all the time. But people are helped.
And you want MD Geist and Eagle to win.
After the events of MD Geist, the Deathforce have overun the planet.
And they eat the people to make more of them.
It's a bit more gorey. Especially when the deathforce are there.
The characters are all unusal and dark, and nothing is what it seems about them.
It had another MD soldier.
MD Krauser. He's good, but a bit of a egomaniac. And he's less well made than MD Geist.
There is more on the MD programme.
The scientist who made the MD soldiers is in.
Vaiya returns.
And there is Eagle. A very unfortunate cyborg who is treated very badly.
It has a happy ending.
It has a straightforward and unusual story.
MD Geist has been dismantling the deathforce for ages. And is happy killing stuff.
Then he get's captured by MD Krauser. Who is justifiablely scared of him.
Then he get's experimented on, and cybernetically augmented against his will.
And goes beserk.
He and the discarded Eagle do what you might expect, especially if you saw the first film, and ruin Krausers day in a big way.
Showing that the citadel is'nt nice if your MD Geist or Eagle.
It has awesome fights, and features giant robots, gore, violence.
The deathforce range from horrible bug things to giant monsters. Including centaurlike ones with a gun in a odd place.
The music is absolutely awesome.Some of the best music in anime, ever.
The animation is better than the first film.
MD Geist and MD Krauser are extremely badass.
MD Geist is the ultimate awesome badass.
It is a absolutely awesome anime. You should definately watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 2, 2013
GaoGaiGar FINAL is awesome. But not as awesome as the original series.
It's a bit less awesome.
It comes down to, it lacks some of the charm of GGG.
GGG is a universal, but child safe show.
GGG F got to be more adult, but it lost some of the charm of the original.
The more adult things don't work in it's favour.
Being a childs show forced GGG into focusing on the writing. It could'nt be lazy.
GGG F got lazy. Fanservice, bigger breasts, more nudity. It does'nt help it.
The villains are not as good.
3 of the first villains of GGG were neutrel and innocent things.
A motorbike ballerina, a train conductor, and a creepy person in a sailorsuit/boat. Pizza was obviously seperate from the start, but a bird theme/planes is also innocent and neutrel. The boss was demonic.
And that was the same for the later villains. Either straight up demonic, or something else. They included a creepy pierro.
That they were neutrel things, made them more creepy and scary.
They would be a ballerina or something, then do something nightmarish and horrible, made them more impactful.
The boat sat about giggling is one of the most creepy things in anime.
This, the villains go way too far. They are way too tryhard.
The worst is the damn stupid wasp dominatrix. She does'nt even function as a villain, because she mess' about with the vile Renee Cardiff-Shishioh and Soldato J far too much. Were the other villains get on with it, she spends the entire time pissing about with the worst character in the show, in unnessessery fanservice.
And this is bad, considering the other villains do something.
The self injecting doctor is stupid.
Pallas Abel is incrediblely vile and obnoxious. A villains job is to be evil. But there's a point it goes beyond being entertaining and expected, into bad writing.
And she looks like a child. Which makes the implied nudity creepy.
Arm in GGG was deeply vile. But he was still a expected villain and was'nt so obnoxious he distracted from the story.
The theme is awesome, but less good. More violins. It has a few diferent themes for diferent parts.
The outro on most is atrocious, trite, sickening, drivel. One is awesome. The VAs sing it.
The returning characters are as awesome are before.
Guy Shishioh/Evoluder Guy, is very brave, handsome, and awesome.
Mikoto does much more now. She's awesome.
But the new characters are not always good.
One of them is grindingly atrocious. One of the worst characters to stink up anything, ever. She is close to the levels of appalling of Iris from Pokemon Black And White.
Iris is the worst character in any anime, ever.
Renee Cardiff-Shishioh.
She is a whiney, obnoxious, pointless, tedious, emo, cretin.
She does'nt even look like the other characters, in design.
The others are good looking and unique. Warm looking. Shes cold and out of place.
Every single thing she says is either insults, borderline insults, or whining.
To the point, her lines don't make sense.
At one point, she stands about, glaring at a wall!
