Jun 17, 2024
Spoilers at bottom.
The story of Silent Witch revolves around Monica Everett, who is known for her silent spellcasting, and being the 7th Sage.
The Seven Sages are a group of very powerful individuals, who answer directly to the king, they are all mages.
Monica, being one of these sages, is given a task by the king to protect his son, the second prince Felix Arc Ridill.
Felix attends the magic school Serendia Academy, and is the student council president. The problem is, Monica is not to be discovered by Felix, or she will fail. Another problem would be Monica's crippling social anxiety.
The story is split into to
distinct sections. Main story and after story.
Main story is generally continuous, with the after story having time jumps and smaller separate stories.
Story is generally displayed as romance, but it is not.
Main driving point of this novel is Monica's interactions with other characters.
Monica has extreme social anxiety, but not to the point that the story is unbearable to read.
Story has very nice foreshadowing. Characters feel to have depth.
Characters that are important are generally interesting, the author doesn't overwrite characters that aren't all that important.
Later volumes explore Monica's backstory.
The story revolves solely on Monica, anything she is not involved in practically doesn't exist.
Many characters are used as tools to drive the plot, forgotten after a while.
While reading I felt that the author didn't truly know what they wanted to write. The story sometimes shifts gears suddenly, sometimes in the middle on an arc.
You will either love this story or hate this story. The more dedicated you are to reading it, the higher the chance you won't like it in the end.(ending unsatisfying)
The romance between characters is enough to give readers the idea that Monica will get together with someone, with barely enough romance to keep you satisfied between chapters. I fell for this trap, expecting love to bloom, when nothing happened. During the afterstory Isaac and Cyril seem to compete over Monica somewhat, but it's just so vague there isn't really any drive behind it. I am horribly irritated by these turn of events. Throughout the whole story it's implied it's a romance novel. (THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE NOVEL). There is no satisfying ending, no love, nothing. The author spent so much time building up the idea that Monica will discover her feelings and do something, but she doesn't.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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