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Sep 13, 2021
Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of my favorite anime of all time. It took me one whole year to figure that out, but it is one of the best out there. Neon Genesis Evangelion is a mecha series that focuses heavily on the psychology and human emotions of its protagonists. Without getting into the details, Neon Genesis isn't your typical mecha where they fight to just protect the world, though they do that too. The characters battle to protect themselves, they battle to protect others, they battle to prevent hurt, they battle to be human.

Evangelion both succeeds and fails at the pacing of the ...
Jun 24, 2021
Beastars (Anime) add
Beastars is one of my favorite animes. It brings out a lot of really human emotions and experiences despite the characters being animals. I first heard about this show when I was looking into the anime studio, Studio Orange. They specialized in CG within anime. I was dazzled with their work on Land of the Lustrous, which led to me buying the manga, and their work on Beastars.

I love this show. With the 12 episodes it has, it attaches me to their world and the drama the characters experience. If a character feels conflicted, I feel conflicted. If a character feels triumph, I feel ...
Apr 18, 2021
Death Note (Anime) add
*(Light) Spoilers. Today, I give my first ever 10. Death Note is one of the best animes I've watched, even now. Light Yagami is one of the most interesting protagonists and his interactions with the whole cast keeps you on the edge of your seat. The Story to me is one of the best premises I've experienced. The Death Note is a weapon of mass destruction that is established to be morally gray from the start. Killing people has always been a moral question for most battle anime and batman. Killing is bad because you end someone's life. The Death Note's fundamentals make it so ...
Apr 17, 2021
BNA (Anime) add
If you're a hardcore story follower, this isn't a show meant for you. BNA or Brand New Animal is one of the newer projects done by Studio Trigger. Currently I'm re-evaluating all the anime I've watched in 2020. BNA was a series I was interested in due to Kill la Kill. Trigger didn't disappoint before, so I was expecting a lot. It delivered in animation and character design, less so in a cohesive world or story. The story is in no way bad, just very bland and forgetable. I enjoyed the art style which is a given for Trigger, and the animation and color popped ...
Apr 15, 2021
Fire Force was one of the HOT new shonen I heard about before entering the anime scene. I remember the name and the hype surrounding it. My friend ended up recommending it to me, and I binged the first cour. The second cour took me a little longer. I was intrigued by the world of Fire Force: the companies, the characters, their powers, et cetera. The problem was that many of them became more and more uninteresting to me. Shinra is a really fun character, I love his demeanor and his constant devil-like grin. He's funny and overall one of the more sick characters. In ...
Apr 15, 2021
Kaguya-sama: Love is War is a series I didn't think I would enjoy. I was new to this whole anime thing still, having only watched Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Sword Art Onlne, and a couple other popular shows. Romcoms didn't sound appealing. I'm glad I was wrong. It was really one of Gigguk's videos that got me interested. Two tsunderes try to make the other confess. I watched it to balance the amount of shonens I had watched and I'm now more into different types of anime. The story to this anime is fine. I don't pay to much attention to it and it ...
Feb 2, 2021
Akira (Anime) add
*No Spoilers. A timeless classic for anime fans. That was what I was waiting for. I wasn't into anime so I didn't watch it, but one day, I stumbled upon the people over on Corridor Crew who reacted to the opening of the movie with our main character, Kaneda, and a cyberpunk, Neo-Tokyo as the backdrop. I was speechless. Story(8): To be honest, I expected this film to be about a biker gang who manage to survive a daily life of chaos and brutality from the opening scenes. Turns out, I was an entire movie. I was really confused at first but the story ...
Jan 31, 2021
*No Spoilers. Your Lie in April was a ride. It was recommended to me about a year ago by one of my classmates, but I wan't all too into anime at the time; I only really liked shonens. Anyway, I decided to watch this out of obligation, and... It turned out to be a very artful show. Story(9): I thought the story about Kousei, Arima was really good, hard to believe for a kid, but still good. The lie itself was pretty interesting because it showed us why Kaori was really this likeable. I think character stories involving the main cast ranged from great to ...
Jan 29, 2021
*No Spoilers. Before I even started getting into becoming a weeb, I was looking around Funimation in 2019 and spotted The Promised Neverland and instantly thought what everyone else was thinking... "What is this Peter Pan, Captain Hook, 'never say never' lookin' show?". But it turned out to be really good when my friend recommended it to me. Story(9): I actually teared up when I watched this show. The characters are really well written to me. The dramatic scenes really hit and kids in this show are really likeable. I can't say much else if you want to be spoiled so, yeah. Art(7): I think ...
Jan 28, 2021
*No Spoilers. I really enjoyed Ms.Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. I came to the series in search of "culture" because I saw Tohru. I thought this show would be fanservice I was a little too new to the anime scene to really understand all the references so I thought some of the humor went over my head, but I still really liked the show despite that. Story (6), the show introduced characters and lore for the most part and the season finale had some interesting stuff happen, but for the most part, the show mostly followed episodic stories. I did really enjoy the comedy and the ...

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