By weaving charming characters together in situations that naturally elicit comedy, this anime positions itself as one of my favorite comedy anime thus far--and it does so while largely avoiding the more uncomfortable anime tropes that many comedies rely on (or rely on satirizing).
If you want a show that can simultaneously leave you roaring with laughter while filling the empty void in your soul with unquenchably cute wholesomeness every episode, this is a must-watch; it blends the spy/action thriller genre with slice-of-life family shenanigans in a way that works shockingly well. This anime is one that I won't hesitate to recommend
Mar 22, 2025
A refreshing take on the "videogames in anime" genre that actually uses the medium of video games as an important, interesting, and relevant piece of the setting rather than mere window dressing. This show doubles down on the videogame side of things, and it succeeds; in part, this show feels like one that was actually made by people who play videogames and know the shenanigans that players tend to get up to.
Instead of simply using the videogame setting as a shortcut, SLF uses the game setting and the presence of an in-universe community to enhance the show's worldbuilding. Be it bug hunting, glitch ... Mar 22, 2025
In this show, we have a "Junk food" isekai that is mildly amusing at times but quite forgettable overall. There isn't really anything special that this show brings to the table. It's a classic overpowered-but-not-human isekai a la Overlord with some clear inspirations from both Overlord and FMA:Brotherhood.
The animation is not particularly great (not super bad, but it noticeably avoids any action with a lot of movement), the plot is neither novel nor memorable, and the show opens with an unsavory and wholly unnecessary scene of sexual violence, but this show can be something to watch when you just want to turn your brain ... Mar 22, 2025
This anime is like if you fused the best elements of Jujutsu Kaisen and the Ghost Stories dub.
If you can get past the initial weirdness of the series (the 1st episode is a fair benchmark for what to expect throughout), you'll find a super fun story with loads of personality, memorable characters that feel and act decidedly real, and a fairly novel mishmash of a bunch of different genres in one. This anime can take you between roaring with laughter, being on the edge of your seat in anticipation, and melting your heart with touching, emotional sequences--all within one episode. ... Mar 22, 2025
Ishura asks "What if everyone important to the story was overpowered in their own, unique way, and they had competing interests that may or may not put them in conflict?" It's an anime that follows an ambitious, experimental formula that proves its worth. I recommend watching it--and it hooked me for season 2 and beyond--but the formula it uses may be jarring for some. You have to go in with tempered expectations.
The good: -Ishura explores a wide breadth of interesting characters with diverse powersets, differing goals, underlying political intrigue, and a build-up to confrontations. Most of the season is dedicated to episodic ... Mar 27, 2023
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Fun anime with a lot of great characters, but the quality can vary quite a bit throughout the show. This anime's worldbuilding, powerscaling, and consistency are all over the place, but the characters draw you into the story and make it hard to resist the temptation to watch just one more episode.
If you want an anime that makes sense and has compelling worldbuilding, this is not the anime for you. If you want one that gives you a compelling cast of characters who keep pulling wild solutions out of thin air while still feeling like the characters earned it, then this is the anime ... Mar 27, 2023
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
In this show, we have a refreshing and masterfully executed combination of existing Sci-Fi formulae; time travel, robots, trauma, and an exploration of humanity are nothing new to the genre, but this anime handles all of the topics with awe-inspiring precision. Moreover, the show puts an interesting twist on the passage of time, encapsulating the overarching plot within mostly-2-episode stories. There's never a dull moment, and the show successfully balances Wit's top tier animation with brilliant characterization, a compelling narrative, gorgeous music, and a number of emotionally touching stories.
From a gripping opening scene that shatters any preconceived notions you may have brought in ... Mar 27, 2023
Super Crooks
This anime manages to fall short in every area. It has some great moments and sequences, but they're buried within a pile of rubbish. The writing is garbage, the animation is underwhelming, and it overall feels like a cheap attempt to copy the likes of Invincible, The Boys, and The Great Pretender--an attempt where the writers of this show completely missed what makes the others great. The show seems like it has promise in the first several episodes--the characters have interesting premises and the powers are creative--but it just keeps getting worse and worse in the middle.
Super Crooks is a show that tries to ... |