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May 27, 2024
God, Don't even know where to start talking about this masterpiece.
There are things I think could be better, but there's zero doubts that the good points extrapolate the bad ones in number.
The read is extremely enjoyable and I think the way the author builds the environments and the characters encounters is just peak.
Art: 9
Normal anime art. The drawings are not usually an important aspect of LN, like it is regarding manga, anime and VNs, but well, it is still nice to comment about.
Art is cute, depicts the characters in an enjoyable way. Not much more to say.
Story: 7
Hear me out. It's not like I'm
saying the story is bad or something in those lines, it's just that it's a normal story with normal plot events, but the story is not what really makes this novel a 10 (IMO). There's not really a more profound view in the aspects of the world, like the cultures, countries (geo-social-political way) or psychological insights, but it's a comedy, so we can leave that aside.
Even though I said that, it's important noticing that, even with me saying those aspects are not really exploited, if not just not exploited at all, the comedic build-ups and the general pace of the events is just top-tier. Made me giggle in more scenes I can count with my fingers. And those last, idk, 3 chapters of the 17th volume T-T
Characters: 10
This is where the story shines, and it shines really bright.
Each character is specific, meaning every individual has it own traits. Each character is highly memorable and each of them serves a purpose in the story as some "archetype". Each of them is a gear, without which, its not presence would be highly perceived. Sometimes the whole machine would stop working. Every character is different in many ways, and the interact with each other differently. That's where it shines. If you would take Aqua off the equation at some point, for example; her missing would be perceived. The characters interaction would feel a little less brightfull. It would feel like definitely something's not right. Even though she is sometimes annoying as fuck, she would still be missed, for her being a important character in the general web of interactions. Not sure if what I'm saying is strange, but that's it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 1, 2024
(Spoiler parts are going to be specificated)
This review is not only about the first season, but also the special (4 eps) which conclude the plot. Have in mind I'm not a review writer.
So, I would say this anime has more pros than flaws, but that its flaws are sometimes annoying. This review will be separated in different topics, as usual with most reviews.
Coming back to talk about the anime, definitely is worth watching; it's not long (17 episodes) and will make you think a little in some scenes, regarding the outcome of your actions, the fact that the present can and will probably be forgotten
sometime and other things that are not really philosophical, but just make part of your normal daily life, so most of people don't really think about it that much, and that's why I'll say that not only the premisse is quite interesting, for revolving about this topic, but it's talked about quite well.
Let the review begin.
Characters ------------ 8
Most of the characters here are created, each one, using a specific personality trait (each character represents only one), so don't expect profound character development and good psychological drama (which isn't even there).
For example: There is the character who just can't express herself right and ends up keeping other people away (Hishiro);
The character who is good at everything and suffers for not being able to be at the others level, being kept away by them (Tamarai); and many others.
The characters per se are pretty much likeable and relatable. They aren't those kind of super developed characters, where we enter at the most profound depths of their minds (like Kaneki Ken, or Okabe Rintaro maybe), but are interesting, as they represent certains traits, which many of those are present in more than one, only in a person; and that aside, their interactions are, in some way or another, pretty natural.
Also, there is a character development in the characters, which isn't superb, but i would say it's "above the average", using as reference many of other animes we get to see (those seasonal slices-of-life, you know?).
Plot ----------------- 8
Also going to get an 8. The premisse is interesting, and many times it gets brough into evidence in some parts of the episodes (it being the fact that the MC has to enjoy the ReLIFE, because it will only happen once and everyone will forget about him). Sometimes it just looks like a normal slice of life, what is good sometimes and kinda bad at other times, like the fact that they always bring romance to the main topics many times towards the end of the first season and the whole specials. Many people would like it, but many would also dislike it, for just being cliché (the characters have a ton of ways to get developed and shown interacting to one another, but mangakas and anime scriptwriters always have a way to replace that with some ahh dramatic romance cliché) and interrupting the most serious part of the plot, driving it to another kind of story sometimes. Even with those flaws, in general, the plot will get you thinking about many of the events that happen, what is interesting, given that we don't really stop to think about these daily ocurrences, which have some kind of deeper meaning, which are just ignored.
It progresses in a acceptable way, and don't leave you with that sensation that the plot is somewhat dull and just boring.
Art / Animation --------------- 5
Pretty shit. Nothing really original, just that common anime artstyle we get in most of the anime that are released, and the animation is straight up bad; but it's not really relevant, as the plot is not something that would require good animation (like anime with crazy fight scenes or something like that), and everything is just revolving at the plot itself.
Musical Tracks --------------- 10
God. The OST is generally, somewhat, jazzy. The composers really did a great job at creating the songs, and the sound directors did a good job at putting these pieces at the right moment (ED's are also good af). One soundtrack that really stuck with me (and probably with most of the people who watched) is Fukametai Naka (will say why in the next sentence). The anime OST consists (as I just said earlier) of jazzy soundtracks, so it's not uncommon to hear some notes out of the scale, and somewhat a broken rhythm, but that does not mean it's bad, actually, these characteristcs are what make the songs good and enjoyable, for they are used in a really good way, and really get along with the mood of the scenes they are used in.
