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Dec 29, 2021
Yeah so for this show I feel this was a decently low-quality show but tbh I'm saying it's a 7 because it was decent and the ecchi was pretty good too. Ok fine maybe the ecchi is what is bringing it to a 7 for me ok.
Story; well it started off well enough I liked it in the beginning and thought it was pretty cool, but then around the last 3 or 4 episodes it felt like wtf? the last episodes just came out of nowhere and didn't really make a whole lot of sense to the rest of the show. It also made
me dislike the MC which sucks because I kinda liked him at first and I think if the show took its time getting to those last few episodes id like it a lot better.
Art; Yeah it looked pretty decent. I think a lot of the designs for stuff were pretty good not the best ever but above average.
Sound: Ok the OP doesn't need to go nearly as hard as it does especially for a show like this like the op is actually really good and this show kinda sucks in terms of quality, idk it's weird but I guess it's a good thing.
Characters; eh most of them are just alright. I like the main girl that's always naked the best, the blue-haired girl is cool too. The MC was fine in the beginning but I kinda started to hate him by the end it just seemed weird and out of character a lot of the stuff he was doing. Also didn't like how OP the MC was like I get he was supposed to be but like it was just too much I wasn't really a fan I wish he'd have to earn the power more. But yeah overall the characters were just kinda meh I did like the one girl tho I thought she was fun and interesting.
In terms of quality, id say this show is like a 6. Like it has some cool things going for it but tbh that's about it all the other stuff is just pretty average and I feel those not as good aspects really just keep the show at about a 6.
In terms of me liking this show yeah it's like a 7. I mean it might be low quality but it's still fun for me to watch and like I said the ecchi is pretty decent IMO and that automatically is always a good thing to me. So yeah the show might not be great but I still liked it a lot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 29, 2021
Yeah, so this is another video game anime which pretty much means it's pretty bad. Then again it's also a video game anime which means I know the characters already and that makes me like it more.
Story; I think the story is pretty basic, pretty mediocre, you know nothing special just kinda meh. not bad, and not good.
Art; I mean the animation itself is pretty meh but I do think the character designs are pretty good I do like how all the 4 goddesses look. And just the world really also looks pretty neat.
Sound I don't really remember the music enough so
Characters; I like Neptunia characters they don't really grow but they're all fun and I still like them all a lot. I do think they are pretty cliche and like they fit into stereotypes but people talk too much trash about that stuff I still find the characters fun and I like them a lot. Also, Noire is the best.
In terms of overall quality, I think this show is just kinda alright it's a solid 5. Like it just doesn't have anything that really brings it over the top it's just kinda average.
In terms of me liking this show yeah it's like a 6. I see the funny girls from the game series I like and I go "Ahh it's them" and that makes me like the show more than I probably should, and Noire is good which also makes this at least a 6.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 29, 2021
Ok, I'm just gonna say it Nichijou is overrated. it is I'm sorry for telling the truth. But anyways I just feel like it wasn't that funny. I mean sure there were some jokes that I liked but the show is nothing but skits and I laughed at like 10% of them so.... I feel that's pretty bad. Also, I hate the format of breaking your show up into little skits even if it is a comedy anime I want some semblance of a story even if it's a bad one just stringing together a bunch of jokes is just annoying to me, but people
do love this show so Idk maybe that's just me thing.
Ok so for the story, well it's a comedy anime that's just kinda a bunch of skits so nonexistent.
Art; eh the art is fine I didn't really have a problem with it. I might even go as far as to say that it's good.
Sound; well I do remember the music does kinda go hard so I will say the sound is pretty decent ngl.
Characters; I mean I like all the characters well enough I think they are fun and quirky. I don't really have a ton to say about them I mean I guess they don't really grow as characters but they are fun and enjoyable characters so I don't really feel that's much of an issue.
In terms of quality; yeah I think this show is just kinda ok at a solid 6. I mean it's just a bunch of mildly funny skits I think is a perfectly deserved score here. Like it's really not a bad score I did enjoy Nichijou, however, I just don't think it's as good as the fans say it is. Also, my personal liking of this show is also a 6 and pretty much for the same reasons. I will say that I might be biased because I personally don't like the format of the show like how they just show a bunch of skits rather than have a story, but yeah I think that sucks and its bad so I'm using it as a criticism.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 29, 2021
Yeah so pretty much how I feel about this show is that it's overall pretty badly made or just doesn't go into enough for me to really call this good, however, I do love me some devil may cry and whenever I see funny Dante on screen I go "Ahh its Dante from a video game I like". So that makes me like this show more than it probably deserves.
For the story, I feel it's just alright. Like I wouldn't say the story is necessarily good which tbh disappoints me but I guess what else can you expect from a video game anime, but
yeah the story is just kinda meh not bad necessarily but not really good either.
The art is fine, but it really could be better. I do feel like the games have a really cool look to them and I wish the anime had that look as well, but the art is just kinda meh.
The sound is decent at least I don't really have any problems with that.
The characters... I mean Dante is just such a cool guy so 10/10, but no, in reality, the show doesn't really do much for the characters like they are still cool and all but not enough for me to be like woah in the confines of the show id say its just like 5.
In terms of quality, id say this show is like a 5. It's not bad, and it's not good it's just kinda average, however, my personal score of liking the show is more like a 6 because Devil may cry is a great games series and biases my opinion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 29, 2021
Yeah so first off id like to say that yeah I think Black Lagoon is a pretty good show in terms of quality, however, I also think it's very edgy and I think it can kinda cringe at a lot of points.
