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- BirthdayMay 22, 1998
- LocationLearning how to draw anime catgirls.
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May 20, 2021
Holy fuck this was bad.
I came from the anime and this already had a lot of problems in there.
The insane amount of fanservice was bothering me but it was nowhere near to the level of fanservice in the manga.
Story: No story, the worldbuilding is nonexistant, nothing makes sense, nothing ever gets explained. There are characters who are 65 million years old, some Re:Zero bs that gets glossed over like it was nothing and literally adds nothing to the story.
There are 4 academies in the story and we know nothing about either of them. We only know that in the main one everyone's mood is being
horny or being an asshole.
Art: Cool. The designs for most of the main cast are the most generic and lazy thing ever created but the art stays consistent trough the whole manga and it looks nice.
Character: No character has a single shred of personality. Jin is a tsundere while Ranka is a literal puppy with the mental maturity of a 7 y/o who never acomplishes anything on the story outside the stuff that's biologically granted to her like being fast and shit.
There's a character with poop jokes who eats shit, some cat, Hitomi disappears completely from the last third of the story (outside of the fact that she literally gets a job to help the MC and cares for him instead of having a life of her own but yeah she gets cucked by Lanka because... i don't know). For being a rom-com this manga has much romance as DBZ, hell in DBZ there was the whole shit of Vegeta getting a family out of spite but growing fond of them eventually and putting his life on the line for them so there was love there... somewhere.
In this manga yeah there's none of that. There is more chemistry between a random side character and a nameless lion chick in 3 chapters than the "main couple".
Even in the anime it was beyond obvious that Lanka and Jin were gonna be together in the end but they never grow closer as a couple like never.
Miyumi is cool even though she has screentime for like 2 more chapters after what the anime already adapted, hell at the very least she doesn't interrupt the already shitty story with escatological jokes.
There's the whole lion and impala mating joke that gets dragged for 150 chapters and even in the end there's no punchline or anything. Theres a teacher who makes jokes about having sex with the underage children and haha its funny! Thank god the author eventually forgot about her like he forgot about everything in the manga outside drawing panty shots and girls in bikinis. Hell there is like a whole arc dedicated to two random ass teachers who adds literally nothing to the story and NEVER gets properly adressed again outside some stupid nods in some stupid chapters.
The only character who has any semblance of development trough the whole story is at the very own start of the manga which is Chloe (and Lion to a smaller degree) the zebra girl who goes from being a stuck up brat to being a chill person with a mighty kick who hangs out with the donkeys playing definitely not Yu-Gi-Oh. That's it.
Enjoyment: Poop jokes, sex jokes, haha jindere, haha Lanka likes Jin, Yena has a penis, Lion gets cucked, rinse and repeat for 170 chapters.
There was a catgirl in the start of the story who gets forgotten MULTIPLE times trough the curse of the history. Hell the author forgets about her in the final panel shot of the story and adds two random side characters who appear in an arc to be instantly forgotten quickly afterwards.
The story starts to barely pick up when it decides to go for arcs instead of random events but even then these arcs are so uninteresting and boring like holy shit.
I finished the story out of spite and i expected NOTHING from the ending and i still got disappointed. One has to literally power trough the last 23 final chapters which are the most pointless and generic shit ever imagined.
The whole manga feels like a doujinshi which had the sex scenes removed since everything is so pointless (in the sense that they add nothing to the "story"), generic and fanserviceish.
Overall: I blame the anime for making me continue this manga. Lanka is a vomitive character.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 2, 2021
To give the full movie experience this review will go at light speed. Just like the pacing of this story. Spoilers
Story: Some SUPER ULTRA POWERFUL demon is attacking us with a deadly unblockable naaaaasty technique. Wow there seems to be a lot of stakes at hand and the characters seem to be in genuine danger.
Nah muh friendship power makes me inmune to your technique, these other kids are too stupid to be affected and Tanjiro gets 2 ASSPULLS IN A ROW to be freed.
Hey look a finger shit! In the anime these things were godlike and it took a whole Hashira
to come and save our ass! But this dumbass willingly makes himself and easier target to hit so everyone can have their 5 seconds of fame beating his ass. What a shitshow.
Tanjiro pulls out his hax powers (guess he learned to use them in the training episodes?) while Inosuke shows why he's the best character in the whole story.
Welp at least a strong finger came to make the movie more exciting... i guess we can finally get some character development for Rengoku? He keeps saying the same damn things he said at the start of the movie... is his whole damn character going to be being good?