Ending (SPOILERS FOR SPECIALS) ------------- 6
Now this is the part to talk about something that made me quite annoyed. Everything went well. We (watchers) were, since the begginning, expecting for them (MC and Hishiro) to lose their connection to those class colleagues they made and their memories of each other. Which happened. Just as expected, they return to adulthood, get their jobs, start a new life and everything is being what would be a good ending (it still was at the end). The changes they made in others' lives will not be undone. BUT. That ending. That clichéd ending. Where they were supposed to lose their memories because of the medication.
Maybe the anime could show us the support team tampering their pills or something like that, but it doesn't happen (at least in these 2 seasons).
How the fuck did they remember each other? I would accept it if they discovered each one had a ReLIFE (through those cellphone pins or something like that) and somehow also discovered their whole history in the ReLIFE, and just started getting along again. it would be a good ending. And a ending completely loyal to the plot.
But somehow, they fucking remembered each other magically, just ignoring all the laws the plot put for itself (which is: at the end of the ReLIFE trial, everyone whom they interacted with will forget them, including the other experiment participants, which are Kaizaki Arata and Hishiro).
Instead of giving an explanation of how that happened, they just left it at there. Don't tell me that bullshit of like "they loved each other so much they just surpassed the medication effects". I mean, broooooo if it would turn out like this, why say that they would forget each other in the first place? The person who wrote the story just betrayed every reader/watcher with this ending. Created the whole plot revolving in this one rule, just for it to be broken at the last episode with no real explanation to why it happened.
This is the reason I gave the ending a solid 6.
In the end, I give this anime a solid 8 (as my standarts), because of how the story progresses. It is a fun ride. Recommend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 19, 2023
I'm not gonna make a really big and specific review, once english is not my first language (and i'm not able to express my opinions clearly), I didn't finish it yet and i'm not really good with reviews.
The story follows the trama of Irako Seigen and Fujiki Gennosuke, two swordmen (samurai) that learn their fight style at the Kogan dojo(??? don't know if that's a dojo or another thing); the two had a rivalry and one (Irako) was banned from the dojo and was turned blind the same day. After this, we're show how the rivalry between the two gets resoluted (not gonna talk more
about the story itself so I don't give spoilers)
===Art: 9=====
The art is ASTONISHING when it comes to anatomy. The mangaka is able to draw perfectly the muscles (it is noticeable the illustrator's anatomy knowledge) and the gore, which is very present in the manga. The bodies dynamics are very good too, and for me, it only fails (sometimes) when it comes to faces. Sometimes, the faces of some characters look kinda strange and deformed.
The manga's semi-realistic drawing style is incredible in my opinion.
===Story: 8===
Well, me, for being a laic person when it comes to japan history, wasn't able to really keep up with some of the events. Sometimes it shown "X year of Kan'ei" or something like that, but I didn't really know it. Besides that, the story is very cool, the events that happen with the characters are remarkable and it does not have bigger flaws (in my opinion)
===Characters: 7===
I think this is where it has the most flaws. I wasn't able to "grip" to the characters (I mean like: feeling empathy for the characters and/or sharing feelings with them) because i don't think they were developed really good until now. And also, it is kinda strange for the writer to present us to many characters and just kill them some pages later, but that is also interesting, for adding that "the things come when we never expect it" feeling. The only character I've "gripped" to is Kitsuki Gannosuke, because we are presented to all of his sufferings and why he became that way (even tho he is still strange, but I feel pity for him).
====Overall: 8====
The manga is pretty good. Presents us with a samurai atmosphere and we're drawn into that world successfully. The art is astonishing and the artist's skill is noticeable, with it's gore being the thing that is the more outstanding, for being really detailed and "anatomically surprising". The fights are actually pleasant to see, because the manga is, in no way, predictable, so we, the readers, have the curiosity to know how it will end, after following what happened to the characters that are in the fight. Another interesting thing about it is the fact that we are able to understand how much something is important, lemme explain: Sometimes in some stories, we're presented to a threat that we don't really understand it's importance and effects on the world, being one example the final villain in Wednesday. Once he appears we feel like "ok, but what he can do? what does he threaten? how much is he powerful", and he still is defeated in some minutes of fight. That doesn't happen here. Every time a character is fighting, we fully understand it's threaten and how much he is dangerous, like when (spoiler??) ||Ushimata-dono appears in the middle of Fujiki's revenge and starts killing everyone. Since he did that we were certain of the problem he could cause||. But I really think it could give us completely three-dimensional characters, to make we share feelings with them and get drawn into the story more than ever. But it is still a interesting reading. That's it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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