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MAL×entine A Bookworm's Haven Easter Egg Hunt (Easy) My MALentine Story
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Jun 20, 2023
Just gonna start off with this is the most healing show I have ever watched.
I've seen over a 1000 anime at this point and I've watched a lot of wholesome series that are really cute, but it wasnt until I watched this that I truely understood what people meant by healing shows. This series is the most wholesome and adorable series I've ever seen and each episode was a precious gift. And this only gets better with each episode. I wouldnt let the synopsis put you off as the whole murder thinking thing doesnt last long at all and is only a part of
the first few episodes until the romance starts to kick off.
Yamada is a fairly unique female lead as she's very ditzy and a big eater. Combine that with her tall stature makes it pretty cute and amusing when she's side by side Ichikawa who's shorter than average. (Its the great combo of tall + short couple)
One aspect I love about this series is that unlike normal romances its the girl going after the guy, rather than the other way round. Ichikawa is a fairly passive MC which is great in this case cause it lets Yamada do all the pushing which shows all of Yamada's adorableness on ways to approach him indirectly. (Cause she's too shy to directly persue him). Yamada is by far the cutest female lead for this reason. The more the show goes on and the closer Yamada and Ichikawa get, the cuter Yamada becomes. Because the longer the show goes on, the more you realise how much Yamada does just to hang out with Ichikawa. I wont put specifics cause I really feel the best experience is to realise it yourself later on in the series like I did which elavated this series from a high 9 to a 10/10.
I EXTREMELY recommend this series to anyone that already likes wholesome romances or just likes to have a healing show in general. Its a holy relic gifted to us to cleanse all the evil from our souls and Yamada is our angel. Heard its gotten an announcement for a season 2 which I cant wait for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 24, 2023
Just gonna start of with the yuri is very strong in this one.
This is the first R18 yuri series I've read (And first yuri Light Novel) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I finally understand what my friend means when he says R18 scenes in visual novels are good for the story. The R18 scenes I genuinely just enjoyed for how cute they were and how much it showed the main two cared for each other.
Marika and Aya are such a cute pair to watch. I came to the LN from the manga and I'm glad I read this as the manga only goes through
volume 1 but the LN goes on for much longer. Marika being the cute popular girl and Aya being the cool beautiy, they make such a good par. I love seeing the typical cool & cute combo in yuri.
I highly recommend this for anyone that likes yuri and want to experience a good yuri light novel. (Its just a shame I cant find anymore good yuri light novels besides this as most yuri is manga)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 12, 2021
Well, I can safely say this series tricked me a good 3+ times throughout its runtime.
Great Pretender reminds me a lot of my favourite anime School Live in the way it tricks you over and over again and I love it. Its not often I watch an anime that genuinely does plot twists well and its very fitting for a series called "Great Pretender" which is all about tricking and scamming people.
Love the characters in this series. Its nice because throughout the series each arc lets you go into one of the main cast and their backstories and what they've been through. Edamura and
Abbigail get the most development in my opinion and they're both great characters. Edamura in particular is an interesting protagonist. He's like a merge between incompetent and competent main characters. He does well sometimes and not so well when he's being left out of the loop of the other's scamming plans but he gets better over time into becoming a great con artist.
The music is really good as well. Similar to Carol & Tuesday we get new English songs once every 5-6 episodes that add to scenes. It was nice listening to English songs for a change. On a similar note, the amount of different languages in the series is also pretty nice to see. It really shows them going across the world for their scams.
The ending is very satisfying. The ending of this series builds up everything we've experienced so far and gives it a satisfying payoff for your investment.
I highly recommend this show if you want something different. I can definitely say there isn't many series like this so its great for a new watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 8, 2021
Ok right off the bat I'm just gonna say, you need to watch this series if you like crime thriller anime.