Are you fucking kidding me? Even his goddamn enemy seems more interesting than him and he has had like 4 lines.
Full power even though i'm half dead!!! Mmmm maybe i should have gone all out when my body was in fighting condition... nah.
Hey look! Even though i'm gonna die in 3 minutes i'm capable of overpowering the enemy that toyed with me for 20 whole ass minutes because friendship power!
Rengoku: I was a good boy, Tanjiro be a good boy because being good is what my mommy told me to do. And now i die even though i had literally no fucking personality nor a proper and independant reason to be good in the first place.
Now Tanjiro cries like a little bitch and this is genuinely the best fucking scene in the movie. It resonates very damn well with the powerlessness he displayed and how fucking unfair the way the events unfold in this world is. Oh wait Inosuke already had an scene in the anime in which he mentioned his own powerlessness... it would be a shame if he were to end the movie doing a better job at being Tanjiro than Tanjiro himself... yeah it happens. Inosuke MVP.
Also the writter said Tanjiro is good and like the best person to ever exist during the whole ass movie. So there's that.
Art: Cool, i guess, who gives a fuck. It could be drawn on MSpaint for all i care.
Sound: Tanjiro's VA gave his 100%. Rengoku had the same tone for 80% of the damn movie.
Character: Zenitsu is still garbage, Zenuko is still worthless moe bait, Tanjiro/Rengoku is a good boy. Inosuke is the man even though he asspulled his way out of the first demon technique. The first bad guy was ok (also he wastes like 5 whole minutes on his death scene saying completely pointless shit no one cares about), the second was pretty cool and i hope to see him again.
Enjoyment: Meh. I didn't expected much but outside the first half of the dream sequence there were not many times i was genuinely invested in the story. The constant asspulls don't help.
Overall: Not watching S2. Maybe i'll read the manga until Inosuke dies because him and the leader of the Hashira are the only characters worth a damn.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 29, 2020
A must watch, you won't get another Ishuzoku Reviewers in at least a decade.
Story: The plots in the show have just barely started. Since our heroes do nothing but go on adventures to gain money and have sex its no wonder they havent gone into a massive everlasting adventure against some godly interdimensional being thats threathening to destroy the earth.
That being said the show is called "Interspecies Reviewers" and not "Interspecies Quest" so every bit of extra information about the world that isnt exclusively related to sex is welcome.
The plot of the episodes is pretty basic but the amount of worldbuilding in this show is
spectacular. Sure it cheats a little by having so many species to work with but still.
The fact that the show takes into account that certain brothels are too far away to reach on the last episode truly sold me the idea that the author was serious about his work.
Every species has his kinks and excels at something (related to sex most of the time) and they tend to add a lot of details about them.
The story ends up with a lot of loose knots and details about the world like an evergrowing monopoly or other worlds existing but sadly i doubt we'll see a second season in this timeline.
Since there isnt much to say about the story lets talk about the header.
A show like this won't ever be seen. I'm not simply talking about the uncensored tits and the almost sex scenes. Studio Passione grabbed a product and added so much of themselves to it.
Its a common ocurrence to wonder how much an anime adaptation will censor their manga counterpart. But IR is completely the opposite, the manga is so much "safer" than its anime counterpart.
Hats off to the studio and their tremendously based director.
Art: Holy tits batman. There is a lot of uncensored tits and there is 0 fanservice because the show is on such a high vibe that it would be foolish to consider panty shots as fanservice.
I mean. When you watch hentai and there is a lewd shot is it really fanservice when they literally have sex a few minutes afterwards?
Sound: Aside from the group of usual readers on the tavern i really enjoyed everyone's work.
There isnt many super over the top scenes to see a VA give it their all but i still felt more than satisfied with the VA.
Zell is outstanding.
Character: Absolutely amazing. Japanese have a serious problem with gay people and LGBT related stories. They tend to either be comic relief or be over the top chars that you can't take seriously and are there to be ridiculized, the same with gay jokes scenes.
I'm honestly surprised at how much respect the author treated its trans character with and is definitely something i have never seen before.
Stunk is kind of left in the shadows and not build much, we get glimpses of its past but thats it. Still he functions as an anchor for the viewer to hold onto since his fetishes are pretty vanilla and relatable.
Zell is cool and gives us a small look at an old elf that isnt simply hundreds of years old because its cool or artsy to have a char like that. There is a really cool detail about his life span but its a spoiler. His hatred for older elfs is hilarious as well.
