Watch literally anything else or just read the manga, because this adaptation provides nothing and the original can't be worse.
This anime is so mediocre and empty that there's not even ridiculous offensiveness to laugh at, it's just bad. If you remove all the tired (and slightly creepy) cliches, which half the time don't contribute ANYTHING to the story (like the random fujoshi), there's nothing but a slideshow. The whole thing feels and looks like baby's first fanfic edit of a manga.
The story itself is uninspired and most of the show drags its feet while simultaneously pulling relationship milestones out of nowhere. The main characters
May 6, 2024
Kumo desu ga, Nani ka?
As is often the anime has potential but completely fumbles the ball leaving you frustrated and empty:
Mid-season the story shifts focus from the intriguing features of itself, actively skipping the biggest points of interest, just to force you to watch a 3 episode battle between 10 cardboard cutouts talk and hit each other on repeat the whole time saying nothing. The "ending" episodes feel rushed, which is wild considering 5 episodes of runtime is spent on an equivalent of a bucket of gravel having a sidequest, which could be summarized in half an episode. There are over 12 main side characters and aside ... Feb 26, 2022
To put it simply the word 'shallow' perfectly encapsulates the show.
Story (4/10): The setting is fairly interesting (Imperial Japan) and so would seem the premise of the story itself but neither is explored much. The worldbuilding is at best lackluster - The show goes through a lot of events, multiple locations and features a fairly big cast all in just 12 episodes, no wonder it feels flat when it has spread itself so thin. There's basically no context for what is happening outside setting up the protagonist and the story is both too all-encompassing to be a proper journey of a person, ... |