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Mar 14, 2017
This anime can seriously go screw itself. Holy cow is this anime dogshit. Its not even entertaining to have a laugh at and i seriously contemplated strangling myself with my shoelace more than once while watching it.
You might be wondering "oh Cravey, if it was so bad why did you bother sitting through however much you watched?". I'll start by saying i would have dropped this like shit into the dunny but i am obligated to finish it for my anime watching challenge. Brave 10 at first glance seems like it has much to offer. It has some nice voices and alright art. I especially
was tricked when i thought it had a Sengoku Basara historical vibe to it. Sadly, after getting into it you soon realise that that what you're stuck with is dogshit. You'd think that if they go out of their way to use historical figures for their characters they'd be able make some of them interesting, but frankly its insulting the way they turn these legends into angsty teenage bishies. Each of the characters suck, the worst being the main girl, who suffers from typical retarded heroine syndrome. WHY are you so dumb Isanami?! Seriously, they are written so bad that you might think an autistic gerbil with downs wrote this shit.
The story is dumb. It involves some lord trying to gather strong people for whatever reason, i didn't really care to follow, but it'll probably end with Isanami being retarded and screwing everyone over with her shit. Most of the screen time goes into long ass fights where they try desperately hard to try give each character some kind of interesting ability, kind of like some shit from Naruto or Bleach. I mean its OK if you're into that kind of shoneny stuff but most of the characters only ever get one fight so its kinda pointless. I mean in the first place there's too many characters. Why does the lord even have to get 10 people anyway? its not like its important to the story and it would probably be better if they just focused on a couple of characters. It like they decided 10 was a good number and made each of them have different powers so we wouldn't forget their names. The only character i remember is Isanami and that's not because she's memorable. Seriously i don't even remember the main characters name but its probably some generic ninja name like Hanzo or something
The art and animation is OK. The OP and ED and pretty interesting, but other than that there's nothing much memorable in the sound.
Dont watch this shit, you will lose braincells.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 2, 2016
Now I love slam dunk, but I hated the anime. The manga was so hype, so exciting, how could the anime be anything but amazing. Sadly, there were some problems with I had with the anime that ruined it for me.
Having read the manga I have to say that the story was quite cliché, but honestly I enjoyed it immensely. Also you have to remember that Slam Dunk came way before the wave of sports anime that popularised the genre. I found our first year hero, Sakuragi Hanamichi, to be a likeable character, but that might just be because I’m a sucker for delinquents. He
exhibits absurdly fast growth rates in typical Shonen fashion, but he’s a self-proclaimed tensai so my opinion doesn't matter. The other characters get their screen time, but I really can’t be bothered talking about them all individually. Just note that they’re your rowdy second years and disciplined third years. The show stays true to the genre when you realise the team was dogshit before the year our hero joins, and the third years only have one last year left before they graduate and are determined to make the most of it. Whilst I actually enjoyed the building of the team as well as watching Sakuragi’s growth for the most part, the thing that really killed that anime for me was the sluggish ass pacing. To demonstrate this 25 episodes in and their team had only played in one game of ball. It was at this point that I lost patience with it and decided that no amount of eventual baddassery could justify watching anymore and dropped it.
Another problem I had with Dunk was its, frankly, outdated art and animation. While I thought the manga had excellent art, I could not say the same thing about the anime. I had once believed that I didn’t mind crappy art as I had watched stuff like Ping Pong the Animation (AMAZING) and had no problem with it at all. But once I realised that I had to sit through ONE HUNDRED episodes of what my 8 year old cousin could have drawn, it got very tedious after about 20 episodes. The sound was not anything notable either. The opening sucked and I don’t even remember the ending. Nothing notable from the BGM either.
While I gave it ticks for having solid characters and story, it was let down by its crappy adaptation into what we got. Dang. The manga was so good but sadly the anime does not even come close IMO. It was too old, to slow and too ugly for me to get into. Maybe if I had not first read the manga, I might have been more patient with it and stuck with it for longer. But it would not be something i would recommend to someone looking for a great series to start. My recommendation would be reading it over watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 1, 2016
Yo so Clannad afterstory, the second installment to the Clannad story is one of those animu that people love for them feels. After recently watching it again i realised that there were some problems with it which i thought were DOGSHITE . Admittedly, i am a hater so before you call me out to fight at your local park (It's how we settle things in Australia), imma tell you what parts about the second season i didn't like and why.
The art and animation are fine, same as the previous. While it is good, its nothing groundbreaking. nothing i feel that i need to speak much
Now the story and characters is where i started having serious problems with this series. When you agree to invest your time into watching a highschool love drama, that's what you'd expect to get right. And that is what we got in the first half of the season. Now I'm not saying I don't like that, in fact I didn't mind the whole screwing around in school, with Okazaki going about his usual troll and yohei getting beat up. In one of the arcs there was even a hint of the cliched highschool delinquent rumble (which i am quite fond of). Yup, the first 10 odd episodes were I thought mostly good. It was only after the first half that i REALLY started having problems with where we were going, specifically after Okazaki graduates from highschool. Remember how i said i expected high school drama from a high school drama? What i DID NOT expect was the series to go all heavy on me where instead of a lighthearted high school love story drama they move onto the real life issues of Okazaki having to deal with his crap (getting a real life/sorting out shit with his drop kick dad). WHAT HAPPENED TO MY LIGHT-HEARTED HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA? Now now, i'm not saying i hate this kind of story, I mean if its done well im down for it (Usagi drop). However if you asked me if i was expecting this shit after watching season one then my answer is: I WAS NOT. It also does not help that afterstory goes all hunter x hunter on us, completely ditching like half the characters for pretty much the rest of the season to focus on Nagisa and Okazaki. I GET that my ships (Tomoya & Kyou) just so happened hit icebergs and I GET that they gotta make space for the real mains, but that DOES NOT excuse bailing on characters in which i was all emotionally invested in then throwing us a bone and expecting us to be satisfied by reintroducing them at the end. And quite frankly i think Nagisa is the most boring out of our other options of female mains. I guess one could interpret this as me venting from being butt hurt (which i guess i kinda am), but these points are what i thought was, straight up, ass about afterstory.