The rest of the cast stays as a cool buddy but not much else, Kanchal's personality is pretty amusing.
Enjoyment: Must watch.
The fact that a show that revolves entirely around sex has more world building than the huge majority of fantasy related animes we see not only speaks of the great quality of this show but also about the tremendous lack of quality of its "peers" (do they even fit the same bag? I have a hard time grouping Ishuzoku R. with other animes).
If you want to dive into a sex wiki with extra steps about several popular monster girls then this show is for you. Get out of here MonMusu, this is the real deal!
This is the king of monster girl animes and there won't be any other work capable of taking its place.
If this show gets a second season that mantains the quality of this first one i'll friggin tatoo the tittle of the anime on my arm.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 13, 2020
Ahhh SAO.
You damn bastard who single handedly pushed the anime industry towards creative suicide.
The grandfather of all isekais. The one show i simply cannot find a single aspect worth of praise.
Stop lying, this show isnt average nor had a good start and you aren't special for going being a hipster about it.
Think about this: virgin otaku neet who looks like a model and knows everything there is to know about the world and is the smartest person ever coming up with revolutionary techniques to enrich himself in goods, fame or women. A lot of women.
Yes this damn description can be applied to 90% of the
isekais out there and even then the remaining 10% still find a way to suck ass somehow.
Why after millions of years of evolution our species reached the point of praising anything about this trash.
The first half and finale of the story not only are riddled with plotholes and asspulls but never make any sense since the story is simply an excuse to self insert in a power fantasy.
The only reason for the female characters to exist is for either fawning over the underage manchild of the protagonist or to be a damsel in distress.
I'mma be a hipster right now and say it. The second half of this anime was better than the first.
The story had a real villain with real motivations even if they were shit.
The story had a path to take even if it was extremely generic and was already done to death already, essentially the quest of the hero for revenge and to save his woman.
Yeah it was generic but it still was better than Kirito walking around with his massive dong because he's Kirito that's why. Because there was no other beta tester nor someone good at playing videogames, because he is the only gamer on the entire world.
Because people who come up with the mathematical damage formulas, drop rates and figure out the AI behaviours do not exist. Because people who make wikias do not exist.
Because Kirito as the entire gamer energy of the world inside of him.
The videogame world has no meaning nor a reason to exist if we never aknowledge it.
The only videogame references we get are some bs about some losers using points into non combat related skills because they are stupid. The entire point of the show is supposedly to win, survive and get out but nooo, they gotta upgrade their fishing skill, they gotta make those 50 fishing quests to get the golden fishing rod broooh.
Whenever Kirito encounters someone they inmediately go into a life or death situation and it's not because the game world is unforgiving and cruel and cheats you, it simply leaves you wondering how these pathetic bastards haven't died due to suffocation because they are incapables of taking a step for themselves without critically cripping themselves.
Also there is a shit ton of fanservice because Kirito is the ultimate embodiment of manlyness.
He is so manly that he cries like a little bitch after being cucked and it takes the clearly sexual advances of his cousing onto him to man up. I'm not joking this is essentially without spoilers the shit that happens. His entire arc of character development is banging a family member and becoming better after it, somehow.
Also while i don't think it's respectable to seriously add incestual elements to your story i can tolerate it, but what i won't tolerate is that every time Kirito meets a female wether its an underage child, a teen or an older woman they all fall for him and start following his every move. Eventually forming a harem konga march. And yes his fucking cousin joins that party.
And guess what. 300 years later this shit won't change. Because Reki (creator) has no clue how to write and to this day that i'm making this review not a single thing has changed.
A billion movies later, a trillion beach ovas later and 400 new seasons of SAO and the creator still has no clue how to make an engagin believable decently written story.
Don't even get me started on the studio and directors of this shit, yes they suck ass and they tremendously water down the product to show the entertaining bits of it denying any possible world building whatsoever.
Yes the original work has no redeemable qualities whatsoever but at some points it feels like it tries and those attempts at not sucking are always skipped in the anime adaptations.
The start is garbage. While some people are worried about the state of their lives for like 2 nanoseconds everything runs smoothly afterwards, Kirito even fucking walks away like he was walking home after school with all the chill in the world.
Not a single of the everlasting elements that the story has was present on the start and that's why people think the "start was good". No it wasnt, the ride wasnt even on.
