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Jul 28, 2022
Do you enjoy a well-paced, well-thought-out plot with interesting and fun characters? Then look somewhere else.
This show doesn't know what it wants to be, and never quite hits the mark in the 12 episode run.
It can never decide if it wants to be a fantasy cooking show, a whaling series, or a fantasy adventure. Sadly, what it does pull from these genres is minimal and poorly executed.
A majority of the characters are completely forgettable and downright unlikable.
Mika is by far the worst. Its like they took the "Im not like other girls!" trope and said "lets me them a guy, but even
more insufferable!" His quirky personality trait is that he's always hungry and always thinking of food! How original! His entire reason for being is to eat dragons.
Takita is a complete moron. Joins a Draking crew with no real knowledge of the profession or dragons. Her personality is bland and the show wouldn't really change much if she weren't in it.
I will say that some of the location art is pretty well done. Some nice colors and design.
I am also guessing they chose this wonky art style because it was cheap, but its that "Netflix Anime" style that just looks bad (from a character design standpoint).
The only thing I DID like was the opening theme. Its catchy and enjoyable. I listen to it every episode.
If you're looking for a Dragon / Fantasy Anime, go somewhere else. Skip this anime and forget it exists.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 23, 2021
I saw this anime on my Netflix recommendation list. I put it off for a while because I wasn't really sure about it, and I am sorry I ever hit the play button.
The story had so much potential, and it was entirely squandered on a badly written children's 'love' story. Its made even worse when you discover that the series just takes place in ~*~*~fantasy land Japan~*~*~ where everything is the same except there are people who live in the sea.
There is no attempt to really flesh out the underwater civilization or its
history, which generally just seems to be Japan but underwater. There is a mythology that is touched upon, and has been going on for what appears to be thousands of years, but instead we have to deal with more irritating children who act far too old for their age half the time, and too young the rest of it.
Why do electronics work underwater (Like TV's and Radios)? How can rice be 'cooked' if its already been soaking in sea-water? How does their homework.... work?! Pens + Paper in water... wat?!
Theres also the thin reasoning for these sea-born kids to be going to a surface-born's school. They appear to be the only kids in from this village until later when its revealed their not.
Add in your typical "dirty old men" trope and you get the most mediocre anime to come around in a while.
Then there is the pool-side boob grabs of middle school girls...
I'm honestly amazed we didn't get a shitty hot-springs episode somewhere along the way.
There are some good parts to this anime; like the art and music. Those are pretty well done, and I was surprised by that.
The main character "Hiki' is the absolute worst. He's an abusive @sshole to his apparently love interest Manaka. He constantly belittles her and emotionally abuses her. This is probably one of the worst parts of the show. They play off the idea of "he hurts you because he likes you." and that is disgusting, wrong and extremely problematic to be perpetuating.
Runner up for worst-person-in-the-series would be Kaname. He's not much better of a person and feeds of the toxicity of Hiki. Add in Tusmugu and you have a trio of unlikable boys who are so emotionally inept its a miracle they haven't died from their own stupidity.
Do yourself a favor an avoid this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 9, 2019
I've given a lot of bad reviews lately, so it makes me happy to be able to give such a positive review of a series for once.
I will admit that I'm not normally a huge fan of sports anime. Many of them take the premise to a near fantasy level and its less enjoyable that way. While Haikyuu!! DID have its moments where it got a little crazy, they were very few and far between.
Who doesn't love an underdog story? Watching the team come together was an incredibly fun journey to watch. I enjoyed that the series showed that its not only possible
to be strong as an individual, but how you can also be strong as a team.
The character design was also a nice change of pace. I'm so used to same-face in recent anime that it was a shock to see different character designs. It was also nice to see a variety of personalities among the main cast.
I think its these two above reasons that makes this anime so enjoyable and heartbreaking at the same time. Watching them succeed is elating while their defeats can nearly bring you to tears.
If I would change one thing in particular about the episodes, I wouldn't have a game / match last more than 3 episodes. The tension starts to fade a little and there ends up being a little too much exposition.
That being said, I highly recommend this anime to everyone!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 28, 2019
Harem Anime 4,513. Oh thats not the actual title? My Bad.
First, Isekai anime have been flooding the market over the last several years, and I think with that comes some fatigue. At least for me. I decided to watch this show knowing nothing before I went in - and that was a mistaken. The idea of being transported to another world with your cell, and being able to use it sounded like it could have some interesting idea's. It did not.