Oh you thought i was done? NAW BRUH you got off the station before Central. I mean even after taking into account the above perceived flaws, if that was all it was i would be willing to give Clannad a passing mark. But another thing that i feel HAS to be talked about is the frankly DOGSHIT ending. For those who have not yet watched i will try not to spoil too much, but my suggestion is that if you haven't, just go to the end.
[spoiler]So basically it's this, complications arise making our hero, Okazaki, turn into something resembling his dad from grief. After he finally attempts to redeem himself and things are looking up for him, more complications arise which basically spell the end of the world for Okazaki (how it became like this from the high school love drama, i dunno). Ok, yeah its kinda dark but that wasn't what i hated the most. What i hated the most was the COMPLETE bullshit Deus Ex that ensues after. I mean why bother showing us like three episodes about Okazaki trying to redeem himself then quietly sweep all that under the carpet in exchange for the ending they gave us? Honestly i thought it was a cop out. I can hear all the retorts already saying stuff like: "But crave, its part of the source, they can't help it" or "They were leading up to it during the entire series". SHUT UP BRO, showing us like 5 minute of COMPLETELY random scenes, and having Akio explain some phenomenon that happened years ago is NOT enough to explain the shit that happens at the end. Oh and about it being part of the source, its still bullshit. I mean if you hadn't already played the game I'd be surprised if you had ANY idea what was happening at the end. I thought it was junk, enough so that even they remade the ending to one where they drop the resolution, it would be better than what we got. sure it would have ended on a dark note, but at least i wouldn't feel so cheated at the way they seemingly dodge logic.[/spoiler]
So in the end, a focus on boring characters, out of place story, and cop-out ending were the problems i had with Clannad. If you disagree then 8:00 PM, Moore Park West fite me bro.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 30, 2016
If you're like me and have read shokugeki, chances are you're familiar with the whole "food genre" that was popularized by it. Nobunaga no Chef fits into this vein but unlike shokugeki, throws all the racy nudity (which i personally thought was DOGSHITE) whilst retaining all the deliciousness of the genre. I actually stumbled across Nobunaga's Chef after looking for manga like Shokugeki and damn had i found something amazing
This being the first review I've written, took it upon myself to have a look at the review guidelines two of which urge you to refrain from "using excessive profanity and obscenities" and "writing in CAPS
LOCK", but i feel that it is necessary here. Therefore i must express: HOLY SHIT THIS MANGA IS DOPE!! The story is basically this, a mysterious man (Ken) finds himself in the past with no memory of himself or his circumstances. Using his knowledge of the era as well as his skills as a cook, he eventually garners the attention of Nobunage Oda himself and is hired by him to be his personal chef. It becomes much more interesting when Oda discovers Ken's baddassery at cooking and realises that he can use his skills as a tool to do his whims, such as bolstering the morale of his troops, to even waging war on his enemies. When every meal is weighed on the tongue of Nobunaga or some other important general, you cant help but feel tension similar to that of shokugeki. Every battle has something important on the line, whether its a castle or their own pride. Another thing that Nobunaga no chef avoids (which i am thankful for) are the damn ecchi scenes that other food based manga rely on. YES WE GET IT, THE FOOD IS GOOD. Lets show them some tits and ass to really get the message across. This is another reason why i feel this manga succeeds as it is able to convey taste in a subtle and intelligent way without making me feel like I'm watching a B rated porno. Because of this Nobunaga no chef gets my #1 spot as favourite cooking manga.
Whilst the whole "back in time" cliche isn't the most newest of ideas, it still ticks all the boxes for an interesting story. Whenever Ken finds himself in a pinch its always damn awesome when he pulls out some futuristic cooking tech to wow his diners. Also the scope and direction of Nobunaga's ambition makes it seem that each meal he cooks feels like a pivotal point in the story's progression. One example where he cooks a seeming harmless meal, but is actually meant as an insult to the shogun on Nobunaga's orders. I found it quite fresh that its was not always the same structure where every arc follows - A) complication B) cook some sick meal C) everything is resolved (well i guess it kinda is still). Regardless, it is still very satisfying.
The art is quite good. Nothing ground breaking, but in the same way as the story, still passes with a good grade. The characters i felt were quite interesting with exception of Ken, our main. While he does have his times and his knife skills are absurdly overpowered, the real muscle, I feel, come from all the other characters. Nobunaga, being the man he was, is portrayed as kinda jordanesque. Furthermore the other significant figures, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, and the rest of the cast of samurai warrior 2 are each treated with respect and are developed to suit their portrayal in the historybook. For those who are unfamiliar with their Japanese history (study up fellow weaboos), Hideyoshi being depicted like a monkey in history and as such developed to suit this in the manga. It is also interesting to see how Nobunaga's intentions and character comes out through kens food as many a time, his intentions is portrayed through some dish. Getting to know these characters, in all their charisma and pride, is another reason why this manga is pure gold.
If you didn't already gather, my opinion of this manga is that its damn good. I felt that every chapter was interesting and engaging, a feat that is quite rare as in many other manga there are always long, dragging arcs which you cant help but fall asleep reading. As such my enjoyment of Nobunaga no Chef was a solid 10/10. Its a shame that it only has like 70 chapters. If you enjoy the tension of food battles but dislike naked women (no homo), give Nobunaga no Chef a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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