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Apr 13, 2021
While I didn't rate this a 10, I would have listed it as a favorite of mine if my favorites weren't full. It reminds me a lot of my relationship of the last 8 years and was super nostalgic.
I honestly think Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji had the most realistic relationship I've ever seen in a shoujo. I will admit, it wasn't always healthy, and both characters did bad things, but they learned and grew. Other than that, it was mostly a typical shoujo.
Not as pretty as I would have liked, but not bad. I don't actually think I liked it when I started
this manga, but as I ended it, I found nothing wrong with it.
The side characters had surprising depth. A lot of the time, they get lost in the protags' story, but they got their moment(s) to shine in this. Each one got a chance to show their personality and importance.
Kyouya and Ericka...he's a dick, she's a self-centered airhead. I might be a bit biased because, as I mentioned earlier, their relationship reminded me of my own, but I liked Kyouya's character a lot better than I liked Ericka's. He had issues and was downright mean sometimes, but he was in a situation that he never planned on being in and was still, to some degree, viewing it as a favor to Ericka. Ericka was one of those people who assumed that once two people start dating, their interests align and anything they do together will be a blast and they'll always be on the same page. That bugged me so much. Both got better, though, and I fully adored them both by the end.
I absolutely loved this. Again, probably the most realistic relationship I've ever seen in a shoujo. Especially the -
SPOILER (though not really because every shoujo has one)
- chapter about them living together. I laughed so hard, and I am STILL laughing about it. It was so on point. The frustration when neither party will do exactly as the other one wants, the arguments, the feelings like it will never work. That was perfect. I've been living with my boyfriend for 7 years and we still argue over things like that sometimes. 100% honest.
Overall, it's really good. Nowhere near as bad as people pass it off as being. There are some very large bumps in Kyouya and Ericka's road, but things smooth out. Definitely worth the read if you'd like a nice dose of reality
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 16, 2021
Oh, what a strange manga this was. All of the drama and seriousness of Orwell's "1984" ... without any of the drama and seriousness of it.
The story was fun, one of a society run by greed and a game show. I've always enjoyed stories of truly twisted social norms set in a parallel world, and this one was certainly that. Any wish granted, as long as you were a trivia whiz. It's insane, and written as such.
Odd. Very odd. Definitely the 90s feel, but sometimes hyper-realistic, sometimes stretched to grotesque proportions. Overall, enjoyable, but just as strange as everything else about the manga.
much as I would like to say that they're original and amazing...I can't. Most of them fall under your typical dystopian manga character types. I still loved them, they were expressive and entertaining, but...for example, I kept comparing characters to ones in 20th Century Boys. They're kinda all the same.
As I've said, a lot of fun. I 100% suggest reading this if you're into corrupt government and rebellion. Plus game shows. The author really tries to be showing with every fiber of the manga just how twisted and ridiculous the world pictured would be
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 9, 2020
Long story short, this is sexual abuse and Stockholm syndrome dressed up in a bow. The main guy repeatedly molests the main chick and promises to "protect" her until she "falls in love" with him. I like aggressive mains, but this was a LITTLE far for me. Besides that, it's your average overdone fantasy shoujo. Every guy falls for the SUPER dumb lead, lead is actually secretly super special, blah blah blah. Oh, and about half of these guys try to rape her. It's nothing special (other than the abuse.)
Extra breakdown:
The art is really the only thing that is relatively ok. It's an older style,
which is fine. It's cute. The characters look good. It's whatever.
The story, as I said, average. Go pick up any 5 shoujos and you'll find this exact plot in one of them.
There really is no point in going over characters. The main guy is a crep. The chick is an idiot. Everyone else is so unimportant that while they have personalities, it's not like it really matters. The entire purpose seems to be either jealous of the main guy, obsesses with the main chick for one reason or other, or someone who provides information about such and such whatever.
I REALLY didn't like this.
Overall, for it being an average story with terrible elements, I'm giving it a 3. Plus, again, ok-ish art.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 3, 2020
This was one of the stranger manga that I've read. It never really went anywhere. There was no greater purpose. It was reasonably humorous but overall fell flat.
Story: 6
Seigi no Mikata follows the story of a girl who has been bullied and overshadowed by her unreasonably prickly and lucky sister. Said sister was always a model student, went to a good university, and holds a good job. However, she tends to do cruel things for her own amusement or betterment. Such things have a habit of having a positive effect on those receiving her ire, or those who were in the area at the time,
which causes the sister to receive endless gifts and commendations. While funny at first, eventually this gets old, because really, who can be THAT mean and have THAT many good things come of it? Notice how I mentioned the main character and then totally disregarded her? So too does the manga. Her role is to constantly screech about how terrible her sister is, go on about her own boy troubles, and attempts to prove that she's not as stupid or awkward as her sister claims she is.
