Mar 3, 2022
Ok. To begin with, if you're easily amused with a confused story and get mad at unecessary, out of place jokes, this manga ain't made for you.
That being said, I loved every minute reading and appreciating everything about the world that Oh!Great created. It's not about being rotulated as sport/fighting/etc that really matters, because why rotulate when you can have everything in a single manga.
Starts as sports and evolves into something else, so if you looking for a straight sport manga to start and end, I would not recommend air gear.
Said that, I think the manga is a masterpiece created.
The characters even
tho there's some flaws, I think everybody got their little spotlight and moments. The dialogues were also always encouraging and made you feel close to them, especially if you're the same type as them, always joking around, you can feel a sense of similarity with them.
But Onigiri is where I draw my line. Was too much abusive in his behaviour and even as a comedy relief, it felt really silly sometimes.
The villians were also unexpected in my eyes, things were from 8 to 80 so fast that got me totally unhanded. And I love when some plot twist happens, and the flashbacks from the main villian aswell were really impactating and really sends a strong message.
I COMPLETELY ENJOYED THE SERIES. 3 times read and I hope in a few years comeback to that masterpiece and enjoy it like I did those 3 times.
I may be biased, but I'm going to give a 10. Sometimes isn't about how deep is the story, or well explained things are, but if you had fun or not. And gosh, I had a whole lot. If you didn't got a laugh reading this manga, your sense of humor is broken, I'm sorry.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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