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Jan 26, 2025
TLDR; This is so bad it hurts. Apparently that's the first work from the author (and the artist), and it REALLY shows. I'm really disappointed since the artist did manage to do make a good first impression, with the impressive cover and couple first chapters, but I felt it wen't downhill not long after.
A female knight in an elegant shining armor, beautiful colors, illuminated by the bright blue sky. If the cover is that good, surely the manga will be as well, right? Wrong. At the time I'm writing this, there's only a couple of chapters released, at a extremely slow pace, but this would
be fine if the quality was worth the wait. It's not.
The setting is about an isekai'd virgin Guts arriving at fantasy world where matriarchy is the norm, all nobles and knights are female and all the males are either servants or slaves (not sure if they mean a different thing in this setting), all really feminized. The only manly man is the protagonist, which so happens to be noble. This is supposed to mean he is ugly in this setting, but (not surprisingly) all the hot females he meets actually want to bang him (and most or all of them are virgins as well, so convenient). This setting of course is a gimmick, but it could be very interesting, if approached well.
With that said, there are a lot of problems with this title:
- What's this supposed to be about? Is it about a horny virgin Guts getting a harem of noble women? Is it about war, royal responsibilities and what not? The genre is all over the place. It's impossible to write a good story wanting to do everything at the same time, this is an example of someone trying to.
- Outside the cover and the first few chapters, the drawing becomes really rough, really fast. The cutesy lines become much rougher, almost abstract. Sure, this could be passed as an artistic choice, but it just feels sloppy to me.
- It's barely readable. The artist likes to use a different set of speech bubbles and most of the time the bubbles don't point to whoever is supposed to be talking. Because of that, frequently you can't be sure whether the one talking or thinking is the one shown in the panel or the one who is talking to the one you're looking at. For some reason he seems to dislike using a narrator to explain better what's happening as well.
- The panels change perspective out of nowhere: On one panel, the fight just finished, the other they're already in pursuit of the remaining force who got separated, with no way to tell the scene is different. On one panel, we're looking from the protagonist point of view , the next, we see an arbalest aiming at someone. At who? From where? Is it enemy or ally? We can go back to previous panels to figure out what exactly happened, but the fact that we need to go back shows how bad the panel structure is. It could easily be improved by adding a few more panels for context between the transitions or even some speech bubbles for what the characters are thinking (or noticing, like this damn stealthy arbalest). I don't know how the artist is choosing what to do in an entire chapter, but it is like he is trying to keep the same speed the light novel has, and it doesn't translate well to the manga format.
- Finally, about the plot: Who is that supposed to appeal to? I'm used to reading both horny garbage and gore-filled action fantasy, in fact most trashy garbage are about defeating monsters in a fantasy setting. The problem with this one is that instead of Guts killing super powerful monstrosities, we get Guts killing cute female knights. Wtf? And I'm used to war settings full of gore, but that still does not sit well with me. Why would I want to see dozens of girls getting sliced like nothing? What's the point in recruiting a militia if the protagonist will just kill all of them by himself anyway (so the girls in his side all get to live)? Why was he even considering retreating if he's so OP?
In conclusion, I went in with a lot of expectations for good stuff, but left really disappointed. While the gimmick is interesting, it didn't do a good job in neither the horny garbage or the more serious "war and everything related" genres. I don't know what is happening with this title, why it is so slow, why the quality seem to have dropped, but as of now, I don't really recommend this to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 5, 2024
That's probably the easiest review to write. My first contact with this work was reading the manga, 2 months ago.
At the time, I thought it was pretty light and fun to read. This adaptation in fact is quite fun until about the end, when even the comedy aspect felt butchered.
Although I haven't read the light novel myself, I refuse to believe the drop of quality is because of the source material. The dialogues and the minor "break of expectations" were quite funny until the last episodes, so I assume the end was rushed to fit in 12 episodes.
I'd suggest to read either the manga or
the light novel instead of watching this, just because of how bad it ended. The animation wasn't really that good. Good writing and seiyuus can only do so much to save an adaptation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 12, 2023
Netflix never ceases to surprise me, every time for a bad reason. This is the first time I ever felt like giving the lowest possible score. Most bad animes have some kind of saving grace. They may be bad, but they usually get at least one or two aspects right. That is not the case here, at all.
