The stakes are still high and I'm still dying to know what happens to my traumatized king but this shit is dragging on way to long now. I would have preferred less episodes just to increase quality of visuals and overall prodution quality.
Had to take several breaks in watching just to look forward to the story again. I'll still recommend but it's gone down my list and I'm sure it'll keep dropping in my recommend list. Overall try it for yourself and hope for the best.
Last thing I'll comment on is the world building is trash, towns and whole cultures are ignored or the most
Aug 23, 2024
Great Pretender: Razbliuto
The drop in excitement from this to the original is huge, feels like different shows completely. Season 2 or whatever you would call this movie is really missing key parts like the music wasn't the same for me and the pay offs to the stories weren't important, leading to feeling confused and needing to process after the fact. Not what I expected at all and left me feeling disappointed, the main reason I'm leaving as high a rating us because as a standalone with more episodes this would have been a 5 but my honest rating is closer to a three.
Aug 22, 2024
First review to say that this anime needs context to understand why it's bad and to still tell you to watch it.
It's a mess of a story but the animation and style of the time looks great. The gore isn't what should be the selling point but there is a lot. Reminds me of BubbleGum Crisis and had the same fucked storyboard. You'll never know what's coming next and you'll never be disappointed. Notice for every bad there is a good lol. If you don't like the heavy action cyberpunk otuko genre then you'll know very fast this isn't for you. Again I'd say watch ... |