„Pandemonium” is a series about anthropomorfic animals living in apocalyptic world. The series focus on Zipher’s journey trough the hidden city of magic hybrids in order to save his loved one. In the city he meets Domika, who show newcomer kindness in this strange place.
Art style is very cute, yet untypical, more in the moe style than realistic. Altrought it’s very fitting for the story.
Characters are likeable and understandable in their motives.
Overall, the series is very short but well written. If you like stories about mystery and magic, Im sure it will be a pleasant read for you.
Dec 8, 2023
Kill Me Baby
Kill me baby left me with… well very mixed feelings, more on the negative side.
The story is about two girls, Sonya, who is an assasin that hides as a high school student and her classmate. She’s very serious and rather violent person, always hitting or torturing her classmate, Oribe Yasuna. Yasuna is stupidly optimistic and always get on Sonya’s nerves because of that. She’s very kind and good hearted tho. There’s also a third girl, Goshiki Agiri, who is a ninja and just show up sometimes. Episodes are cut in three, not related to each other segments. They are mostly based on random and gag humor. ... May 10, 2022
I woul lie if i would say that i didn't fell in love with this anime.
First of all, what I think is most important is the characters. Despite of the huge amount main characters, all of them is diffrent from each other andd feels like real people that could exist in our word, whitch is very hard thing to do in overall litereture. However that creates a problem- it's hard to pick only one favorite! Anyway, the world that we see in this anime is very unique and magical. Wizard's world kinda reminds of Alice in Wonderland but hell more violent. Story gives every character place ... Apr 30, 2022
Tokyo Ghoul
This anime feels like watching something on 5x speed and taking with someone on the phone so you missing half of the content.
Story by itsef is not by any mean bad, I could even say that the idea itself is very interesting and quite original. I truly believe, that manga have better character and story development. Anyway, anime feels like they just wanted to get on hype train that manga made, but they had only month to made script, animation etc. All characters is unikeable and it's very hard to symphatize with them. They are like marionettes without their puppet master. Art, compare to manga is very poor ... Apr 29, 2022
Aku no Hana
This manga was an awful expirience.
At the begginig we met Kasuga, which is just a normal middle school student, he have friends, hobby and even a crush (he's no by any mean "unsociable"). The girl sitting behind him in class is Sawa, an edgy teen whose actions are truly illogical. She is mean for everyone and manipulative. Her actions was never explained at all, she is like that and we have to accept it. There is also Nanako, the popular and hard working girl that is also Kasuga's crush. She is also character with the most depth in manga. Characters are probably the worst ... |