Oct 21, 2020
This is one of the worst, if not THE worst anime I've ever watched. I only watched a few chapters, a bit more of the half of the series... or maybe it would be more appropiate to say that I could only stand a few chapters before my abuse detector suffered an overload, my brain-cells collapsed and I couldn't laugh anymore.
Thankfully I had my sister with me, and we both made the best out of this atrocity. We started to ring a bell sound whenever the protagonist was abused either verbally, physically or both.
We literally couldn't keep count. The bell ringed dozenz of times.
In a single chapter.
They call her names, pull her and push her like a toy, they touch her inappropiately, they... yes, this includes sexual abuse. They mistreat her in every way possible. And, you know, if they wanted it this to be 'kinky' or into the BDSM territory, they needed to have the most vital thing for these things to actually be that: CONSENT. There's not a hint of consent around here, I assure you.
Overall, this is not an otome. It's more like, a rape fantasy come true.
Now, that we got that out of the way, let's be more specific, in case you don't believe me:
Story - 2
The ""story"" goes at a very slow pace. Nothing happens during various chapters, except for the previously mentioned abuse, the plot doesn't move at all. It takes a long time for something to actually happen, it's really tedious. I eventually looked for what happens in the end, and the whole thing and... yeah... what a story, Mark... I can't explain because spoilers, but I wouldn't want to explain either way. Investigate at your own risk.
Art - 7
The art is the best thing this thing has. The guys look really handsome, Yui is not ugly, the animation is not bad, the scenary is also visually attractive... It deserves to be rated as 'good', but that's about it.
Sound - 5
Mediocre, because there was nothing that catched my attention while watching. Nor good, nor bad. Just kinda there.
Character - 1
Pathethic, because the way the protagonist is portrayed is constantly like watching a dummie under torture. She has 0% of will, 0% of personality, and is more more dull than the gray color in the pavement. Meanwhile the guys feel very generic, and abusive to the point many of these go into the rapist territory, and if I'm supposed to feel sorry for these horrible guys because of a traumatic past, I pass.
Enjoyment - 2
I choose two instead of one for one reason only: It made me laugh at how ridiculous, disgusting and awful it was.
Overall - 1
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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