Her friend dies, but she just sulks and glares.
She's even got her back to the camera, glaring at the unfortunate person behind her, in the intro picture!
She is the worst, and stupidest, cyborg, I ever saw. She wears a stupid 'cooling coat', for stupid and illogical reasons, She has a pair of useless pinch nez wielded to her nose. That turn into a visor.That she chose to wear. And a leotard.
She's supposed to be 15 or so.
Her outfit is a mess of stupid and a stupid attempt at sexy.
It's like 2 designers clashed. One wanted twee steampunk. One wanted a stupid kind of sexy. And they compromised.
There's no reason why they can't fix her. Just use Guys specs from when he was a cyborg, or Galeons specs.
They could put the viser inside her head.
There is no reason for any of the stupidity of her.
She is really badly handled.
This is especially bad, when GGG had 2 cyborgs. and they were handled really well. Guy Shishioh and Soldatto J.
She is illogical and makes no sense.
They never stop going on about how she is a cyborg.
With Guy and Soldatto J, they treated them as characters. It was character first, cyborg or mechicalness second. Unless the plot required it to be said.
You did'nt need telling Guy was a cyborg. And you knew Soldatto J was a cyborg, even if it was'nt obvious.
But her, they never stop going on about how she's a cyborg. It's like, she is'nt so obviously a cyborg, so they keep saying she is. Like you'll forget!
It's like they forgot how to do a cyborg. Or show fast running.
And she makes these stupid Million Dollar Man noises when she runs. Not once, did or does any of the other characters, make a sound that does'nt sound right.
Renee, she makes these REALLY ANNOYING whooshy pock pock noises every time she walks or runs.
They forgot they making a anime, apparently, and could just draw fast running. So they resort to Million Dollar Man slowmo to show fast running.
Guy and Soldatto J, they run normally. Her, ripped straight from the Million Dollar Man.
She does'nt do anything, for most of the show.
She either is useless or does very little.
She does'nt take part of most of the big fights, that is in the hands of the original characters.
She is shoehorned into every place she is.
They are very pervy with her. They can't even show her being turned into a cyborg, without being pervy.
The pervertedness is excessive.
The worst part is, someone REALLY, REALLY, DESPERATELY, wanted to make out she was something more than she is.
And they were so desperate to do it, they sacrificed the end theme.
Apart from the end episode theme were the VAs sing the theme, which is awesome.
The rest is not a outro at all.
It's a cretinous excercise in Renee pushing.
It is this grindingly atrocious, trite, sickening, cliched, garbage, that somehow manages the bad feat of making her seem worse than she is.
And they did'nt have time to shoehorn in any more Renee crap, so they sometimes shoehorn her story into the end credits.
A outro is a theme you use to finish a show. Not a advertisment for a cretinous moron character, who some idiot thought was a good idea to push.
Papillion Noir is ok. But she sounds like a stoner when described. She sounds like a stoner whenever she talks about a lot of things.
The two female robots are ok. The dark one is better.
The pink one is hard to take seriously. She has a squeaky helium voice. Giant robot, helium voice, does'nt work.
The position of GGG is stupid in this. In GGG they were part of the authorities.
A secret govournment group. They had to attend meetings, but they were the authorities.
Here, for no reason whatsoever, the UN have turned into cretins, and they somehow control secret govournment groups, now.
There is absolutely zero reason for any of it.
We ar'nt talking like in the transformers film, were they traitorously sent the Autobots away to avoid death from Decepticons. Not even those spurious and cretinous reasons are present.
It's just pointless, meaningless, completely illogical, rubbish, what happens.
If anything, GGGs position should much stronger than in the first series. They've proven themselves right to protect the earth, etc.
Fanservice is more present here.
Not bad fanservice. But not needed.
There is a wierd ammount of nudity. In the end, there is a wierd picture of 3 female characters, naked. It's creepy.
Pallas Abels outfit is also iffy. There's quite a large implication she's naked under the robe.
That is creepy.
There is also some none dirty nudity about. It's disturbing. But you can tell it's not dirty.
The womens breasts are bigger. Which is fine, but was'nt needed.