It's like saying that the start of a rollercoaster ride wasnt that bad at the start when the start was the employee trying to figure out how to turn on the damn thing.
"Oh but it has won like 4 billion awards in Japan and the creator is more rich than Steve Jobs your opinion is wrong". Well guess what. Japanese folks have a complete garbage anime taste.
Every single one of them is like an underage weeb of your country thinking DBZ and Naruto are the best. They love tropes and cliches and that's why so many animes feel exactly the same to others. That's why character archtypes exist in the first place and that's why subversion of the archtype is almost never seen, because they don't care about originality or innovation. So if you think like them that SAO is just an anime that receives way too much hate and that's really good then congratulations at least when it comes to taste you are pretty damn japanese.
The way Kirito powers up is never elaborated on so he is as powerful as the plot wants him to be. Literally the only person he ever struggles against is people who are above the game world rules.
The justification for his OPness is something extremely simple that anyone could have achieved even if they didn't know it was a secret. It doesn't require anything to achieve it's beyond basic.
Kirito is fucking pathetic and a complete loser inside and outside the game but he is somehow special because he is the only japanese teen on the entire world who knows how to play videogames. So yeah.
Fuck SAO and fuck his tremendous popularity that killed anime, not that it was good to begin with, it just made it worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 10, 2020
As a few folks might know. Gambling is stupid.
There is no counter argument. It's an addicting money sink and the 0.0000027% of people get some absurd amount of money from it just to blow it on a few months afterwards.
Despite the fact that the entire story of Kaiji revolves around a "showdown" in which instead of an anime fight we get a gambling fight (which thanks to the amazing work of the director and the anouncer feel just like an anime fight). These combats aren't simply pretty to watch but they are also extremely engaging.
With garbage like Kagegurui or any other pseudo wit related combats
on every corner of the anime world there is a special place for Kaiji in both this world and our hearts.
A genuine work. There is no fanservice or shitty powerups or any of the regular anime shit that you can see on literally every other anime.
If we replaced the japanese VA this show easily could pass as an adult cartoon movie. Altough the quality compared to them is way more superior. But i don't wanna talk about art or drawings because underpaid, overwork and artists winning less than a bartender while working 12 hours a day yare yare.
What i do can say about the art is that the style is that is pretty damn unique. I have yet to see a work that looks like Kaiji and doesn't let the art style hinder the quality of the show itself.
The story in itself is not that much important but the paths it takes are what make it interesting.
The ending of the first showdown is not that much interesting but the finale makes it up for it.
What messages do the show spread? Gambling bad.
Also an extreme encouraging message that boilds down to: "Do something with your life, get in shape, get a job, learn stuff and don't waste your time"
"Don't gamble either"
It's said by showing what happens when we don't follow that life moto. Also when they say it.
It's a little bit on the nose but the mangaka clearly didnt wanted to left anything to the imagination and i'm glad for it.
Kaiji as a character is kind of weird without the extra characterization of S2 and the third story (since this has like 8 more mangas). What can be said for now is that Kaiji is an extremely flawed character with a lot of wits and courage.
That is a great combination. It offers the perfect balance to give the char wins and loses.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 22, 2019
A great anime that for some reason went almost unnoticed in the most lackluster season of the year.
The story is nothing spectacular and the show has so many main characters that its harsh to focus and develop a single plot on only 12 episodes without eliminating the relevance of the other characters.
With that being said i feel like we ended up having a good understanding of almost every MC on this 12 episodes. Iride and Himiko ended up less developed than the others but to a certain point i can understand this choice since mistery is kind of a part of their character.
Art wise this
feels a lot like Kagerou Project. That being said this is a better Mekakucity Actors than MekaActors itself, balancing characters screen time, not disrespecting the characters personality from the source and not overcomplicating anything.
Sound wise aside from Anya who sounded like a angsty brat 100% of the show i felt that the VA was fantastic. Yuzu in particular is incredible with all the shifts in emotion that the character goes trough.
All the characters have a certain charm to them (except the white haired guy since it feels like he is the most childish of them all after Anya. Hell i cant even remember his name).
All the characters get almost the same ammount of development.
I was looking forward to the show every week altough after the first episodes i realized that the show was way more lighthearted than i was expecting.
This isn't bad at all since many shows are sickeningly boring when every single new plot point is: "If you fail, you die" and you damn well know that they arent going to die. AKA every single shounen out there.
Finally. No this is not a Danganronpa clone, this is something else with a similar plot.
