This anime film by Satoshi Kon is an outstanding piece of fiction that critiques the modern entertainment industry.
The story follows Mima Kirigoe, a member of a Japanese idol group, who retires from music to seek a career as an actress in the film. This film merges the line between dream and reality to the extent you do not really know if some parts are really happening in the narrative of the film until the very end or after watching some in-depth youtube video essay/review on this film.
This film tackles serious themes which are still relevant today such as toxicity of the entertainment industry,
Aug 4, 2020
Prison School
For most of this manga you can tell that the author actually cares about making the reader violently bursting out with laughter which very few mangas have been able to successfully achieve. It also has multiple gross scenes that make you want to shower after reading them, but in a good way.
Now I have to talk about the negatives of this manga: the ending feels like it prolonged and it wasn't even good.The author also seemed like they were running out of ideas so they decided to over use the same wired fetish jokes until they felt repetitive and they also sprinkled a love ... |