The dress' are contrivedly showing knickers, a lot. Not always in a way that makes sense. Sometimes it's like they hiked the dress' up, beyond normal levels.
The writing is a bit less good than GGG. With GGG, there was a reason for everything.
Some parts of this, are like the events are less for story, more to throw as much bad stuff as possible at Guy and GGG.
Some of it looks like they were determined to give Guy and GGG a really bad day.
And it's not a good idea, really.
You may know the episode that starts off GGGs second half.
Guy and GGG have a really bad day. It's cranked up way past some of the other fights.
And it works, because the other fights are diferent levels of hard. Always hard, always against enemies bigger and stronger than them. But diferent levels.
This there are more massive fights on par with the bad day in GGG.
Not bad, but having diferent levels of fights works much better.
There has to be some fights that are smaller, were they go back to base and say 'Job done'.
One death is really stupid and contrived.
There is more gore and violence this time. With some painful and gory looking injuries.
The animation is better.
The mechas are awesome. Genesec GaoGaiGar is not in it enough.
There is a bad case of show it in the outro, but not in the episode.
They show things, then it skips forward, showing a later version of the events in the last episodes outro.
The end is terrible and insulting to the characters.
They imply they will kill them off. In a really stupid way.
Then they say they will be back.
They were going to make a series after. But did'nt.
But even if the series was made. The ending is still terrible and insulting.
It is a awesome anime. But not absolutely awesome, like GaoGaiGar.
You should definately watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 29, 2013
This anime is ok.
It also is a definition of 'crap got wierd'.
One of the weirdest animes I ever saw.
I saw the english dub.
The english dub is good. Casshans voice is very good.
The story is all over the place. It does't explain some things well. Or at all.
A lot of the time, you sit there going, WTH?!
Some of it is cheesey.
The end is not explained well.
It takes a turn into mad science with how Casshan becomes a cyborg.
Seriously, there is a machine that looks like the teleporter from The Fly!
Luna is one of the worst dressed characters in anything!
She looks like a freaking clown. Or like she's insane!
It's a short bolero, over a topless corset leotard, over shorts, with a wimple, with a ear covering headband, with earrings on, socks, and ankle boots.
She looks like a insane cosplayer.
When she get's cold, she puts on a odd puffy coat.
There are times, when Casshans supposed to be sad or confused, or have memory problems, etc, because of the becoming a cyborg, when he's with Luna.
But the result is he looks like he's going
'What the hell is she wearing?!!!!!'
There are also time he looks like he'd rather be anywere but with her.
He looks like he's trying to escape the anime, rather than be seen with this insanely dressed woman.
Once, she wears a sensible outfit. A sailor suit with a blouse, short skirt and ankle boots. That's fine. If she'd just keep on it, it'd be great. But no, she puts her insane outfit on again.
She also wears a sensible travelling outfit at the start. Takes it off once she's inside.
Casshan also comes across as a bit of a masochist.
Yes, becoming a cyborg was done when under siege. But that machine was planned to be used that way.
Casshan is also very emo. He really goes for the emo, 'I'm a hero', thing.
Not the good sort. A character does stuff and is badass. And others say they are a hero.
He does 'I'm a hero', in a really emo way. Complete with unnessessery posing.
There are a lot of sensible characters, in sensible outfits. You get the feeling that they could win the war, without Casshan and Luna.
The world is good. A well made world. Very functional.
The artsyle is a ok to good. But the faces veer off into the uncanny valley sometimes.
And there is wierdly broad chests.The gap between the breasts of both genders is really wide.
The motivations for the villain are grindingly cretinous.
And they don't even do something as basic as kill him or treat him properly at the end!
The end is very predictable, when it comes to the villain.
There is the works for a good anime and story in there. And it shows. But there is some seriously wierd stuff!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 12, 2013
It's okay. It's not got a particularly good story. But it's ok.
There's far better anime out there, but there's much, much, worse, also.
The way John Stalker transforms is good and unusal. The cyber demon form, good.
The art and animation is good quality.
It ends well.
The detective has epic facial hair.
Watch it for some light viewing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 27, 2013
Monsuno is absolutely awesome! It's one of my most favourite animes ever.