Danganronpa anime is complete garbage anyways.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 18, 2019
The story is pointless and by the last episode i had totally forgotten that this show had any plot whatsoever.
The art is atrocious and there is like a single decently animated scene on the whole show.
The rest of the time there are some horrendous zoom out's that make everyone look like stick drawings or scenes in which the characters faces are drawn like some shitty comic.
There is a fucking scene with a fat dude masturbating ffs.
The sound is repetitive as hell and i could not remember a single piece of OST even if someone payed me for.
Also most of the dialogue is made entirely
on the single defining trait of the character.
Most characters are entirely one dimensional (except Queen god i love Queen i wish she would step on me).
But god damn if this piece of trash isnt unironically one of the best shows of this god damn season.
With all the isekais this season including: insane incestual pandering, literally every damn isekai ever made but we don't try this time, the hero who is literally a pedophile and everyone is okay with it, the streamer isekai (which is fucking good, go watch it you fool!).
Maou Sama Retry stands up as one of the few isekais who doesnt even try to pretend any originality on the genre.
The world is insultingly videogameish, the towns, guilds, OP MC, everything is the same.
There is a charm on this show and the roleplaying MC that truly got me every single week.
It's not a show for everyone for sure, but its damn good anyways.
It's also really entertaining to see the atrocious animation so you got that as well.
It's good shit.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 23, 2019
Japan and his obsession with unhealthy and toxic relationships is astonishing.
Once more another school life anime setting devolves into a toxic display of null character development and kids being complete irredeemable assholes.
Yes im talking about Bocchi's best friend and the plot of the story.
A monster of the week about making friends? Doesnt sound that bad does it?
Well the only reason Bocchi gives a damn about making friends is to please her sexual overlord Kai. Bocchi only exists to please Kai stupid wishes.
Sure she can learn to give a damn about her friends but ultimately the only reason she ever seeks friendship from them is for
At first i tought it was a playful plot or something you didnt had to take seriously. But by episode 7 the anime says "This is dead serious, there was no exageration".
Don't give me the "Kids are dumb and make mistakes" bullshit. The anime tries to make us give a damn about a dumb kid just because its crying (even though she just made her supposed friend cry).
There was never a scene that remotely tries to redeem Kai's shitty behaviour.
Also the whole scene lacks interactions. You would think that while Bocchi throws a tantrum one of her new friends would step up to defend her or point how absurd the whole premise of the show is, more speficially Nako who is supposed to be Bocchi's true best friend and is the one that is always looking up for her. Or even Toka because they are hurting her master or some shit like that.
The studio behind the anime definitely did their best in adaptating this shitty story and that's admirable. Ep 6 ending proves it.
The overall plot also trips with itself since Bocchi's circle will never expand further than her 4 first friends, its already stated that the others wont have jackshit of screen time (altough this would be more of a meta rant about it). Making an anime about a kid making a ton of friends and after their appearance those friends will be relegated to negative screentime... Nice writing.
Ep 12 is the final nail in the coffin. Bocchi shows 0 character development whatsoever by chasing like a dumb dog the image of her shitty overlord Kai because Bocchi has no purpose in life if it isnt to serve Kai.
Ep 12 ends by repeating the first minutes of Ep 1 showing that Bocchi had no character development whatsoever.
Well someone who faints after their phone says something... what was i expecting from her.
Comedy is fine but a lot of moments lack a punchline.
If Ep "My life has no meaning without Kai" and Ep 12 hadnt existed this show would be tons of times better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 6, 2019
"Anime is filled with goody two shoes white knight virgin MC's why wont we get some flawed MC that isnt the complete embodiment of a nice guy?"
"Wow Daisuke is so annoying why wont he die already?"
Anime fans can never be pleased and this anime proves it.
Story: Time travel shenanigans, mutant time travelling aliens gonna give it to ya, hero complex, time travels, my special power is to be pedophile and HARV help us for the love of god.
Art: After episode 2 or 3 you are totally inmunized against the CGI in this anime.
I felt that the art was great and the characters looked good, i
also apreciated the character design of most of the characters (except the revision sisters).
Sound: There are several instances in which you could imagine a evil guy laughing maniacally because anime, someone tought it would be a good idea to make the sides of the story be fully white and black. It isnt groundbreakingly bad but it definitely is a minus to the enjoyement of the experience.
Character: I love Daisuke. I love how fucking annoying, stupid and flawed he is.