Art: 6
The art is in a 90s style, which isn't terrible, but it isn't great either. I, personally, am not a great fan of the 90s style, especially when used in more modern works. Others might feel differently about the art. This is totally subjective.
Character: 6
Honestly, I didn't really like any of the characters. They were very flat and had no growth. Who they were at the beginning is who they were at the end. The only redeeming people were the sister, who was funny at times, and her husband, who was nowhere near as annoying as the main, and DID try to adjust to living with his monster of a wife.
Enjoyment: 6
While occasionally funny, nothing really happened. Years passed and the lives moved, but nothing happened. SO little happens that I typed out examples of what happened, and then deleted them and typed this because I felt guilt about potentially ruining people's hopes about this manga by spoiling EXACTLY how little happens.
I don't REGRET reading this manga, it wasn't a total waste of time, and I wouldn't go out of my way to tell someone NOT to read this, but I also wouldn't look at someone eying this and encourage them to read it
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 3, 2019
I highly regret wasting the last two hours of my life on this manga for the sake of the 2019 manga challenge. This was just BAD.
I don't think the story could have been more cliched if it TRIED. It had a lot of unnecessary drama in the overall plot. In short, it was a bad soap opera. Unfortunately, there aren't really any specifics I can give because of how short the story is and how much comes out about halfway through or later.
I loved the art. It was the ONLY thing I even remotely liked about it.
Everything was painfully obvious and all the characters were
the same types used over and over in shoujo harems. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, other than it gets old that the heroine ends up with the same character every time. The "diseases" were really dumb. The number of plot holes in them was ridiculous. Especially one of them.
**Kinda spoiler**
He becomes "hideous" and was abandoned by EVERYONE because of it...and it literally just looks like tattoos. What the heck?
**end kinda spoiler**
The development was pretty normal for a shoujo harem. If you've seen/read OHSHC, you know EXACTLY how the development goes. It's exactly the same.
I wasted two hours of my life on this that I'm never getting back. I think that says enough.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 10, 2019
I really liked Jack Frost. It definitely had some issues, big ones, but I enjoyed it. It also was annoyingly similar to Hellsing, in the sense that Jack and Alucard are basically the same person.
Story 6:
Jack Frost starts out super slow. Girl transfers to new school, sees creepy guy she labels "Smirky," takes her seat, and all hell breaks loose. Her head comes off but she doesn't die. Cue first mystery that takes forever to be fully fleshed out. Literally half the story. Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with that, however, this felt more like the author wanted to write a ton of action
and didn't really bother fleshing out the story until he realized he'd written half a story that was basically going nowhere. While I felt that the ending came together ok, it was really rushed and felt thrown together.
Art 8:
I mostly enjoyed the art. The style wasn't exactly for me, but it was ok. The fight scenes, which took up a large portion of the story, seemed to mostly be large blocks of black and white blur. That may be because there was so much fighting that I started skimming over it to find story points, but either way, there's a lot of fighting and a lot of movement in the fights, so it does blur some.
Character 6:
All the characters were pretty one dimensional. The author seemed to try giving them more depth sometimes, but really only succeeded in making them act really out of character at inopportune times. The ending showed a lot of progress with a couple of the characters, but looking back on it, you can't really see how they got from point A to point B. Noh-A is really the only one to change at all, and her character growth was overall enjoyable.
Enjoyment 9:
I hold story and character growth in very high esteem, but I also really love insane characters beating the crap out of other insane characters in a supernatural setting of blood and death. It was a fun read, even if I wanted to rip my hair out sometimes trying to figure out WHAT exactly was going on with the plot. I don't feel like I wasted my time and if a sequel was ever released, I would totally jump on it. I want more of Amityville and the characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 17, 2017
Hitorijime Boyfriend was pretty good for being so short. It actually had a couple elements that surprised me, which was good. I figured it would be your typical yaoi story, but, not quite. Probably my biggest issue was that there were a couple random characters thrown in mid-novel and I really have no idea who they were. Some of the lines the characters had were great. Really funny.
The story was nice and progressive. Being only six chapters long, there really wasn't a lot to it. Primarily just the interactions between the main character and the love interest.
Personally, wasn't too fond of it. There's nothing wrong
with it, but, I just didn't like it. Anyway, it was more or less your average art style. The artist seemed to be trying to be more realistic with some characters while sticking to standard art with others.
Definitely the worst. But, again, it's only six chapters long so you can't really spend a ton of time working out every single character's traits. The author did do a good job on the two mains. Those are the only two who really had anything behind them.