It's a straightforward, well written, anime.
It's actually more like older anime and western cartoons in a way.
In that the villains have real threat and there is real danger. Like on the levels of 80s cartoons.
The villains have real threat to them. If they say they will do something, they do it and mean it. They do horrible things.
The leads are awesome, all well written and very straightforward.
They are all brave and clever, and well rounded.
They are relatable.
Bren is especially relatable. He's not the bravest or strongest or smartest, but he does his best.
Jinja is one of the best females ever! She is one of my most favourite characters ever. She is a total badass and awesome. She wins some fights by her martial prowess, not monsuno.
She a straightforward, strong, character.
Chase is a awesome leader, and he is badass and brave. Very enthusiastic and willing to go into dangerous situations, to the point he's reckless. But not too reckless.
Dax is awesome and not what he seems at first.
Beyal is very sweet, and can fight well. Beyals adorable. He's one of my most favourite characters ever.
Jon Ace is one of the best characters ever! He is one of my most favourite characters ever. He's pure awesome. He's a hardcore, understated, soldier, whos extremely strong and tough.
He looks awesome and handsome too.
The villains are awesome. Some of the best villains ever.
They vary from ruthless and awesome, to various kinds of crazy.
So, like all good villains, you end up cheering for them sometimes.
Commandant Marshall Charlemagne is pure awesome. One of the best female characters ever! One of my most favourite characters ever.
The combat is realistic, and the monsuno use the area to fight.
They collapse buildings, throw enemies into them, etc.
The toys and anime tie in excellantly. Sometimes it can jar, like with the atrocious Bakugan, but the combat and monsuno cores, etc, in the anime and the toys are very close or identical.
The monsuno are awesome and unique. They are made from diferent animals, elements, etc.
A unique thing is, they all look like the faction that made them. They have the faction colours. And their core is faction coloured.
The story is awesome. It has many, many, surprises. And it can go dark.
What happens to Jon Ace at one point is surprising and sad.
The monsuno themselves have a unusual and sad secret. There's a very surprising and sad twist as to the monsuno essence.
The art style, designs, and animation, is excellant and looks good.
They all have realistic shapes. Like wide and realistic looking hips, and tall and broad figures.
The characters all look and sound like the age they are. The leads look like older teenagers. They look like they could travel and do the things they do.
If a childs a child, it looks and sounds like a child. If it's a teenager, it looks and sounds like a teenager. If a persons a adult, they look and sound like adult.
The english voice actors are all awesome. There are regional accents and diferent races.
The clothes are good and always age appropriate.
They wear practical clothes, with flat or low heels. If they have high heels, they can walk on them.
The children dress like children, which is very good.
And team coretech, and other teenagers, wear clothes befitting a older teenager, that cover up everything that should be covered up or cover them completely.
Most of the characters are very covered up. Apart from one, who would dress like that anyway, so it does'nt jar. And it's still practical clothes.
The clothes also work in most weather. But sometimes they change them, and wear diferent things.
The world is futuristic and well done.
With lots of diferent places.
One faction, S.T.O.R.M, is in control, and they have awesome vehicles and massive militery bases about.
It has some awesome vehicles. Ranging from high tech trains, S.T.O.R.Ms many militery vehicles, to huge ships.
Jeredys train is especially awesome.
The theme tunes are absolutely awesome. Some of the best ever.
The theme tunes for series 1, Monsuno World Master, are pure awesome. It is by the group, Far East Movement. And it will make you want to watch the anime and listen to the themetunes, again and again.
Monsuno Combat Chaos' theme tunes,are nowere near as good, but are still awesome.
You should definately watch this anime. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 27, 2013
A very awesome anime!
It's very straightforward and has a simple story. But is well written.
It's very metal. Always good. A fun film.
It's very manly and straight to the point.
The male leads are awesome and extremely badass.
The girls awesome.
If they made a anime series after this, starring those leads, I'd watch it!
Awesome robot! Kaiser is pure awesome! Wingle is also awesome.
The robot designs are all good.
Good female robot designs.
It's so metal, the island is like a mix of all things metal.