I just came off watching Death Note which is similar to this however this takes it in a different direction with having Moriarty (The villain to Sherlock) and making him like a Robin Hood-style anti-villain that does evil things for a good cause but keeping the rival dynamic that L and Light had. The major difference would be I feel this series was a lot more fun at times compared to Death Note. In Death Note, it's very dark and serious whereas Moriarty The
Patriot feels like it's having fun with what it's doing and telling the interesting tale of Moriarty in a never seen way. The charisma from the main two Sherlock and Moriarty definitely plays into it. But its not like L Vs Light because it doesn't really feel like they're truly battling as most of the time Sherlock is in Moriarty's hand and always one step behind. But it still is really enjoyable for the external threats that they introduce outside of these two.
Oh boy, the absolute charisma coming from both Moriarty and Sherlock makes every conversation they have really interesting. They're both extremely similar which makes them even more interesting rivals. Just from their first interaction in season 1, you can tell they're bouncing back and forth from each other having a blast as there's someone else of their intellect. If you've seen season 1 you've most likely already fallen in love with these two if you're hanging around for season 2.
Obviously got to say the OP is catchy as hell. It has such a beat to it. The ending shot of the OP with Sherlock walking up to Moriarty is great too.
Won't say anything about the ending for spoiler reasons but it was really satisfying. It concludes the story in a really emotional and conclusive way. (Admittedly the ending did come quickly but they somehow managed to nail a solid ending despite this)
Sequel reviews don't hold as much weight as the original series reviews for me which is why I don't really write reviews for sequels but after watching the ending and the series conclusion I just really wanted to write down my thoughts on the series.
Overall highly recommend this series for anyone that likes their crime thriller anime and want something interesting to watch.
9/10 will definitely get the DVD soon.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 4, 2021
Just gonna start off and say I absolutely love this series.
It's your typical girl who gets reincarnated to redo her life and change her fate. It's a bit more interesting in this case though as she gets reincarnated to the present day then reincarnated back into her original life. However, the fantasy setting in this is pretty unique as they've merged modern-day stuff into the medieval fantasy era. Like they have surgical equipment and trains but still, use swords and magic. Its a pretty refreshing setting if you're tired of the usual stuff.
As for the romance, it takes a bit to get going but
once it starts it was just smooth sailing of adorable moments and shippable couple paradise.
Absolutely love Lise the MC. She's cute, beautiful, respectable, and just a generally really nice character. It's great seeing her do doctor stuff and get praised for it. Admittedly it's a bit mary sue-ish as she rarely ever fails but I still really enjoyed it as it's fun to see what happens.
Now, I just finished this manhwa at the time of writing this, and DAMN THE ENDING IS GOOD!!!!!! It's an extremely satisfying ending that plays on the themes of the series and provides a satisfying conclusion to the main conflict towards the end of the series.
Highly recommend this series for someone who likes romance manhwa and wants something a little different from the norm while also satisfying that same itch.
9/10, beautiful series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 14, 2021
Black Rock Shooter is a very interesting anime.
Honestly, I first watched this anime back in 2015, and damn I didn't understand a thing but the action was cool. Definitely, the thing that most people will recognize about BRS is the action scenes and amazing character designs. The story is very emotion/psychological focused which I couldn't fully appreciate on my first viewing as this was one of my early anime but after re-watching this I can definitely say it's an interesting series.
The characters are great. Obviously, at times the reactions and character actions were amplified to make the drama more dramatic but it worked well to
build on the story.
Basically, there are two worlds, normal drama world, and badass fight world. They're both linked by the emotions of the main characters and their alter selves. Which I think is cool and a unique idea. This concept works REALLY well when dealing with the relationships between characters as they use the battles in the other world as literal fights between emotions. It's like that movie Inside Out but if they turned it into a badass anime.
