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Feb 4, 2025
I very rarely review a show before I've watched the entire thing but I need to get my thoughts about Ninja Neet out there as I consider this to be a bad anime. At the time of writing this, 10/24 episodes has released and out of all 10 so far, only 1 of them has been pretty good in my eyes. The rest have been pretty ass.
I may be slightly biased as I don't like Ecchi / Hentai shows - The only 2 that I have watched and enjoyed was Sora no Otoshimono and Highschool DxD, but the last time I watched those shows I
was a loser virgin back in Highschool. I feel watching them nowadays I wouldn't enjoy them nearly as much. Ninja Neet however, has just been nothing but forced fan service. MAL advertises it as a Rom/Com/Supernatural. This is why I picked it up as that is primarily what I'm interested in. However, it hasn't really been anything like that and I really feel like MAL needs to add an Ecchi tab to it.
The concept of this show is also fucking stupid. The combo of being both a powerful Ninja but also a Neet that likes to stay in all day playing games and watching anime is not a combination that bodes well in my eyes. Imagine if Naruto did that. It wouldn't have been a good balance at all. The few times they show monsters on screen, the fight it over in like 5 seconds. There's nothing to get excited about as one of the core mechanics of the anime isn't even really utilized. It's basically One Punch Man if he was a big boobed loser. I feel like Rom/Coms and Supernatural anime do mix well, if it's done right and this is a piss poor example of both categories.
The characters: Ayame is just horny and fucking annoying, Shizuri is ok? She's been more tolerable than annoying which is good since she's one of the main cast, I like Hina but she's a bit too lovey dovey with her partner. It just gets a bit much at times and Tsukasa is about as Vanilla as you can get. Character designs are quite nice, nothing crazy but I like them. Animation is ok for the most part. Sometimes it feels jarring to watch.
In Ninja Neet, there has only been one episode that I've really enjoyed so far and that's the one with Tsukasa and Shizuri going on a "date" to go shopping for a new PC as it's the first proper time it has actually felt like a Rom Com. The scene with Tsukasa defending Shizuri when his friends were shit talking her felt sweet and genuine. Whilst she's feeling like a burden, he's seeing a different perspective. That has been the only episode I've liked. The rest has been nothing but a slog to get through. I've never had to pause an anime mid episode to take a break until now. Personally, if you haven't seen this anime yet, I wouldn't recommend it unless you like pretty directionless plots (if you can even call it that), ecchi and low tier humor.
2/10 (might go lower depending on how the rest of the anime pans out)
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 25, 2025
I'm not sure how I felt about this series to be honest. I think if I had to describe it with one sentence it would be "it was ok" - I agree with the review that said Phase Moon didn't seem to know what story it wanted to tell because it was trying to be a mixture of a vampire story and a rom/com which on the surface isn't bad, but I don't think they executed it well enough.
I want to talk about Hazuki for a moment as she is the main part of the show. For the most part I found her to
be fairly unlikable. I may be slightly biased in this opinion as Hazuki came across as a Tsundere character and I personally don't like Tsundere characters. The only one I do like is Asaka Taiga from Toradora. A lot of the times I found her to be loud and annoying. Lashing out when a lot of the time it wasn't necessary. She did have her moments in which she was sweet and actually a solid character, but then she would over shadow that by acting like her normal self again. It just got tiresome after a while. For the most part she came across as a brat which you could say is normal for a teenager. However, to say Kouhei did so much for her, she was way too ungrateful which really did not come across well.
The first episode and few after that was really good. I was really getting hooked on the story it was telling. A mysterious vampire girl trapped in a castle, trying to escape a demon keeping her hostage when she wants to escape to go find her mother and lead a normal life again, all whilst having an alternate persona. I thought it was really interesting and I was really looking forward to where the story was going. Then it turned into more of a comedy anime. The last 8ish episodes of the series also felt pretty forgettable too and I found myself not caring as much towards the end which is a shame as I felt like it had a strong start.
Overall, I didn't hate this anime but I wouldn't watch it again. I watched the OVA after just so I could say I've finished the series and even that was just ok at best. Slightly disappointed as I've wanted to watch this for a while and the last Vampire anime I watched was Seraph of the End which I loved.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 24, 2024
Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed watching Nina and the Starry Bride. Out of all the anime that was premiering this season this was probably the one I looked forward to the most and god damn did it deliver. Every single episode tried to top it self and it delivered. The cliff hangers it would leave us on, especially when Nina first met Prince Sett. All of that added up to such an incredible watch.
