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Jun 27, 2020
The interaction between the characters is somewhat interesting at times, but not enough to please.
Shinkai, as always, wrote a cliché script for the film, and in the novel it is the same thing, during history it is possible to notice a significant amount of errors in the plot, but it is useful in general.
The film is clearly the best way to consume this work, the excellent visuals and animation distract you from the decadent script.
I recommend it if you really loved the movie and want to have something to remember it even more, but if you are going to read it just to have a
pleasant moment I don't recommend it.
Note: it has exactly the same thing as the movie, you will not be losing or adding anything to your experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 14, 2020
The first half of the anime focuses on showing episodic cases, while developing the main nuclei of the story slightly, these episodic cases end up being very engaging and enjoyable to watch.
During the second half there is a focus on the protagonists and aggregates, which flow extremely well and are very interesting because they involve other cultures, countries and unexpected situations, and which has nothing so unbelievable or outside of what would be considered good for a script.
The story is the biggest attraction of this anime, the person who was responsible for the Script and Series Composition was Kunisawa Mariko, the same one from anime
such as Honzuki (who was completely saved by that part, since the production is very weak), and managed do another great job here, the way the characters create rapport is very natural.
The art is wonderful in what needs to be, the jewels are really very beautiful, perfect, the scenarios are also most of the times beautiful and well detailed, giving the most serious and realistic atmosphere that anime needs.
The sound was in the hands of Motoyama Satoshi, an extremely experienced person who has worked on dozens of others and anime, and once again did not disappoint, managed to fit the sounds well into the scenes.
The character design was good, nothing so incredible but it managed to supply what the work wanted.
It is a very relaxing and engaging work, I recommend it to everyone who likes a good slice of life with drama.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 13, 2020
Wonderful art, contemplating memorable scenarios with many nuclei and life.
Character Desing non disappointed, it shows several cute characters of different styles, from furry characters without eyes to witches and strange monsters.
A story was very well planned, does not try to execute what it needs, develops the characters introduced well and presents a magnificent world that makes sense.
The sound of the anime was very good in general, provided with a few moments and is beautiful. The seiyuus managed to change the role or the correction, both from Somalia who was a very emotional and cheerful character as the Golem who was a character with a more
neutral voice without showing changes.
I should just mention that at various times the animation somewhat disappoints due to the high presence of static frames to give the sensation of movement in scenes that cause this.
Undoubtedly, an excellent and exciting work.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 4, 2019
Bad start, the accident besides being cliché, totally disagrees with the style of anime.
Silly and cliche but evolving romance, unlike most animes who are all in one thing always liking each other but never doing anything.
Nice ecchi I like, but I think the ecchi makes the work lose a bit of depth, I have not seen any anime with much ecchi that impresses me in history, animation, etc.
There were completely unnecessary dialogues throughout the anime, as in the part where they spend several minutes talking about shoots.
There were a few moments where the story flowed that left me with a positive impression, like the villain's
presentation, which was quick and unremarkable despite having a medium development.
The mood could have been better, just a few moments amused me, if the anime had a more serious aspect I think it would have been much better, such as re: zero, tate no yuusha, and other better isekai with very serious moments that know how to give weight to characters, unfortunately this was just a supergeneric anime.
The conception of magic is quite interesting, Shin developing spells with a "current and scientific" perspective using concepts such as the substances in the periodic table, something that doesn't really exist in the anime universe.
The school is based on meritocracy but at various times the students brag about having any store, restaurant, territory, etc.
Villain with a lot of potential that was used porcely.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 4, 2019
I liked the initial development of the characters, at first Rui was the "bad, sad and moody" and the teacher was the cheerful and right, but soon we saw that Rui is much more than it seemed, we saw her feelings showing, while the teacher became a sad character, wrong and with a lot of emotional weight.