By far my favourite character in this series is the star herself, Black Rock Shooter. I can't say much without spoiling but through this entire re-watch, I absolutely loved her because I had previous knowledge from re-watching this about this ending. The ending in this series is great cause it makes you love the characters even more. The one thing I vividly remembered from this series was its last episode. It left a big impact on me. I also really love Matoi cause I always end up loving the MCs with their justice/kind-like personalities.
But of course, we're all here for the cool fights lol. They don't disappoint. I bet we've all seen at least one BRS fight in some form like an AMV. Funny enough an AMV was the reason that I decided to pick this series back up and experience it again.
Normally I don't like drama but here it was interesting. It's probably because it came alongside those fights. The fights and the drama merged well cause they weren't separate entities but if one started to escalate the other would follow.
Overall great series. I'd definitely recommend this series if you're fine with drama and want some epic fights with really good unique choreography cause DAMN THEY GET INTERESTING!!!
9/10 will definitely re-watch again in the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 1, 2021
Talentless Nana was an unexpected gift of last anime season.
Honestly going into Talentless Nana I was immedietly interested by the premise of the MC being the essential villain of the series. Watching Nana go around murdering all these kids was entertainig as hell lol. Nana is just that kind of character that is too cool to hate. (At least for me anyway) By far Nana is the most interesting character Ive seen in anime for a long time and her development in this series especially towards the end is AMAZING!!! I love Nana so much, she's so interesting. I love seeing Nana's evil expressions as
she screws everyone over or when she's surprised.
Another character I really like is the detective of the show, Kyouya, who acts as the rival to Nana as the murderer. So we've got this duel conflict between the MCs and it makes such an interesting dynamic of them playing mind games with each other. Its really interesting cause they're both of equal wit and intelligence and they work really well together. To the point where I was like "These two would make great friends if they werent enemies" lol.
Ive definitely got to say this anime is plotwist, the anime. Expect a million plotwists in this show as the series is constantly flipping the dynamic of the scenes in favour of different people. I absolutely love everytime something changes and seeing Nana's reactions of either shock or her signiture evil grin with a red background.
By far Nana carried this series for me alongside the other main character Kyouya.
My only conflicted feeling about this series is its ending. Dont get me wrong, its a great ending that holds a lot of power. Its just you'll probably have the feeling of craving more, badly. Thats all I'll say in terms of the ending to not spoil anything. (Its good though) However despite saying that I could definitely see myself re-watching this anime in the future cause its just too entertaining.
I highly recommend this series if you want something a bit different to the norm especially in terms of MCs. Even if you're just slightly interested in the premise you should definitely pick it up.
9/10 an amazing anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 11, 2020
Just came off finishing this series and DAMN IT WAS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly this series was such a unique experience to watch and I loved it from start to finish. The series starts off episodic with the MCs solving individual crimes to help smooth us into the story then it gets to the main plotline later on. The immediate appeal is Daisuke and the whole theme of Balance Unlimited. I never get sick of seeing him throw around money to solve his problems with that smug smile that makes it hard to hate the guy.
Matter of fact Daisuke is now one of my top 3 favourite
male characters. The characters in this series are all pretty great. But definitely the highlight of the show is Kato and Daisuke. They have such good chemistry from their opposing views that make them such good partners. One is a normal guy while the other a rich millionaire with a flawed common sense. So the two complement each other where the other lacks. Just watching these two talk is amusing as hell.
As usual with a great anime the soundtrack is AMAZING in Balance Unlimited. It gives it such a unique vibe and feel with its jazz/trumpets that gives that kind of James Bond spy type of feel. Also helps Daisuke's natural charisma to make him the ultimate chad badass lol. The OP is SO GODDAM CATCHY!!!! It really encompasses that rich theme the series has.
Overall I absolutely loved watching this series and highly recommend if you're even slightly interested in the premise or look of the series give it a try. Or if you're not quite hooked yet just go watch the OP on youtube and that might motivate you to watch it with how good the OP is. A very high 9/10. Will definitely buy it on DVD and re-watch again in the future. I'd love to revisit some of the earlier episodes again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 11, 2020
Well, this was really interesting. It was a lot deeper than I thought it would be covering the topics it does of solitude and facing yourself without hiding behind a mask. It's really interesting though. Normally these types of thought-provoking anime just go over my head but I could understand this one.