I really liked it. It made me laugh and surprised me. It's short so if you've got a couple hours free and like yaoi, why not read it? It won't be a waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 7, 2016
First things first, to my knowledge, this manga is NOT finished, nor is there any estimate to when it will BE finished. There was an extraordinarily long hiatus, and then there was vol 12, and now...no clue.
Moving on.
Story: 8
The story follows Asato Tsuzuki and his partner, Hisoka Kurozaki, on their investigations as a part of Enmacho as Shinigami. Each investigation is very different, though, there is often a recurring antagonist, Kazutaka Muraki. As the manga progresses, things start to become more interwoven, and more information about characters comes to light. Now, I give Story an 8 due to the fact that a lot of
things seem unfinished, though, it seems like they should be at this point in the manga. Perhaps it will be later, and I will have to amend myself, but at this point, I'm not particularly happy with it.
Art: 6
The 6 is totally a personal thing. Yami no Matsuei was started in the 90s, so, it has the art from the 90s. I prefer more modern art styles. I found a couple chapters online that were completely revamped, though, so, the art does change, eventually. After some searching, it appears that it occurred after the hiatus, so, that makes sense. Still leaves it at a 6 for me.
Character: 9
I ADORE the characters in this series. There is so much to them. HOWEVER, the incompleteness of some things that I mentioned in Story comes into play here as well. Particularly with the main character. That is the only reason this is a 9 rather than a 10. All the characters are so much fun and have so much depth when put in certain situations. I love it.
Enjoyment: 10
For all the faults, I love this manga. I sped through it in...three days? Ish. I'm very disappointed that it is not over, as there is a lot going on right now, and I NEED TO KNOW!! Ugh. This manga seems built around dropping little crumbs here and there about the overall story to keep you hooked, and then throwing in this left hook arc that you just get absorbed into.
Overall: 8
It has its faults, it's incomplete, it drives me nuts, but it's GOOD. So, 8 seems about right for it. I really hope this manga isn't going to be dropped. One page said that the author had a lot she wanted to do with her story, and she was excited to keep going as long as sales kept up. I hope she still feels that way now.
Note: This could fix all my issues with the series, but, I'm broke. I read this online. All of it. As is quite well known, translations don't always happen the best. Things get REALLY lost. So, keep that in mind as you decide if this is worth picking up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 25, 2016
To begin, I, luckily, didn't discover that this was a Ryukishi07 work until about halfway through. I do believe that many only dislike this anime because it came from Ryukishi07, as it is very different from other works. I personally liked it alright.
It took a long time to figure out what exactly was going on, and once it tells you, it rushes through everything. Simply put, this should have been a longer anime. There just didn't seem to be enough room to fit what was necessary to make it good. The story certainly gave good mystery, yet, at the same time, skated over some things
and just threw others into your face so fast it was just stupid. Literally, everything comes out because two characters are trapped together for a few hours. That's the only reason.
I loved the art. I thought it was beautiful. It actually somewhat reminded me of Jigoku Shoujo; or Hell Girl. I don't have much to say other than it's the shiny, newer art style of modern times. And it was great.
I was quite fond of the opening and ending of this series. They were really pretty and just had a great feel to them. Again, was slightly reminded of Jigoku Shoujo by the opening. Not entirely sure why, but, I had to look up the other opening after starting Ookamikakushi.
Pretty much all the characters only had one dimension. Probably due to the fact that they only lasted a few episodes, or if they lasted longer, they were minor characters. Even the main characters were pretty one-dimensional beings. They changed a bit, but overall, nothing changed. Only two characters changed a decent amount, and they weren't even main main characters! The antagonist was very badly written as well. Just...just really bad.
For all the flaws, it was pretty good. Rushed? Sure. Bad character development? Pretty normal for twelve episode shows.
Whatever you do, don't go in expecting something like Higurashi or Umineko, because this is not like that. At all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 19, 2015
If you're looking to watch this anime because it's going to be cute and magical, just stop. Push that thought right out of your head. This is NOT that. It is sad, and depressing.
Now then, this is a great anime. The story line is certainly original, and very interesting. The artwork involving the Witches leaves much to be desired, but the overall artwork is your average anime artwork. I suggest not watching dubbed, because the voices are terrible. By the end of the anime you won't notice so much, but they really grate to hear in the beginning. For being only twelve episodes, the character
development is great. You can see where the characters came from, and how they got to where they end up. The ending was wonderful. It was sad, but wonderful.
I totally suggest this anime to anyone, so long as they know they're not in for a happy, carefree ride.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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