So for the story is pretty unique I feel and it stays interesting and cool I also think the story does a good job at growing the characters and showing who exactly the characters are.
The art is decent it didn't really blow me away or anything but stuff does look cool and overall id say it's a little above average.
Sound yeah,
I wasn't really blown away by that tbh it's pretty mid I didn't really care about it.
Characters I think the characters are overall good characters like they are well written and they do all grow and feel fleshed out. I personally am not really in love with any of the characters like I said before the show is very edgy and the characters are too which isn't necessarily a bad thing but for me and my personal enjoyment it doesn't really fit so I'm saying that lowers my application of them.
In terms of overall quality, id say this show is like an 8. It has a pretty good and unique story and same with the characters I think this anime is one of the better ones created out there.
In terms of how I like the show id say it's more like a 6. For sure I can acknowledge that the show is good but like I said previously it's just too edgy for me to really like it. Well I stilled liked it just more not as much as I think the quality of the show is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 29, 2021
Yeah so this show wasn't that great but I overall liked it just because I thought the ecchi parts were good.
Ok so for the story part I thought the story was pretty meh idk I feel if anything it was more just basic and mediocre. yeah, nothing really special or great about that part.
The art was anything special either id say that was also just kinda meh. I mean the ecchi parts were good but I don't think that alone makes the art section go to being good.
The sound was whatever it didn't really stand out to me.
The characters were pretty
bad tbh. I didn't really like any of the main girls, I thought a few of the other demon lords or whatever were interesting but the main cast didn't really interest me too much.
So in terms of overall quality, this id say this show is like a 3 like the story isn't great and the characters all suck like this really is just a pretty pure ecchi anime if you're watching this your probably not watching it because its good you're watching it because it got good "plot".
Anyway, this leads me to my personal liking for this show and id say that it's about a 6. Like yeah, it's mostly because the ecchi stuff is good, but tbh I've seen a ton of other shows that have good ecchi and good well other stuff so 6 is really as far as good ecchi will get with me, well maybe.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 29, 2021
Ok so first of all id like to say that this is for all of Space Dandy, not just season 1. So basically how I feel about this show is that it was alright I liked it. I thought a lot of the humor wasn't necessarily funny but it was entertaining like it did a good job of setting up a certain mood.
For the story I mean it's space dandy it's a comedy anime the story isn't really supposed to be good and it's really not. Given comedy, anime can have good stories and that would make me like this show more but yeah
the story isn't great, but I think that's fine.
For the Art, I will say that I think space dandy does look pretty good. I think the art and character designs, in general, are pretty good and that it's one of the strong points of the show.
Sound I don't remember it being all that important so it's like a meh 5/10.
Characters are pretty enjoyable and likable. They're all kinda just a bunch of lovable idiots and tbh it works pretty well.
For overall quality, id say this is like a 6. Like it's not bad it does its job as a comedy anime I just feel like that's about all it does like it's just kinda a fun anime to watch and nothing more. I feel it does its job but for me to give it something higher it would have to go beyond.
My personal enjoyment of it is also a 6. I feel it was just a fun show to watch but that's about it. I wasn't really in love with the show but overall it was fun and I still had a good time watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 29, 2021
Ok so Akira was alright I think it had a lot of cool moments and I think the story was pretty decent I just felt that the characters weren't all that great like the story felt like the driving force rather the characters like the characters were just kinda there. So for the story like I said I think the story is cool, I don't think it's like the greatest ever told or anything but it's good and it stands out. The art is a little dated but that's not a bad thing it still looks pretty decent IMO, but that's about it for that.
The sound is fine. I feel the problem I have with the characters is that they are too written for the story and only for the story like they don't feel like they have any aspects outside of the movie and I think that takes away from the story for me. The overall quality id say is about a 7 I mean yeah it's a pretty good movie, looks good, and is just entertaining to watch. In my personal enjoyment id say id give this like a 6 like sure it's a good movie I just feel I personally want something more like I said I just felt the characters weren't all that great and honestly the world was built up I just feel like it wasn't really for me or that they could of done something better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 29, 2021
Yeah, this one was pretty alright I mean the girls were cute and just generally entertaining so that was good I guess everything else was just kinda meh. The story was pretty forgettable nothing great there. Art was fine it didn't really blow me away or anything but I didn't hate it id say overall it was below average tho. The sound was fine nothing really to say about that. Lastly characters I mean like I said before they were enjoyable and cute so not really complaining about them but I wouldn't really call them good characters but still, I overall liked them. In terms
of overall quality, id say this show is like a 4 just doesn't really bring a lot. Likes it's enjoyable for what it is but I don't really think this is like a good show. In terms of me liking this id give it a 5 just because yeah it wasn't great but I still enjoyed it and thought the characters were fun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 29, 2021
Ok so for this I feel like I liked it was just that it was kinda forgettable. Like there wasn't really anything I really liked about it. Maybe the character designs I think all the characters all look very interesting but other than that this was overall pretty mid. The story was pretty meh like it wasn't really bad for what it was just didn't really do a whole lot to make the series better. For art like I said I thought the characters looked pretty cool so that's a pretty big positive, I like the like other world transformation outfits or whatever those look
cool. The sound was memorable I thought the music and stuff were pretty decent so there's that. The characters weren't anything special but they weren't really bad either they were just kinda alright. In terms of me liking this id give it like a 5. It was pretty enjoyable its just kinda forgettable and didn't really offer anything to make it go higher. Overall quality id say like a 4, like I said before I just feel it really needed something more to make it good in terms of quality id say it's more like a 4 maybe like high 4 like a 4.5 but yeah that's about it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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