This is just your typical harem anime with Isekai slapped on. There is nothing new or ground-breaking about this series. Someone new is
being introduced: It'll likely be a woman. And she will obviously fall in love with the hero. Why? Plot.
Panty shots, the beach episode, walking in on them changing, all wanting to marry him... ugh. Give me a break. It was like the creators had a checklist of cliches and a challenge to use them all by the series end.
The characters also lack any real... character. They mostly have same-face and a copy/paste personality. Even the main character was bland. I gave the art in the series a 5/10 only because I thought locations were well done for the most part.
Sounds got the highest score of 6/10 because I felt that the music and voice acting was the best thing about this series... which should say a LOT about this series.
The harem aspect was the worst part of the series, followed very closely by the fact that there were never any real stakes involved. He would always win every fight, and do it effortlessly and with 'style.'
Final Thought: Skip this series and save yourself the trouble.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 17, 2019
An interesting but unnecessary Digimon story. (A review of all the Tri stories)
I understand that for the 15th anniversary of Digimon, the studio wanted to do something fun and interesting. This story however feels like it could have been better suited to one of the other Digimon properties. I think a story taking place 3 years after the event in Tamers might have worked better with a more developed digital world. But alas, we returned to the original characters.
There really isn't much to say regarding the overall story of the Tri series. There seemed to be more loose ends than answers. The characters
struggled to really find their ground here. It seemed like the producers wanted to have the original characters but in their more grown up state. It made the story unbalanced.
The art was actually pretty good. It had a Voltron feel to it, and for the most part, the characters did resemble their original designs (with Mimi being the major exception). There could have been a little more effort to differentiate them, but aside from that, the designs for the digital world and several locations around Japan were amazing.
Major pet peeve:
If there is one thing that drove me to the point of nearly abandoning the whole series of movies it was Meicoomon. I swear if I had to hear that little f***er say "Mei" in that whiny voice one more time, I would have put my fist through the TV. As a character, it takes the number one spot of most annoying. A spot I used to hold for Hikari. Meicoomon was designed and voiced to be "cute" but is just absolutely insufferable. I had kinda hoped they would have killed Meicoomon off.
What I liked:
The Digimon design were as good as ever. I was happy to see Patamon > Angemon > MagnaAngemon (can you tell my favorite?). As mentioned before, the locations were great. I did enjoy at some of the new characters introduced and the idea that the world didn't just forget about Digimon. I did enjoy some of the backstory as well about the "first" digidestined.
Its a good time-waster, but doesn't really add anything to the series as a whole. If nothing else its an average story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 5, 2018
Another over-thought, attempt at being clever anime that completely misses the mark.
- On our first introduction to the characters; a 15 year old dead-beat and his 11 year old 'genius' sister is ruined by a G*ddamn panty shot. I nearly stopped watching there, but decided it was stupid to judge the anime on one bad choice.
-The duo is known as "Blank" in the online world, and after being whisked away to a parallel world, begin the process of overthrowing the government(s) by playing games -> which is the way all issues are settled in this world.
I like the premise of a world
where all disputes are resolved by games, it could have been interesting. Instead it falls flat on its brothers c*ck. Oh wait, that was the 11 year old sleeping on her brothers crotch. Nevermind.
-The wholes series tries to shoe-horn in how unbelievably skilled these two are, if it succeeded at anything, it was how unbelievable it actually is. The convoluted methods the characters go through to justify how they win makes me think the writers sat in a room for days planning this out, giggling at how terribly clever they are. No. The more the characters talked about strategy and how they won, the more obvious it became that the writers really weren't clever.
This anime is less about games than it is about a harem though. Of course this loser 15 year old NEET just happens to stumble upon the most gorgeous women in all the land and of course they all love him and want to do him - his sister included. Its tiring and boring. This is probably how "Nice Guys" view the world.
The animation is fine. Its modern and had a little same-face going on, but the costume designs range from interesting to "did you even try?" Bad girls have tits, good girls kinda do. Blah blah blah. Harem anime. I'm too gay to care about this shit.
The best thing I can say about this anime is that I love the opening. The anime has the substance of deep-space, but at least the opening has a decent beat going on.
People I think will like this anime: People who hate themselves, masochists, Nice Guys, Perverts and people who don't know what "taste" really is.