Now, Im really glad this anime didn't get dark or super dramary since most things involving time magic/powers generally go in a bad direction.
The beginning of the movie was a bit quick and events seem to all happen in a short period but overall it was good. If this movie had a little
bit more time to more naturally start the movie I think it would be great, but that might just be me. The girls were pretty cute and it was nice seeing them mess around while time is stopped.
I really liked the theme of not relying on a supernatural power and actually facing people and being true to yourself. The main girl has a bad habit of avoiding people so she uses her time powers and the other girl has a bad habit of not facing herself and being what others want her to be. It's really nice to follow these two as they find out more about each other and about themselves. As said previously normally animes with a theme either don't interest me or just go right over my head like 5 Centimeters Per Second but this one I fully understood (Or at least I like to think I did) the message of the anime and what the girls were trying to overcome. It was really nice to see how these two had changed over the course of just an hour. They're interesting characters I've got to give them that. They're not like most yuri girls I've seen in other shows who are two dimensional. They're fairly more complex with personal issues they need to overcome which is nice to see how they tackle it.
I'm quite surprised considering most yuri anime are just wholesome comedy anime that don't really try too hard but recently we yuri fans have been getting so many good anime like Bloom into You and this. I'm glad to see yuri anime are actually trying to be more than just average shows and are rising above that. Its probably just me since I've watched every yuri anime that exists lol but it's nice to see a show like this. To be honest this reminds me a lot of Kuttsukiboshi which was also about two girls and one of them having supernatural powers.
The song at the end was really nice. Just thought I'd say that.
Overall it's a great anime that I recommend to yuri fans if you're a bit bored of the average yuri shows we normally get and want something a bit more thought-provoking and interesting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 7, 2020
DAMMIT ITS OVER!!!!!!! Such a beautiful series has ended this day. *tear* You were like a brother to me!
Ishuzoku Reviewers was honestly one of the best comedies I've ever watched. Its the first ecchi anime I've genuinely enjoyed for its sex jokes and the ecchi isn't unnatural like literally every ecchi anime ever where they forcefully add it to normal circumstances. No, here its a part of the world and culture making it perfect. A lot of the problem with anime that relies on sex jokes for their comedy is they just keep reusing the most generic and average jokes that anyone tells which
makes it boring and annoying AF! But Ishuzoku Reviewers is BEAUTIFUL in this regard. The jokes are so unique because of its premise with all the different races and making race-specific jokes on how they differ from each other whether it be their culture, their body-make, etc. They seem to never run out of creativity when it comes to the races. And oh boy do they not give a fuck who's watching! They know full well what they're doing and what they're joking about and embrace it fully.
The characters are beautiful. I could relate to Stunk so much and whenever he talked about the reasoning behind his reviews I was just nodding my head while trying not to grin over how funny it all is. The cast really works well together each having their taste based on race, etc Stunk liking a hot elf but Zel likes an old lady because of her mana. Things like this that make it strangely interesting to watch to learn more about this world that has a strangely good amount of world-building for what it is lol.
Meidri was by far best girl! She was so adorable and acted as the normal one throughout the series. I was constantly shipping Stunk and Meidri since they'd be pretty cute together. But of course when you watch the series, dont mess with Meidri. You do not want an angry Meidri on your ass lol.
The OP and ED are catchy as hell and that OP had me grinning my ass off every time I saw it. This is clearly a show aimed towards men with the jokes and relatable stuff.
I highly recommend Ishuzoku Reviewers if you're sick of the below-average shows that rely on garbage sex jokes for their comedy and finally want a gem of a comedy anime.
10/10 my experience with this establishment was amazing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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