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May 14, 2024
The first interaction between our main couple is one of the guys brutally beating the other one up, so I knew this was gonna be sh1t from the getgo. Everyone in this story is unnecessarily cruel with the exception of our MC and the guy he switched bodies with. The rest just feel like caricatures of cruel high school students and there's just an outstanding lack of empathy. We know teenagers can be awful during school, but this just felt like it was trying TOO hard at giving us disgustingly edgy highschoolers.
The love interest of our MC is just so painfully unlikable, and
his backstory truly doesn't make you wanna sympathize with him. He's abusive, manipulative, and overall just a horrible person. The guy that MC switched bodies got brutally r@ped and our love interest says he feels nothing about that, he even expresses how burdensome it is to see someone so weak and pathetic.
The vibes overall were awful, and the little heart this series has is carried by the MC. But my god everything else is just ROTTED and trying to hard to be edgy. Not to mention our love interest literally works together with the r@pist to "punish" the one that helped orchestrate the assault, and then we're just supposed to ignore that he was an active participant. He doesn't get even the slightest bit of punishment.
This is unsatisfying garbage and is straight up the toxic fetishized bullsh1t fujioshis fantasize about. Do yourself a favor and skip it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 4, 2024
I'm actually mad for being blindsided by the score and rave reviews this was such a slog to get through. While gay relationships are certainly not easy, this manwha really pushes my limits on the whole "petty misunderstanding" trope. It's misunderstanding after another and I just know it's lazy writing because there are better ways to capture the struggles of same sex couples and their trauma responses from their surroundings. It's infuriating, drags along, and ONE disgustingly annoying character (the fujioshi) makes it even worse.
This is not even a slow burn, it's a CHORE to read through. The only saving grace is the art,
the MC has such an interesting design and dresses really stylishly. But my god I can't find anything else good to say about this manwha. Every character is painfully unlikeable, the side couples also drag on an already slow manwha to unbearable lengths. The sidetracking is so unnecessary and the pacing is AWFUL, like we get such jarring cuts from important events to a sudden completely unrelated event. It's a mess.
I'm mad, I really hoped it would get better but this was such a waste of my time. Just full of ALL the bad tropes minus the consent one, which at at least they got that one thing right. But the bar is on the fucking floor if not having SA on a manwha is it's only strong point. It's so poorly written and relies on the laziest crutches.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 3, 2024
If this premise was slapped on to a straight romance, it would do INSANE numbers here, since mature office romances have been taking off. But na, it's gay and people's interest wanes. It's basically My New Boss is Goofy if they actually leaned on the gay subtext and developed it into a full fledged romance.
This anime really belongs in the BL elites, having NO red flags, dubious situations with consent, or weird power dynamics between the characters, which in BL are rooted in gender roles they slap onto the femenine and dominant guy. Both of them have their strengths and weaknesses and constantly lean
into each other to solve the conflicting situations they're put in. We don't have long drawn out arguments or misunderstandings, and they're very assertive in how they deal with them.
There's only one main con, but I'm willing to overlook it, and it's that sometimes the animation/drawings are a bit inconsistent, but it's BL so it probably didn't have much budget. But thanks to the stellar voice acting and overall sound design and ambiance, it's still a very immersive experience and I don't think it takes away from my personal enjoyment.
Overall, this is one of my favorite romance anime in general, and one of the few ones that gets a satisfactory ending. Very rarely do we get to see anime couples beyond their confession and first kiss, and we get a bunch of their interactions and conflicts past those events. It's just very cute with a healthy dynamic. A feels-good watch and I'll never forget how gushy I felt every week while this aired, just squealing in excitement from all the developments and heartwarming moments.
I'd say definitely give this anime a shot if you want a goofy but cute take on the office romance trope.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 1, 2024
there is no heterosexual explanation for this, i-
This is a really good comfort show, and there were no misses in any episode. I feel like towards the end it did lean in to the romantic interest, even though it isn't explicitly BL, like it's the gayest shit ever (good shit at that). Like I would not even call this Fujioshi bait because it's so blatant. It's the definition of "and they were roommates".
While it's true this didn't have much animation and felt like slideshow story boards, the VAs really put their entire vussy into this and brought the characters to life. The story is
just very heart-warming and it can be a bit wishy-washy but that's what this entire genre is about, so who cares. It's very comforting and I'm glad I discovered the Cute Guys Doing Cute Things genre. We need more of those and falling down this rabbithole has been really fun.