Natsuo's actions when he wanted to separate Hina were very clear and clearly demonstrated that he didn't think it was wrong for her to be with a married guy, but what really bothered him was that another man besides him kept Hina and still made her cry. , a
clear thought of "if it were me, would treat her better than you", very consistent with the story of the anime, Rui already felt almost the same, but with an aspect of familiar and nonsexual love like Natsuo.
The mini bow of that girl who already took everyone is very good, I liked the weight of the scene, especially to have hinted that she already attempted suicide and kept taking several just to try to fill a void she had, and shows how good this protagonist is , despite being an idiot sometimes, (stop liking the teacher, his other sister is much better).
Speaking of idiot, from halfway through the anime to the end, Natsuo was represented as a scoundrel, lying, kissing both of them, slapping, etc.
Hina's attitude of not accepting Natsuo and then accepting him is totally understandable, after all she had the weight of teacher and sister, being an adult clearly rebuked her feelings, while Rui was a teenager looking for her feelings, ignoring the factors. contrary, and after Hina saw that her sister having the same "sister" factor was kissing Natsuo, she fucked herself and accepted him.
Failures in my opinion: Momo's lack of development (she was a character with very good potential, I thought after showing the scars on her wrist there would be a lot of shocking events, but no, it was just one for the harem), Reiji's lack of development with Miu (the anime implied that there would be something between them and even Natsuo did it, but there was nothing, and after seeing more or less of Reiji in the manga, I was pretty sad about anime for not using the bow he is accused of rape by a student), lack of development for that foreigner (in the manga he tries to rape Rui, but in the anime he makes no difference), lack of development of the girls' mother (again it was the cliche of parents who they worry about their children but they are fools fooled) and I found nothing consistent that Natsuo's business had fallen off the stairs made no sense. It looks like they ran in the end knowing that a second season was unlikely, so it didn't look as good as it could.
The best of this anime was the coffee characters.
I really liked this anime, but the ending was very badly adapted, when I finished the anime I got an impression of "ok, it was cool", but I went to research more or less how the manga had been in some parts and saw that bows important elements that could give the necessary deepening in various characters had been ignored.
Positive point: They treat sex and relationship seriously and real, I found it very cool because it is something rare in a world of ecchi shonens with fan service.
He shows that love can be horrible and painful, without this sexual love they would be a happy and "perfect" family.
My grade is an 8 with a taste of 7 and a smell of 6.
I am sad to think how this anime could have been better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 15, 2019
Written in Portuguese
AAA eu amo a Yumeko Jabami, o jeito que ela é maluca e super racional ao mesmo tempo é muito legal. O desespero nas expressões faciais são impressionantes, amo esse anime. O jogo que eu menos gostei foi o dos impostos, foi meio sem graça e com uma participação muito mal feita do Manyuda.
Gostei do desenvolvimento da Yumemite, foi maravilhoso, queria ter visto mais a Saotome e o Suzui, mas a participação deles foi até que satisfatória.
Não entendi porque a Ririka foi tão mal usada, fizeram algo excelente com ela no começo, eu estava gostando, mas simplesmente parou e manteve ela como uma
personagem que só estava com a Saotome, tipo no leilão onde ela não se manifestou com NENHUMA fala poxa, se você para ficar assim não precisava ter tirado a mascara e feito aquele mini desenvolvimento.
O ultimo episódio estava legal porém achei péssimo o final, eu sei que Yumeko é louca mas ela deu os 3 bilhões para a Rei apostar, ai em 3 minutos acontece tudo, foi um simples cara ou coroa, odiei isso, ai a Yumeko ganha, ok, mas depois aparece ela jogando com um monte de gente e perdendo quase todos os votos que ela tinha, WHATTTTT????? Não entendi a necessidade disso, a Yumeko não faria isso, ela juntaria esses votos e apostaria todos com a chefe da família Momobami, seria um jogo digno de ultimo episódio.
Espero que desenvolvam melhor os personagens na próxima temporada, quero muito ver a personagem do hospital que eu teorizo ser a mãe da Yumeko. Vamos ver se esse anime finalmente consiga ganhar um 9 meu.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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