Speaking of Prince Sett, he was a character that I really couldn't stand at first. I get that's what the writers were probably going for as he's portrayed be
a really powerful prince that doesn't take shit from nobody. At first I didn't like him and he was someone I was hoping Nina wasn't going to spend too much time with especially because he tried to Undertale Genocide her... but he's someone that I really came to like as the episodes had gone by. Whilst I wouldn't say he was my favorite character, I do think he was one of the most well developed characters. The way Sett slowly opened his heart towards Nina was really well done. It is difficult to gain someone's trust, especially when they're so closed off. I'm very closed off for the most part so I do understand what it's like. I've had a lot of negative experiences in my life that I have tried not to let shape me into someone else, but that's not the case for everyone. Setts bitterness and cold shoulder isn't an easy one to over look, especially if you don't see that perspective, but if you can understand it, then I feel like Sett might not be as bad of a character as one may think. Also the after credits scene on the season 1 finale was so good lmao
So many twists and turns in this anime has made this become one of my new favorite animes of all time. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute watching this show and I pray it gets a season 2. I want to know what happens to Nina, I want to know Setts opinion on what transpired, I want to know what happened to Azure after he left. Nina and the Starry Bride is one of those shows in which I can see why you may not like it as sometimes it does feel slightly confusing. I had to watch scenes more than once occasionally to fully grasp it although that may just be me being incredibly stupid.
Either way TLDR: Great anime, season 2 please and thank you
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 9, 2024
This anime has been in my plan to watch for a while now and I figured it was finally time to watch it. With the low score I actually expected this to be not that good of a watch. However, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I actually liked watching this anime.
The first episode did feel a bit difficult to watch because within the first couple of minutes of the anime they highlighted how shallow and horrible people can actually be to someone just because of something as small as their looks. I myself look like a human version of Jabba the Hut so
I know first hand what it's like to be harassed because of both my looks and weight. True Beauty highlighted that in a pretty good way.
Moving onto the actual plot. I think the plot was decent. I'm not going to say any of it was crazy because it wasn't, but like I said with the low score, I actually expected this series to either be complete ass or to have something go wrong to warrant the score going low but I just couldn't find it. I found myself getting pretty invested with the characters and the plot twists really caught me off guard. Like for example the "backstab" in episode 11. Without going into spoilers, just know it completely caught me off guard. I do wish the one thing that happened that didn't was, I wish Jugyeong revealed her true self to the school during the livestream. I feel like if she did that, and they accepted her for who she actually was, it would have delivered a really great message to the audience. Instead she still wears her makeup even after they graduate.
Overall, I quite enjoyed this show for what it was.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 8, 2024
I can't remember the last time I've watched an anime that was as wholesome as Usagi Drop. I found this anime last night randomly browsing MAL and I am so glad I did. In just 11 episodes they managed to convey a really heart felt story about a single Dad trying to raise this orphaned girl as her actual Dad has just passed away and her mother doesn't want anything to do with her due to being too obsessed with her work (more on her in a moment). After watching episode 1, I could tell this was going to be a show I was going
to enjoy and that I did.
Episode 1 starts out with Rin's Dads funeral. I did have a problem with this episode however as everyone with the exception of Daikichi treated this girl like she was some sort of demon. Something to be feared. Her only family has just died and not one of them wanted to comfort her and they were all fighting over who was going to be "stuck with her" which I can't lie, did leave a pretty bad taste in my mouth. I'm so glad Daikichi actually realised how much she was going to need a father figure in her life and actually stepped up.
Usagi Drop is classed as a Child Care anime which is true, but it's also a discovery and learning experience show as Daikichi now has to with very little help from his actual family figure out what he has to do in order to raise Rin. He needs to figure out transportation, day care, living with her and the various challenges that may arise and I think the way the developers handled it was absolutely spot on. They didn't portray him as someone arrogant that thinks he knows everything, but they also didn't portray him as some sort of idiot who doesn't know anything. He tries his best with the little knowledge he has and the friends around him helping him out which I think was really good.
Moving on to the mother. Daikichi was so incredibly patient with this woman that it actually shocks me. It's revealed that the only real reason she abandoned her child was because she wanted to work more. I can tell Daikichi was getting more and more irritated with his interactions with her and props for not screaming at her or going off. I will say it would have been nice if they got some sort of conclusion with Rin and the mother as I kind of expected there to be some sort of end to their chapter whether it was a good or a bad one. Maybe the mother makes an effort to actually be a parent?
