Dec 25, 2013
This is my first review, and really I have no idea why I chose this anime to be my first one to review but it's happening.
Well, where do I begin. Ookami-san focuses on a "bank" that helps people with their issues. This is a pretty interesting concept that is sure to grab people's interests, me included. Ok, I admit. I barely skimmed the synopsis before I started watching the show. Due to this, I somehow thought that "helping with their issues" meant this was going to be a quiet, soul searching type of anime. And yes, this was completely my fault. Yes, this show has
it's serious points and there are some attempts at being deep throughout the plot. But if you're looking for a phycological, deep anime then please don't look to Ookami-San to fulfill that. If you're looking to turn your brain and watch a rom-com with decent humor that's pretty fun to watch, THEN look to Ookami-San.
Story: There really isn't much of a plot in this anime. It's in that weird in-between area that can't be classed as episodic but doesn't have much of a continuous plot either. I feel like if you sat someone down who's never seen the show before and had them watch a random episode in the middle of the series they'd probably be ok. In a way, this reminds me of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It centers around a bunch of weird kids running around doing weird things in a weird club. There are background stories for some of the supporting characters and that add a touch of seriousness, but a lot of times it's random, forced and feels weird. Ookami's relationship with Shiro is explained as well as the trauma behind it- but the thing is, it never feels finished. Close to the end, it's kind of just dropped and it's pretty frustrating. It just doesn't feel finished or satisfying. The love stories in the show are really nothing to write home about, with one frustratingly slow (It's not like I care what you're doing b-b-baka!) and one between a borderline stalker and a lady's man that's just plain bizarre. Don't expect the ending to wrap anything up either- this is one of those shows that just kind of ends with no real conclusion.
Art: The art is ok. It's nothing special but it's not bad either. Some of the character designs could get on your nerves, like the eleven year old kid the resembles a mouse that comes in for one episode. That one made my eyes hurt.
Sound: I have to admit, the opening and ending songs for the show were both extremely catchy and could become addictive. I loved them both.
Characters: Oh boy, here's where the fun begins. This anime has nearly any archetype you could think of. We've got your Tsundere as the main character- and boy does she stay true to that title. I know a lot of you are die-hard Tsundere funs, but personally I found nothing endearing about a "tough but actually not" girl that beat the crap out of poor Ryoushi. The other characters included a maid girl, a snarkly loli, a super eccentric wizard girl, a business-type with little to no emotion, a stalker/obsessive girl, a lady's man, a level-headed guy with a permanent good mood that has his kinks (in this case that includes cross-dressing and disguises) and of course your clumsy, weak love interest that has his manly moments in the name of love. As I stated before, there was some minor development for some characters but there was a lot of wasted potential due to the giant cast and small number of episodes. Another thing people seem to complain about is the narrator. It's true that the "captain obvious" moments can leave you rolling your eyes. It's a little much for a serious where there isn't so much going on that things need to be explained constantly. She can be funny though- take her for what she is. Overall, while the characters were likable and very hard to hate, they weren't exactly memorable. Be prepared to see characters that come in for one episode and then are never mentioned again. That includes our lovely poor girl that comes in in the last episode and is for some reason a major plot device- what the heck was that?
Enjoyment: This is a fun show to watch as long as you don't take it to seriously. As long as you take it for what it is, you should enjoy the series. I'm not saying you should put it on the top of your priority list- but maybe consider it for a rainy day with nothing to do.
Overall- 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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