But yeah, this shit gay af, specially towards the end. But that's the campy part of this show because it's a constant "there's just no way this isn't BL" , like they were so unserious and REAL for that I have not choice but to call this show iconic. its COMPLETELY for the girlies and people that want cuteness without the problematic infantilization you normally see in anime. it's dumb harmless fun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 20, 2024
I had put off watching this for SUCH a long time because this did not get a good reception at all upon release and I feel so STUPID for letting myself be swayed by that public opinion.
It's actually an amazing BL work, and deserves all the flowers. People that complain about it being too rushed haven't had to sit through 12 episode of nothing just to get a mid confession. It's amazing that in such a short runtime they were able to explore so many things and it doesn't feel rushed at all. Some anime fans just need over-exposition and this movie is not that
at all, and it doesn't NEED to be.
It's probably one of the few animes that actually dive deep into the realistic issues with same-sex relationships, down to the cuteness and normalcy of the sex, whereas a lot of BLs take a more patriarchal approach and immerse the characters in unnecessary gender roles. Most BLs go through the cheap route of having the more effeminate man be the woman's POV for self-inserting fantasies, but this one is not it at all. It probably breaks every single BL trope and maybe that's why it didn't fare well, since the main audience for this is mostly loser fujioshis, which are no better than incel fanboys. But I hope its gay audience can appreciate a lot of the things that it did to depict a more realistic romance, along with all of its struggles.
I can see why it still didn't vibe with SOME people, but for me personally, it's a straight up 10/10. It's a clean, gorgeously animated piece of work that manages to deliver great storytelling in its tight runtime. It's very to the point, cute, and the conflicts get satisfactorily resolved rather quickly. I prefer that than a long drawn out anime where a simple misunderstanding takes 4-5 episodes to resolve, or 12 episodes for one of them to return their feelings. I feel like I got the full scope of the story, and even though I'll probably dive into the source material, it's a perfectly fine standalone adaptation. I'm still puzzled as to why people were confused by it but I guess not everyone can fill in the gaps and need a lot more of exposition to fluff the story out. It definitely accomplishes more in its 60 minute runtime than a LOT of BLs do over a full length season. Really wished people were more lax with it because I can guarantee you they do not look at other animes under such a magnifying glass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 19, 2024
A complete step down from S1, that had you watching the OP every single week and did a lot for its world building, which was rich enough for most people to overlook the more.....controversial aspects of this anime. But S2 completely loses all of that an in the end you're just shaking your head in confusion as to why we hear about the main character's limp dick for most episodes.
In season 1, they introduce us to a bunch of characters that somehow contribute to the story. But most new characters from this cour contribute almost nothing to the bigger plot at hand. Demon king?
Shows up out of nowhere just because? and starts teaching at the school just because? Gyes daughters? Should be more significant given how emotional the beast people village story was in S1 but it's just brushed off and the most we get from them is....them pissing themselves? And I could go on and on say this about pretty much every character introduced in this arc minus masked girl and maybe the princess?
It's painful how stagnant the plot is and how they drag on this awful arc. This entire season is about a young teen's limp dick. The only good episode is Episode 10 with the massive lore dump we get with the masked girl. The rest is completely skippable and inconsequential. Sylphie's reveal was so stupidly long and seems like they just fluffed it to pad for more episodes because they did not need to do all that.
This whole cour could've been an e-mail but hopefully Part 2 picks up (unlikely).
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 25, 2023
reverse-harem "Insatiable" with an assorted cast of: fiery bimbo, bland dudebro, chad self-insert, raging fujioshi genderfuck lesbian, and a goofy useless twink.
so many harems and isekais have cringy self-insert protags and this isn't an exception but at least it's self-aware enough to make fun of it. it's just mindless dumb fun for the girlies and the boys actually serve really funny BL fanservice while having some cute genuine moments between them.
most of its humor is akin to Earth Defense Club's, so if you enjoy that kind of extreme parody self-aware riddled with shameless fanservice vibe, you'll love this one.
pay no mind to the
annoying in*els that are too hard on this anime because the protagonist is cringe and then turn around and call Accel World an underrated masterpiece or something in that range of weird behavior.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 30, 2022
the girls that get it, GET IT, and the girls that don't....DON'T. that's all I really have to say. it's light hearted girly girl activities fun. cozy and easy to watch.
the shameless and fun fan service? camp.
character design is cute and completely absurd.
the storylines are simple but very wholesome.
the themes really align with the tone of the show since it's all supposed to be chill and one-day-at-the-time kind of vibe. don't wear yourself out.
overall if you enjoy girly girl girling with the girly girls in girly activities, look no further. it's low-stakes, character driven, and very entertaining if you're into
nonsensical SOL anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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