TL;DR: This is not just bad, it's disgustingly bad. The first episode will tell you it all: It's all about drugs, sex and gore. Just that, for the entire 10 episodes. It is just shock value. The message of the story is that even in this world where
demons who literally slaughter humans exist, HUMANS are the real evil. It provides no more substance than that. Every character is one-dimensional with no real nuance whatsoever. There are A LOT of better options with similar themes, but are WAY BETTER than this. Recommendations in the bottom.
Having never watched Devilman, other than the "When my Devil Rises" PV by Man with a Mission (which is awesome), no comparison will be made with the original series.
The series feels like it was written by an edgy 14 yo who thinks drugs, sex and humans being eviscerated in gruesome ways is enough to make a good adult story. It's all of that for no other reason than they wanted it to be for pure shock value. And it gets old REALLY fast. I can just end the review here since that's all you'll get from this show, but there are a couple points worth of note.
Leaving the content aside for a minute, the drawing and animation are pure garbage. Everything is disproportionate, and sure someone will try to say this is an "artistic choice". No it's not. Real artists don't draw things out of proportion just because they fell like it. The most charitable way to think about this is that they didn't have time or money to do anything better and went with it anyway. It feels like Netflix is testing what is the limit for people to still watch while they pay studios to make budget animations while they reap the profits. The evidence of that is the newer Gokufushudou adaptation they made, which is quite literally an slideshow of the manga. Even some fan-made adaptations are better than that. Because of that, the fights and sex scenes are laughably bad. And on that note, why would you show a literal kid consuming porn? Even the only kid they depicted in the entire show is depraved.
All characters, perhaps except Akira are consistently bland. The unnamed characters are evil for evil's sake, either because they are religious fanatics or because they just like killing innocent people using the pretense that they may be demons in disguise. It's fine to point human evil, but when almost ALL humans are evil, it just feels cheap.
Most of the demons are just gruesome beasts, similar to bloodthirsty animals and that's how they're somehow better than humans, as they have no moral, killing only on instinct, while humans choose to be evil.
Being a Netflix show aimed at western audiences, of course they needed to depict gay sex, and of course, the gay guy is a good guy. And of course they would use part of the Bible to paint their view of Christianity. To be fair, there are quite a few who do the same and just preach the parts they like of the Bible, but it's worth pointing this out. Perhaps this changes nothing for some, but it makes every western media from the past 10 years or so feel the same. It's like need to have a political agenda, they need to have "representation", if there are Christians depicted, they need to be ridiculous. It's a cartoonish depiction of the world.
This is a minor note, but worth to be pointed out: There are some aspects in the show that are loosely (to say the least) based on Christianity. There is Satan and his goal is to bring a secular version of the Apocalypse. Satan here is somehow an angelic form of Lucifer, which is by definition asexual, fused with the classic depiction of Baphomet, which has breasts and a penis (thus both sexes, as most demons usually are depicted). While usually Satan is either Baphomet (most of the times) or Lucifer, they combined them to make this new form.
In conclusion, there's close to no reason to watch this, except if you really want to see depictions of drug use, sex and gore, but even then there are a plethora of better options. From classics like Elfen Lied, in which gore is used to depict the duality between innocence and violence; dozens of action animes, like Hellsing (and Hellsing Ultimate), Kiseijuu, Drifters [...] all of which have actually good fighting scenes and at the very least interesting plots; And of course it would be a sin to not mention Berserk, the masterpiece from Kentaro Miura which is gorgeously drawn, has amazing story telling and actually has a meaningful nuance between the duality of good and evil, between humanity and demons; Words are not enough to explain how good Berserk is, you need to read it. But there's also another recommendation that isn't really anime, but a game, in fact my favorite of all time, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, which is originally for NDS, but was ported to 3DS as Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, with a story expansion and (most importantly) fully voiced dialogues. Most people know Persona, which is aimed at teens, Shin Megami Tensei is the classic experience, and the Devil Survivor is a spinoff of that series. The plot is amazing, being a story-heavy VN based on the Bible with multiple endings, which shows how you can make an ACTUALLY interesting fantasy interpretation of the Bible; The OST is freaking awesome, with most being rock and really fits atmosphere; And the RPG part is very well done, with an awesome strategic combat system and perhaps the best summon/fuse system of all SMT games which allows you to create very customizable demons fairly easy. It's a gem that more people should play. Guess I wrote much more than intended. Thanks for reading :*
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 7, 2023
First of all, let's not pretend this manga is so much different from anything else already out there. It isn't. In fact, the first couple chapters may leave you with the impression it's going to be just another isekai-thing with gratuitous fanservice.
