Jul 21, 2012
i really don't get how this isn't number one anime just because it doesn't have as much shows or episode thats not the point short and simple and worth it Gintamia or how ever you spell it idc i watch all the way up to 13 and still not loving it the only thing thats funny is that second in command guy always trying to kill his leader and thats it also GTO and Beelzebub i just don't get it thank you
Apr 22, 2012
simply the best anime ever hands down i rank this no.3 the anime before this is Clannad and after story of Clannad I'm about to watch Gintamina i think thats how you spell it anyway hope this anime is worth it theres like over 100's of em so yeah if anyone has any recommendation please let me know please I'm the coolest loving nerd / jock person ever thank you just try me haha sounds wrong but yeah