Jan 1, 2021
This show did a fantastic job at highlighting it greatest aspect; romance. The show drove home a wonderful relationship between Megumi and Tomoya and having the viewer wanting those two to take the spotlight but then two horrible characters try to crawl their way into such a wonderful romance anime. Those characters being, the traitors Utaha and Eri. Those two characters enter the scene only to use the MC to help save the project the traitors joined hoping to make them famous. I know I am supposed to rate the movie itself but how is the viewer supposed to feel sympathy for the project failing
when they LITERALLY LEFT HIM FOR THE BIGGER PROJECT. That is why outside the romance aspect this anime is a hot dump of garbage. The story clashes its beliefs with the viewers but doesn’t convince us why the MC should help the two characters when all they have every done is work on a game in a club and betrayed him. The MC continues to help the traitors through thick in and thin and after everything is said and done that is it. He doesn’t get to have them return to the his company (at least until his company is famous go figure proves my point) all that happens is they help him make the deadline for his game even though they don’t help for nearly the same amount of time Tomoya did and just cry because he found someone better to fall in love with. And for him to crawl back to them every time they need help is so irritating because somehow this one person saves the whole game but they call him average but somehow Utaha is a legendary screenwriter and Eri a legendary artist (who is also masochist) but they can’t make up the slack for one person. With all that being said overall the romance carries the story so much it honestly isn’t funny but at least you get to see best girl Megumi carry the whole movie on her back.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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