And it kinda is. But is a damn good isekai-thing with a not so gratuitous fanservice.
The plot is quite simple: There's a mysterious dimension called Mato which from time to time, a gate appears connecting it to Earth. In Mato there are ogre-like monsters who will slaughter any human they set their eyes upon. Since they're superhuman, normal humans don't stand a chance against
them, but there's a special fruit found in Mato which can awaken superpowers (devil fruit?), but for some reason, it only works on girls (conveniently). Our protagonist is a normal guy who becomes slave to one of those girls, which turns him in some kind of beast to help her fight. In exchange, she is required to give him a "reward" according to his efforts every time he transforms.
What this doesn't have in originality, it has in execution. The fighting/training aspect is surprisingly well done. Even though there is some kind of power level dynamics, the characters get stronger through training and most fights are pretty satisfactory.
Although it isn't really a complex story, there are a lot of gorgeous girls, all with defining characteristics and motivations. The plot actually matters and the way it unfolds feels very natural.
And most importantly, the rewards aren't there just for the sake of fanservice (which would be fine). They work as a reason for the girls to develop feelings for the MC and for their character development. It goes without saying they're very well drawn. It makes a hell of a difference when the ecchi stuff actually is meaningful and not just some random panty shot out of nowhere.
In conclusion, this is a pretty light and fun read and the ecchi scenes are pretty good. It actually surprised me positively.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 7, 2023
Years after Mitsudomoe, the funniest sh*t you'll ever see if you're into nonsensical comedy, from the same author, we get a romcom with a twist, or is it?
The premise presented is of a protagonist which fantasizes about killing people, specially the most popular girl of his class, who is pretty, cute, funny, airhead, glutton, popular, model... just the most perfect girl possible. A beauty and the beast kind of story. That premise holds for about one episode.
From the second onwards, we can already see that this "fantasy" is perhaps a kind of defense mechanism he has so as to not interact with people. He thinks
of himself a creep, and thus, is shy and insecure with girls. He thinks about killing the girl precisely because he finds her so desirable, and with his self-pity, he thinks she would never even think about having a relationship with him, not even friendship.
Despite abandoning the premise, it is a fairly enjoyable romcom. It made me laugh a couple times and the couple is kind of cute, but there a lot of problems with the setting. If i could define this with one word, it would be mild.
First of all, the protagonist. Even his defining characteristics are very mild. He is shy, but just a little; psychopathic, but just a little; perverted, but just a little. Perhaps his defining feature would be his passiveness. Everything happens with him and to him and he takes almost no initiative.
Oh, and he is VERY presumptuous as well. When he sees her sad, crying or even laughing, he assumes the reason; And EVERYTIME he is wrong. Most romcom protagonists are dumb, this one is dumb squared. "But that is because he is shy". That is the thing, he is only shy when convenient. If the author kept his premise in which the protagonist thinks everyone sees him as a creep for at least a couple episodes, the development would be much more believable: He could try to avoid her in fear of being rejected and actually learn to get rid of most of his insecurities and become a better man from that, but no. He is mild from start until the end.
On the other hand, the perfect girl he is infatuated with is precisely the one who actually does something. For no reason at all, she likes him from the start and SHE is the one who pursues him. You know the typical romcom where the guy pursues the girl who is shy and overthinks situations they're in? He's the same thing, with roles reversed. He is the "girl" of the relation and she is the one who most directly shows her feelings, despite he constantly refusing to see it.
There's also the fanservice. Since they're teenagers, the boys will talk about sex stuff or the girls bodies. There are a lot of boob or ass shots and the protagonist also has a boner in a lot of these situations, but nobody ever notices it, conveniently. I prefer when either the perv side is for comedic purposes or the anime actually embraces these situations in an actually serious way to show the characters really want each other, at least without the "shy boner". Again, even in this, it is mild.
