Alright, so, on its face, this just seems like any other of the average-to-below-average isekai anime about an OP protag and his OP wannabe waifu(s?) going on adventures and having generic fantasy hijinks. I went into this anime knowing it probably wasn't going to be AMAZING, but I wanted to watch something that might let me turn my brain off and just go with the flow.
In my first night, I only watched up to ep 4, and it was alright. Everything seemed about the level I expected, but I was able to breeze past the sometimes bad dialog and dumb or generic scenes. It was
nice to relax with. But, OH DEAR, I was wrong. I was so wrong.
As I got closer to the end of the anime's season, I found myself less and less able to not think about things. Too many things were stacking up, and it became harder and harder to just call it an average 'junk food' anime. I'll be honest, I really don't want to hate on the anime, so I won't talk at length about anything that's typical isekai fare, or that is just average. I'll just bring up the points I have for and against the anime that is specific to it. Obviously, some spoilers ahead.
So, I'll start with the pros. I've already poisoned the well a bit here, but oh well. Isekai Cheat Magician is a basic isekai power fantasy; if you like the most common tropes of the genre, you'll probably* be able to vibe with it (I'll address the asterisk in a sec). The visual style for the most part isn't bad, and the sound direction is basically good. Main characters stay moderately the same throughout and don't have sudden or out-of-the-blue changes in character, so at least the writing is consistent. Even when the conspiracy plot comes around, the anime is happy to make things constantly very simple for the audience, so no deep thinking required; essentially, easy to zone out to.
Now, the cons of the show, and there are MANY.
As you get further in, things start to stack up, as I said before, and things that seemed minor and easily overlooked become more like something that seems overlooked by the makers of the show themselves. Right off the bat, I can think of multiple things that feel completely forgotten or neglected by the animators and writers. (1) The Guildmaster talks in quite a few episodes, but has no facial animation a good two-thirds of the time he speaks. We're essentially sitting on a completely still image of a character speaking out loud without any animation for it. Very jarring for me personally, since sometimes he does indeed move his mouth. Inconsistency is more noticeable than most other oversights. (2) Similarly, in the inconsistency department, there are a lot of times when main characters' weapons are drawn drastically differently. A good example is Rin's staff, which even in shots focused directly on her looks different often enough that I started noticing it in different shots of the SAME SCENE. Even a bad anime can have consistent art direction and animation quality (even when bad), but it's the inconsistent quality that makes it harder to ignore. (3) Some characters shout the name of a spell when using magic, but will say completely different spell names when using the same ability throughout the series. Similarly, characters are frequently amazed at OP protagonist using magic without an incantation, but normal characters do the same thing all the time.
So, inconsistencies out of the way, now we get to the meat of this. Forget the nitpicks above, here's the real annoying stuff. There are too many things that come together to make the scripting of the show terrible. Throughout the show, characters will use spells that don't do anything. Literally, one character constantly uses (differently named) spells in battle, and the result is always just a visual effect on her sword. Supposedly, her sword is on fire, but she still fights the same, the fire never does anything fire or heat-related, and she never actually uses it. It is very literally just a visual effect.
While I'm talking about visual effects, I might as well mention that. The effects and abilities of an OP protagonist's moves and skills are one of the main reasons power fantasy anime work so well and make their audience feel so hyped. This anime will most definitely not scratch that itch. The effects in this show are weak and extremely underwhelming except for maybe two times. The mage protag makes a literal water-bomb the size of a city block using pressurised heat, and what do we see after she activates it? It pops and we see a bigger version of a basic dust cloud, from a long distance away, making it look overall unimpressive. The protag uses his Grand Spirit of Wind to clear a massive spell? No, he shoots a little light at it and it shimmers away. Protag explicitly says he's going to use wind to completely change the weather's pressure system and blow away a thunderstorm? No, he shoots a tiny bolt of light at the sky and the clouds just disappear. (And, again, for the record, his magical spirit ability is wind; where's the holy light coming from?) And the whole anime is like this.
That brings me to the final nail in the coffin of this power fantasy isekai. Nothing feels powerful, and nothing feels weak. Every fight feels like both the combatants are of equal strength and the one who wins just got lucky or had some extremely basic idea of tactics. Swordplay is underwhelming from all characters. Magic effects are underwhelming for most characters most of the time (including OP protags). And despite all this, despite BOTH our OP mage and the basic mage adventurers using magic that looks identically underwhelming, we're constantly told by the characters that the protags are super powerful. And I mean, constantly. Power fantasies do that a lot, because the protag is OP and we know it. But if you can't show something that makes the protags actually LOOK OP, then constantly telling us we're supposed to think that is just undeserved and annoying.
Beyond all my reasons for thinking this show has terrible script-writing, animation direction, and effects, my most damning point against Isekai Cheat Magician is that it is an isekai, but no more. This power fantasy will underwhelm and bore. After episode four, even points of intrigue are kinda unsupported. You're told what to think about the anime and characters, without really being shown why you should. It's a bottom-barrel isekai, and nothing more.
Apr 25, 2023
Isekai Cheat Magician
Alright, so, on its face, this just seems like any other of the average-to-below-average isekai anime about an OP protag and his OP wannabe waifu(s?) going on adventures and having generic fantasy hijinks. I went into this anime knowing it probably wasn't going to be AMAZING, but I wanted to watch something that might let me turn my brain off and just go with the flow.
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Dragon, Ie wo Kau.
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I quite disliked this episode, honestly.
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