Apr 17, 2020
It's a fucking rollercoaster of emotions for all the wrong reasons.
The plot itself is actually surprisingly interesting: the MC is forced to live with this spacey gal character, which sounds generic but the MC doesn't give a fuck about her and only cares about cleaning up the messes she makes in his house. The dude is just a master at cleaning his house. That's his thing. Entire chapters dedicated to "oh no, how do I get this juice stain out of my blouse?" and then him explaining the God-given blessing of lemon water and baking soda. He's the goddamn Sherlock Holmes of housekeeping. The manga
is wholesome, informational as fuck and the MC is a massive chad.
Unfortunately the publishers announced they'd be axing the series after its conclusion due to low sales. This announcement occurred partway through the syndication and... uh, the mangaka had a fucking SEISMIC MELTDOWN at the news. There's literally no other way I can describe it. The ending of the manga goes off the fucking rails, driving the readers into the realm of LEGENDARY BAD.
You will notice that the MyAnimeList posting tells you the manga has 25 chapters. You will also notice that the manga itself only goes up to "Chapter 10." Why is this, you might ask.
The answer is because Chapter 8 is actually 15 chapters long. It starts at "Chapter 8" and ends on "Chapter 8.99." I'm not fucking with you. How do you prevent your manga from being cancelled? Easy, make it such that it never fucking ends, give us the Sexual Horror equivalent of Haruhi's Endless Eight. And yeah, throughout Chapter 8 we get to see the mangaka losing his goddamn mind in real-time, all while we're subjected to absolute storytelling ASS. As an experience, reading Gal Cleaning! Chapter 8 is like reading the entirety of Berserk's Golden Age Arc except every character is fucking Casca.
I had the absolute pleasure of witnessing this disaster as it unfolded in real-time, and I had a support group of some IRL friends to weaken the impact. It's the manga equivalent of watching a squirrel get run over by an 18-wheeler and staring at its dismembered lower-half, just waiting for it to stop twitching. There's just... nothing like it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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