A minor aspect, but i think i should mention: Sometimes the head proportions are VERY off. Some scenes they're fine, others they're much smaller or even squished.
To conclude: This anime is a fairly classic romcom. It is not bad, but a lot of it's "twists" aren't really that interesting, if you think about it. Enjoyable, but there are a lot of better options available.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 3, 2023
That's not a "technical" review. I evaluate anime based on enjoyment, which in turn is derived from my expectations from the first episodes and how those were met or even surpassed.
Much like Kimetsu no Yaiba, this anime is a technical masterpiece, the art, animation, sound, etc are all great, but that is only half what makes me appreciate an anime. It must do something different to catch my attention.
In a world were gore is trending, with shows like The Boys and Invincible getting a lot of attention, there's actually "some" motivation for the characters in this one, despite being very shallow most of the time.
Don't expect it to be a story-driven anime, it really isn't. There's some fanservice, which is fine, but the main dish is the gore part, which does provide some shock value, but i find it to be very cheap selling point.
The enemies still are evil for the sake of being evil, we know nothing of them, except they like to kill people (and being just the first season is no excuse). And at the same time, even the non-human main cast have an almost as shallow "motivation" for killing them. The only exception for this is Aki, but all the other characters basically spit on the "avenger" motivation, as if revenge isn't something he should want. So yes, while i do like the technical aspect of this anime, it doesn't provide me a reason to care about almost anything that happens in this world. And that's a huge deal for me.
So, while i did indeed like Chainsaw Man, i urge you not to get your expectations high, they will not be met.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 14, 2021
That's one of those animes i think you should know what to expect before watching, so i'm listing here things to expect:
- Yuri fanservice, both adult (dragon included) and kid (dragon included);
- Shotacon fanservice with a way too big cup-size "ex-god";
- Most of it is slice of life/fanservice.
So, first things first: I was expecting a comedy show. That's not really what you get here. Yes, the situations are kinda funny, but really, i laughed a lot more while watching even Hataraku Maou-sama than watching this one, and hataraku is way down my rank of "funiest animes i've ever seen".
If i compare just Slice of Life
genre, i'd say there's a couple better shows than this one. One i specially recommend that fits in this "simple, but actually masterpiece" is Barakamon.
Kanna is way too curvy for a child. That with the yuri theme really rubbed me the wrong way. And the last episode was so different from the others, it felt like it was another entire different anime, which i don't like when it happens.
I'm not really against fanservice, but as i was expecting something else, the show overall wasn't very pleasing to watch. Maybe if i knew what i was going into, i'd have liked it more.
SO, not a bad anime, but there's a lot better options to choose from other than that, depending on what you want. Barakamon is a better slice of life/comedy, Mitsudomoe is a god-tier comedy, Sakura Trick is an actual Shoujo Ai, Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai is a better comedy with a pinch of "fantasy action"... Guess the only good reason to actually choose Kobayashi-san's is if you're really into Maids?
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 6, 2021
You can't talk about Edens Zero without talking about how similar some of the characters look with other works from Hiro Mashima. This should not be a surprise if you knew, for example, that he made Rave Master's Plue into a Celestial Spirit for Lucy, but this happened again in Edens Zero with multiple characters, specially Happy. This reuse of designs might bother you, but it's just a characteristic of Mashima's works.
It has the same light-hearted comedy setting which made me love Fairy Tail, but because this is a 25 episode series, the first few episodes are kind of fast paced, presenting you a new
character in almost every episode and the plot develops really fast when you compare with long running series like Naruto, Bleach or even Fairy Tail, which had from 12 to 25 episodes just to present you the plot.
The plot so far is interesting, but it's too soon to really say anything more about it. I really hope it gets a second season later so we can actually see how it will develop (yes, it is a possibly hundreds of episodes long plot and i love it).
I remember some people complained Fairy Tail had a lot of static images in the fighting scenes, that's not the case here. I'm really happy with the way they animated them.
The main aspect i rate animes are enjoyment, and this really is something else for me. If you liked Fairy Tail, or even if you didn't, give this anime a chance. I promise it will at least make you laugh a couple times, then you can decide wether or not it is worth to keep watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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