This is a perfect example of an anime that will make you feel entirely happy with every episode that you watch. The nostalgic flashbacks that are shown in the series hit you very lightly, but perfectly. I was very satisfied with the many episodes that came after this first season as well so give those a go after this season.
Story: The slow pace of this episodic anime does not cause any harm to it at all. In fact, it helps that the story does not try to delve too far into Takashi's grandmother because it is inferred that the story will focus mainly on
Jan 20, 2016
NHK ni Youkoso!
This anime will give you some of the following: feels, tears, and feels. The twists and turns that this anime makes you experience is great at times and at others, heart-wrenching. This anime goes through many phases, greeting each character and their backgrounds, giving clearer understandings of the MC and the other reoccurring characters. The feeling you get after you finish this series is very satisfying. This is the first time I have watched an anime where the developer gives you those "what if" scenes and it really messes with you. Sometimes I wished that some parts of the story were just those scenes, because
Jan 20, 2016
Somehow after watching this anime, I had to rewatch it after the OVAs came out to remember what had happened in the anime series. The whole faint zombie feel is nice. Not too heavy and not too light, just the right touch.
(May have some spoilers, maybe) Story: This anime ends up being a cliche where the heroine is saved by the main protagonist, but the story develops in a way where it is unique though, given the genres. Certain information is relayed later as the anime goes on and in a seemingly fitting way. I am not sure what they intended the viewer to feel when ... |