This anime has alot of crap in it. Ugly character designs, troll writing, recycled songs, and cliches. But even after all that it still is a pretty good anime.
Im not sure what the artists were thinking when putting large enough spaces between character's eyes to land an airplane on. Yet alone the fact that the eyes are really weird shapes. At least the animation is pretty good for an anime though. Also keep in mind alot of things in this anime are very bright and shiny. This isnt too important though since this is a story driven anime.
Most of the time it feels like
Jan 11, 2012
Higashi no Eden
This anime isn't too bad, just a little boring and slow. Even though one would expect an 11 episode series to feel fast.
The story is intresting but not touched upon enough. There is so many pauses in the series just talking about a character's morals instead of actual story. The characters basically are just written as big sacks of morals and nothing else. most of the characters just seem so robotic and just desighned to think a certain way about a subject, but have no personality at all. This is not true about the main character. He is actually well defined and feels human. ... Jan 11, 2012
Devil May Cry
Watching this anime does nothing but make me ask why. Why is dante babysitting a little girl the whole time? Why is the little girl constantly nagging dante? Why does dante complain about everything? Why are all the action scenes off screen? Why is the soundtrack way too exciting for this? Why do characters walking look like cardboard being dragged across the screen? And: HOW IS THIS AN ACCEPTABLE PRODUCT?
I know it was intended to be a lazy cash-in, but this is an insult to lazy cash-ins. You're better off buying green lantern the game than buying a DVD of this. Street fighter movies had ... Jan 10, 2012
Kekkaishi is one of the worst animes I have ever seen. After completing this anime I felt nothing but betrayal. I know that sounds crazy but bear with me.
I could start off by saying that the beggining was boring and bland, but I hardly remember the earlier episodes because of "blandness". You probrobly wont remember them either. Even bleach's first 10 episodes are more memorable. The anime does pick itself up really fast once the main plot is.introduced though. Kekkaishi's main strength was its battles. Defeating the bigger and stronger enemies was never done by power ups coming out of nowhere or training in an ... |