Jul 28, 2014
"Don't give up on your dreams"
That pretty much sums up the moral that the anime teaches in a sense. Although not many reviews or others have really focused on the what anime can teach someone.. but personally I think it is rather important to at least touch on it because it is something that many people overlook. Many people underestimate the power of anime.
Anime is one of the few things that can shed's light on issues that people may not be able to understand, teaches and reminds us of morals and also provide entertainment for all kinds of people (but.. as we all
know..some things in anime that can be disturbing for some people and does tend to show women as objects in some anime)
Escha & Logy no Atelier is an example of a pretty standard anime that centers around the idea of "Don't give up on your dreams".
Story: 7
The story is interesting and standard at the same time. It is about a girl name Escha who is from a long line of Alchemist and she starts working for the R&D branch of the Colesit. It then revels the back stories of the people around Escha. But what makes it interesting in the end is the part about the abandoned ruins and the connection it has with Escha and the others. I won't go into any more detail or else it'll revel to much of the plot. However as interesting as the plot developed it was still rather predictable. This is coming from someone who hasn't watched a large extensive amount of anime (around 50 days worth only at the time i'm writing this review). It isn't some mind blowing plots like FMA or Guilty Crown. Overall in terms of story if you can get past the standard plot you'll find it interesting (I can't explain who it is because it'll give to much away)
Art: 9
The art overall was amazing just like any anime these days. There were a few scenes where the animation does glitch in a sense. Example- when it was Escha holding the envelope and then the next scene Logy has it all of a sudden. But otherwise it was amazing in terms of colour and art.
Sound: 8
There were two songs that stood out to me from this anime. The opening theme was good in terms of how it fits with the anime. Also the piano theme that comes out whenever something sad would happen was also pretty suiting. However I wouldn't say it has a masterpiece soundtrack like Clannad, Guilty Crown, FMA, and Angel Beats. Or anything extremely catchy like Binbougami ga! or Melody of the Wild Dance from Bleach. The voice acting in anime as usual always impress me. The voices suited their character, I can't imagine Escha's voice sounding like Clone's voice xD..that would be different.
Character: 6
Ok..here is the part where I found that this anime had problems with. However I don't want to discredit the character set-up, which was very suiting and I thought was well planed for this type of anime. But there was little to no character development in this anime (although it is hard with 12 episodes). To kind of put in context.
Escha: Care free, Airhead, Kind, and skilled in alchemy at the start
-> then becomes Care free, Airhead, Kind, and still skilled in alchemy.
Logy: Resolved, Mature, Strong, Caring, Smart (you'll get why if you watch the anime) he then becomes... EVEN MORE RESOLVED, mature, strong, caring, and still smart.
Linca: Strong.. Like so strong she could punch through walls and fight a small beast that can turn into a huge frikin dragon. She then becomes pretty much the same by the end. However for Linca I felt that this character was pretty well made. Especially her back story did make things very very interesting
Wilbell: well... how do I put this..... she's not your stereotypical witch that's for sure. But she is caring (especially for Nio), laid-back and seemed to be very strong in magic (but it's hard to somewhat tell because of how rushed the anime was)
Ya... you pretty much get the point.... However I really like the character set-up and I really wished they did more with it. I would have loved to see more development with Nio, Marion and Lucille. Also they kind of screw with you w/ Logy and Escha relationship.... it's like they are teasing the audience sometimes xD
Enjoyment: 8
Ya.. I liked it.. it was a fun anime to watch if you don't want to watch anything really intense. But I think if you can get passed the rushed plot Escha & Logy no Atelier brings some interesting aspects and I wished they would have developed it more.
Overall: 8
I wouldn't reallly feel comfortable recommending it to others if I know they don't like animes that aren't original or mind blowing but it's one of those anime's that one could enjoy watching every once in a while. (although i know it would bug a lot of veteran anime watchers because of how standard it is)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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