People who will hate this: People who've seen the best anime has to offer. Spare yourself this BS anime series and go watch FMA:B or a Miyazaki movie. Any of them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 24, 2018
This anime is the definition of "Trying too hard."
Lets start with the story: On the surface its actually a decent concept. In fact, if there was more world to explore it could be quite enjoyable. Instead, the first two episodes are 25 minute expositions that end up doing nothing for the story overall.
From that point on the story attempts to pull heart-strings by delving into the debate of logic vs. emotion, and exploiting the death of children to really drive home the point of how gut-wrenching the story is.
All in all the story ends up going nowhere while attempting to paint itself
as some kind of amazing piece of art. In short: skip this anime if you can. Its not worth it.
Art; I will say that I did enjoy the background art. I do enjoy a unique look, but its completely thrown off by the same-face animation style that has taken over anime in the last 10 years. Netflix itself has a bad habit of using sub-par animation, and this is no exception. While I can't get past the animation of the characters, I will give credit to the background images. They were well done and really gave the world life.
Overall: Abandon the mud whale. Not worth the time or energy that went into it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 29, 2016
I decided to watch this anime based on the plot listed on CrunchyRoll, and seriously regret that decision. The plot, from the description, seemed fairly interesting, but boy did they drop the ball on this anime.
Lets start with the characters;
Mi Lui: Generic "badass" with a winning personality. He's so predictable its sad. He also seems to be able to make these leaps in logic that make no sense unless you were the writer of this character.
Anji: The tits of the operation. That's it. She has large tits and is almost entirely useless.
Chen Fong: Doesn't wear a shirt. Cries a lot.
Looks like a girl.
Lee Shin: An assassin who's afraid of women? What?
Yaya: Introduced to be... cute? I think? Nothing cute about her. She's annoying and unnecessary to the plot.
The plot:
What even is a plot? That's the question I assume the creator of this dumpster heap asked himself before penning this trash. He takes elements that COULD be interesting and then ignores what MAKES them interesting.
Magic holographic computer that has info about where the characters are? Used twice. Only used the second time to ham-fist the ending into place.
Bomb collars that detonate if you kill another person but give you one more day to live if you kill a monster? Never really touched on.
The MC's trying to save the orphanage they grew up in by robbing a bank? The orphanage has been closed for a while now and the director died. But whatever.
The prison is a destroyed city displaced in time? MC figures that out in the first day. Also; no explanation why.
Vampires? Lets make them less interesting than Twilight's vampires!
The quality of the animation is fine, I suppose. Its pretty much what you'd expect of an anime from the 2010's + time. There are moments when it seems the animation is 'off,' like they just could get the animation to match the scene properly.
In the end, don't watch this anime. Just, don't. Save yourself the time and watch something that's worth it. I hope and pray this anime dies in with the first season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 4, 2013
Heroic Age isn't a bad anime by any means, but it's not the best either. This was an anime that I picked up randomly because the description sounded interesting, and it did deliver on interesting for sure.
The plot tends to mix SciFi and Fantasy in an interesting way, blending mythology with technology and developing a world on the brink or death. The characters aren't exactly the most creative, but they are fairly diverse and mesh well together.
Some of the scenes are phenomenal, taking on massive scales for the ships and stations. Planetary scenes are nice and defined, so there is a fair bit
of eye-candy for the viewer.
My main issue with the series, and really the only one of importance, is that the main character (Age), is unbeatable. His entire schtick in the series is that he is invulnerable, that he CANT fail at whatever it is he is assigned to do. I feel this took away from the value of the series and was unnecessary.
This is an enjoyable anime, and worth a watch. If anything, it's a great one to pass time with.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 4, 2013
This anime is one from my childhood, and I absolutely love it! I remember watching it when I was about 12 / 13 years old and I can still go back to it today with the same enjoyment.
For an anime that is focused on children, it tends to be surprisingly deep. It is very emotional with fair morals to be taught.
Friendship, honesty, hard work, TEAM-work, etc are all in the foundation of this series. After watching both the American version and the original (subbed) I can say I am pleasantly surprised by both.
The characters are fun and interesting to watch and there are
a lot of comedy-gold moments throughout the series. There are however an equal amount of heart-string pulling moments that will break your heart.
If you watched this growing up you will probably understand, if you have a toddler or child I would recommend this anime to you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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