Overall this was a fantastic anime that I would definitely re watch. Originally I wanted a season 2. Unaware as I myself am not a manga reader. However another user informed me a season 2 would not be good. Upon looking up why this may be the case... I very quickly changed my mind. Thank you sslick for informing me. Great anime, just don't read the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 2, 2024
Out of all the anime that is ongoing this season. This has been the one I have looked forward to the most, yet as the episodes have gone on I have lost a lot of interest in this show. When I finished season 1, it was 2 weeks before season 2 was set to release so to say I was hyped was an understatement. My initial rating for season 1 was a 10/10 and I still stand by that. Each episode was full of suspense. Seeing Haruto's beginning and literally being on the verge of death. It was such an incredible start and every episode
of Seirai had me hooked. Not to mention there was a lot of characters that I enjoyed from the very beginning and I feel like it did a great job introducing us to some of the villains from the start. The Main MC with a horrible past also didn't turn into a douchebag even though he had every right to do so. It was great. That was one of the things I disliked about shield hero. The main MC was really cold in season 1, even to those that hadn't done anything wrong. Haruto wasn't like that.
Season 2 however, to say it has fallen flat would be a nice way of putting it. It has been nothing short of disappointing, boring, devoid of character. It has been nothing but 1 big disappointment. It almost feels like the creators have forgotten what they was even wanting to do with the show because as of writing this review, I am currently up to date with the series and not once can I think of anything note-worthy or remotely interesting because it has either been meetings (the slime isekai effect) or doing whatever. Very very very little plot progression has actually taken place thus far and it is so sad to see. I can let it go for at least the first episode or two because most new seasons of an anime don't start off crazy, but after 8 episodes I was expecting something to have happened by now.
I also find it frustrating that Haruto literally will not tell anyone about his past. It's not like it will effect anything major. He's literally living with people from his past life and yet they're still going with "I have a past life, I'm just not going to tell anyone" because why? It's a shame. I do like Haruto, as an MC I find him to be super likable, but his constant need to keep things a secret just wares thin after a while. In season 1 Haruto was so focused on his goal and was a nice guy that didn't take shit from no one. In season 2 he feels way too relaxed and not really bothered to continue his journey. It's almost like he has come too complacent.
Maybe the manga is more fast pace and they've chosen to adapt the slowest bit of the anime, but getting through season 2 has honestly been a slog and I don't know why I'm still watching it. Unless the final few episodes go absolutely crazy I can't see myself watching a season 3 as watching this season has been a complete waste of time. If you're reading this review after finishing season 1. Just skip this season, I promise you won't miss ANYTHING of importance. It's basically all filler.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 1, 2024
I don't think this anime was bad. However, I found myself not enjoying it nearly as much as I expected to. On paper this anime seemed like it was right up my street. I watched a few videos on TikTok about it and it seemed like something I would be highly interested in so I checked it out. Whilst I don't think there was anything bad about it. I did find myself finding it boring a good chunk of the time.
Let me start with the positives:
The visuals were absolutely beautiful - I don't think anyone can disagree with me when I say the visuals
were beautiful. The way the animators beautifully captured the world that Hitomi was seeing the rare times she was able to see colors was nothing short of fantastic. To me, it seemed like they were trying to portray how Hitomi wants to see colors and I feel like they absolutely nailed it. It was too bad there wasn't more scenes like that as I feel they could have done a bit more.
The soundtrack - Overall the soundtrack was pretty good. I can't really say too much on it as I can't really talk about music in a detailed way, but I did quite like it.
The characters - Most of the characters were solid. None of them came off as unlikable which is rare in my opinion because I feel like there's always one character in every anime you tend to dislike for one reason or another. I myself included. This one I didn't feel like anyone stood out as being a bad character.
Moving onto the rest of the show: I don't think it was a bad anime. However, I did find myself not caring nearly as much as I feel like I should have. Maybe it was the way it was presented, missed potential or the delivery on certain events. I don't know. But I feel like they could have done so much more and I found myself struggling to finish the anime around episode 7ish as I was growing increasingly bored. That's the problem with romance in animes. They always get together on the final episode, leaving no time for development which becomes incredibly annoying. I actually appreciate anime more when they get the couple together early on so we can see them grow.