With a toga clad lady group, road warrior group and a samurai warrior group.
And they are all equally strong and capable.
Despite being very metal, it is'nt sexist. The females and males are all equal, when it comes to the leads and mains.
Every single main or important character is a hardcore badass of the highest order. The swear filled speech by the ultratough Captain Scarlett is hilarious.
They are all badass, but they are written properly. They are convincing.
The male leads are crazy, badass, and dark. But they are also well rounded and have enough very small amount of weakness, to make them work, but not enough to make them emo.
They ar'nt so crazy they don't follow orders and will do as ordered.
The girl has a good mix of toughness, and intelligence. She can fight, and is'nt weak in any way.
The others don't need as much characterisation, but they have enough to make them convince.
The characters get things done, in a straightforward way, and they are all proffessional or good at their jobs.
If it comes to doing something, they do it. No messing about.
The stories a bit light on details, but it get's the point across. It hints at things, but does'nt explain fully, sometimes.
Take it on face value, this is a giant robot that looks like a demon, robot armies, exploding island. And it's fine.
The end makes Kaiser even more metal.
The music is japanese metal. Awesome.
Awesome themetune.
The art is good.
It is a good film for chilled and lighthearted watching.
You should definately watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 18, 2013
GaoGaiGar is absolutely awesome!
It is one the best animes ever. It has one of the best intros ever.
It's got a unique style and designs. And it's really fun and well written.
It does things other animes don't. It is always surprising.
It makes you feel happy watching it. And you always care about the characters.
They are all straightforward, enthusiastic, characters. They all do what they are meant to. And if it's a happy thing, they look happy to do it.
Cyborg Guy/Guy Shishio is very enthusiastic, brave and heroic. He is a handsome, likable, lead. Willing to fight to the death to protect people.
The female and male characters are all treated equally. And are all equally good and proffessional.
They always get straight to the fight, or the action. They all act very sensibely and professionally.
The robot GaoGaiGar is awesome. Awesome weapons.
And the robots in the show are all awesome. Volfogg is especially awesome and badass.
But just because it bright and enthusiastic, does'nt mean it does'nt get dark.
When it goes dark and sad, it goes for it. It has some truely surprising things in it.
This anime will put you off space. I hate space. And what happens to Guy Shishioh to make him Cyborg Guy is enough to put me off space even more.
The fights are all very logical and like a real fight would go. With lots of smashing, hitting, tearing, destroying, and improvisation. Brutal fights.
It never springs stuff out of the blue. Things are gradually and well written, gradually introduced, and the result is surprising, despite them working up to it.
It has some unusal things. Like descriptions for the meanings of names and words. Character descriptions at the start and ad breaks.
One episode is in english and engrish for some of it.
And a character who is not japanese, sounds like a none japanese person or person who does'nt live there. She speaks japanese in a fluent, but not native, way.
The monsters are almost all much bigger and stronger than the leads. So every fight is a true fight to the death. With things against them, other than the big monster, sometimes.
As it goes on, they get bigger and bigger and bigger, till they end up facing massive, powerful, enemies.
You should definately watch this anime! It is absolutely awesome! :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 18, 2013
MD Geist is awesome! It's a unique film.
MD Geist is a very unusal lead. He is one of my most favourite characters ever in anime.
MD Geist has a fairly simple, straightforward, story, and works well because of it.
There is no need to be overcomplex, when you can have a badass lead and well written, but straightforward, characters.
It's nihalistic, dark, and straightforward.
MD Geist is the complete opposite of wussy boy anime males. The total and utter opposite. Handsome, powerful, and masculine.
He does nothing you might expect, including when it comes to the female lead.
He likes killing, and nothing diverts him from it.
You'll never think of combat knives in the same way again, once you watch it.
Nothing is what it seems.
The female lead, Vaiya, is not what she seems.
Even the 3 bandits she works with are unusual. At one point they display uncommon good sense. You think they're going to be meatshield fodder. and they do the exact opposite.
The twist at the end is surprising, and good.
The music absolutely awesome! I love the music. It's some of the best music in any anime, ever.
You should definately watch this anime. It's awesome!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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