He isnt a bucket of fresh air in anime MC's. He is the embodiment of originality and i highly doubt well see a MC as attractive as him in many years.
Milo characterization, mental traumas and her background are pretty damn well written but her facial expressions are kinda weak. One could argue that since she is supposed to be a neutral party and be a soldier that obeys orders she cannot show strong emotions but damn a lot of times some scenes could have been drastically improved if she smiled, laughed or showed despair.
Temari was tits. This means that her character is so uninteresting and irrelevant to the plot that she could have been replaced by tits and nothing could have changed.
The wonder twins. While Gai seems to be the most mature of the group im kinda annoyed at the fact that he is flawless and can pretty much perfectly adapt to the chaos surrounding him.
Lu its like a downgraded version of Gai but at the very least she isnt annoying and naggy like her brother.
Keisaku is a mixed bag. At the start you kinda don't care too much about him but as the story unfolds he shows more emotions and his character feels more interesting to follow.
The side protagonists were pretty good. Despite having no superpowers they felt reliable and capable and the many callbacks to the city state definitely helped to keep the story on edge.
Why they dont get a properly written death is beyond me but whatever.
Side antagonists were... meh. On one hand they started with incredibly good arguments for their actions and train of toughts but they suddenly derailed into mustache evil monocle villains who went out of their way to be creepy and unattractive.
The antagonists had some horrible character designs who were pretty much poor taste fanservice.
Nicholas arc and importance in the history was original and his reasoning was down to earth. Something seldom seen in anime villains.
Enjoyment and overall progress of the anime:
Daisuke alone is powerful enough to carry the crystal clear flaws of the show (fan service, some pathetic "plot twists", Temari, Gai and uncomfortable touching).
The story sometimes gets harder to follow but by the end they pretty much close every plot and it feels like you werent actually robbed of your time for watching it.
The time travel mechanics are kept simple and clear.
And sure there are a lot of things that were pretty tasteless and poorly made but they have almost no effect on the overall story so you can roll your eyes and continue watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 15, 2019
Japanese working culture and related topics are the hot topic when it comes to anime.
Almost every anime out there is made to directly or indirectly be "relatable" or wink at you.
Isekaish, OProtagonists, harem, CGDCT and other garbage that is constantly being produced are nothing but some pathetic coward escapism.
I obviously speak from my pathetic gaijin point of view yet at the same time i know that japan working culture sucks.
99% of my interactions with anime are with the western point of view so it doesnt matter (what im trying to say is that dont wield your shitty "Japanese people are suffering" when neither of
us is japanese nor someone highly informed about japanese aside from 3 minutes videos in Youtube).
Stuff like this often wields a toxic complacency message on the inside aside from being pure trash on the exterior.
I don't "escape" nor i want to feel related to anime and i cannot "turn off my brain" so im really salty and critic about these things that i cannot enjoy even if someone payed me to watch it.
What i want when watching anime is either lovely fluffy catgirls saying nya or a well tought and properly written narrative with cool characters to follow around.
So i saw Net Juu no Susume as other of these shitty "gamer" relatable turd at first and i only started watching it because they were adult characters (something odd in anime).
Oh boy how wrong i was about my expectations for the show.
Net-juu no Susume its the story of a neet with low self esteem and how she starts to interacting with people irl again.
While quirky, younger and sometimes cringy the characters are lovable and on my humble opinion they actually feel like they could be people you might find irl (if you live in Japan obviously).
My only real gripe with the story was that i felt that Morioka aside from thinking lowly of herself was being patted on the back a little by the anime since aside from her own problems she wasnt facing many consequences to her actions.
I don't know (and probably we will never know since it was canceled) if in the manga they tackle a more tangible problem to the neet state in which Morioka lived but in the end of the anime she seems to be wanting to improve her life and since she adresses the only real problem i had with the story i cant help but give this a 10.
I lack the proper way to describe the story and characters without typing: "healthy", "decent" and "realistic" dozens of times.
Net-juu no Susume doesnt have bombastic fights, complicated love triangles, girls falling from the sky to be your sex slaves, monster girls that let you sexually asault them for no good reason aside from the obvious pathetic self insert aspect of it (Learn Kitsune Senko san!), bikini episodes or toxic romantic relationships.
Its an incredibly down to earth story of friendship, self loathing, roleplay and people speaking about their problems. Talking about your problems?!
Just for that point this anime its worth of a try. Especially if you are also a salty bastard who hates anime like myself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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