Another gripe I had was Hitomi the main girl was pretty lifeless. That's the best way I can describe her. She had probably the blandest personality I've ever seen in any anime. She speaks with a monotone voice, she very rarely changes her emotion. It just comes off as boring. I don't think she's a bad character, but I do think she's about as exciting as Tofu. It wouldn't have killed her to be a little more enthusiastic. First episode and maybe second I can let off as she's just been shoved 60 years or so into the past, around nobody she knows, and she feels depressed about not being able to see the fireworks. But the other 11 episodes I can't really think of many moments if any where she seemed happy. Just pretty dull overall.
Decent watch, but it wasn't for me
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 15, 2024
Violet Evergarden, was nothing short of incredible. That's all I can say to describe this show. It's been a while since an anime has actually had me tearing up and feeling emotionally invested in the cast of characters. I think the last time that happened was when I watched Clannad.
Violet Evergarden is not an anime I would typically watch. I went into this series not knowing a single thing about it and I'm glad I did. Whilst I didn't care for every letter story that was presented to me, I liked the majority of them. Especially the one in episode 10. Most animes struggle
to make an audience member care about a characters story if they've barely been around. It's like when a character dies in episode 1. Sure it's sad, but I didn't know him so why should I care? With Violet however, I found myself caring for the cast of characters even though most appeared for 1 episode max. Especially the Dad that lost his Daughter and was writing a play with Violet and the Mother who spent a week straight before she died writing her daughter 50+ years of birthday messages for when she passed away. I found those stories to be really sweet and I love how it was all portrayed.
Violet's backstory was really interesting to me and it was probably my favorite part of the anime. I loved seeing her upbringing, how she came to be, how the major shaped her to be who she is and how it all ended. The animation was absolutely beautiful and I can't think of a single time it degraded in quality.
Personally I liked this anime a lot and I had a feeling I was going to enjoy it by episode 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 3, 2024
The start of this anime was a difficult one for me to get through. But not in a bad way. Sometimes there will be an anime that will resonate with someone. In my case that was Sing Yesterday for You
The anime had in my opinion such an incredible start. Introduced the MC of the show Rikuo as this relatable character that feels like he’s stuck in a dead end job, he’s barely getting by in life and feels and acts depressed. That already hit me hard. After episode 1 I had to sit for a bit and process everything that had happened and everything that
was said to really let it sink in.
The best way I can describe this anime is a coming of age / finding yourself sort of show which everyone that is in their 20s can relate to this anime on one way or another I feel.
The cast of characters were decent:
Rikuo: was ok
Shinako: was honestly kinda bland. Her entire personality is “my love is dead”
Rou: sucked ass.
Chika: was a great character and I wish she got more than 1 episode to expand her more
Haru: easily best girl. Fantastic personality, loved her crow aesthetic and overall she was a delight
In 12 episodes they managed to fit so much story telling which is difficult to do and I feel like for the most part it was executed really well.
I do feel like the last 2-3 episodes were kinda spoiled with the whole Shinako not being able to make up her mind shit. She finally got out of her slump then her friend was like “yeah you ain’t ready” and it reversed literally all of her character development. That was incredibly annoying. Then on the last episode despite him showing next to no interest for the entire show, suddenly he has feelings for Haru despite him admitting he loves Shinako for the other 11 episodes. That ending, whilst I was glad Haru won, the way it was done kinda sucked ass.
Overall I still really enjoyed this show for what it was and I don’t regret starting it
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 26, 2024
Mirai was by far one of the worst movies I think I've ever seen in my life. Nothing about this film was appealing at all and how it was nominated for best animated film of the year is beyond me.
The film Mirai just had so many things wrong with it that I can't even begin to describe. I'll start with Kun: I understand that with being a child you can expect a level of immaturity. At some point in their life, all kids have been immature / brats at some point and that's normal. However, Kun takes it a step further to the point
he just feels unlikable. I can't say I fully blame the kid though as his parents were pretty neglectful for the entirety of the film. I get that with a new baby you're going to want to put them first. But the way they do it was horrible. Soon as Mirai came into the picture they basically forgot their first born exists.
This is where most of the problems stemmed from. Parents neglect Kun. Kun reacts and or lashes out, Kun gets punished, screams and shouts then he has an experience from the past or future version of one of the characters. Once Mirai was born, the parents barely even spoke to Kun. I also think that the film started off way too confusing and could have been portrayed way better. An example is when Kun goes outside and suddenly starts playing with a human version of his dog. I get the message it was trying to send when this happened but they could have done that in a way less confusing way.
Overall terrible film and I can't recommend this film to anyone all all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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