Summary : Ains Ooal Gown, formerly Momonga, leads the Sorcerer Kingdom's undead forces to ally with the Sacred Kingdom and Slane Theocracy against Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth.
Art. : for me, as a child the gore is not that gory. But the art derection its good and the CGI not half bad. From other season, its improvemant I give it 9/10
Story. : But the strory direction is different. The first 15 munite they already coverd litle of half the book in novel 12. So they cut a lot of background
Sep 29, 2024
First of all the animation is peak, but as anime wacher they left many plot ontouch so many thing still I don't understand like how he get isekai and what journey in his past lives. And the way anime force a lot character to this anime it's have enough time introdoct so many character that is confose me. And the screentime of the mc like he showing character development at the last part and some flashback oike cmon Man give him more screen time.
The animation is peak,the plotline a lot of hole, The mc give him more love to the character, 7/10 Jul 6, 2024
Princess Connect! Re:Dive
First of all why the mc is so ussles like cmon Man. Are you the mc or side kick I can't tell the different like bro being usefull at the last episode. but the animation direction, and the sound desigh is so good I never seen type of sound use in anime. And the world buldingI i wonder who build castle in the shape of star, like what is the point its wastefull why not shape like a circle and why so many caracther is op kike where is the balance. like what is the point of the wall if the caracther is op and