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Sep 29, 2023
Disgusting and appalling, I am extremely dissapointed that Miura, which I am a fan of, drew this work. This is not art, this is pure, unadulterated fascist propaganda.
Instead of criticising the rich, powerfull JAPANESE men that put Japan into the laughable situation that it is now, the game blames "the Americans and the European..." well, Mr. Buronson, might I teach you a history lesson about your own country? About how the JAPANESE DEFEATED the "Americans and Europeans" when they annihalated the feudal, backward samurai class? That Japan, after the Showa restoration (that had all the characteristics of a revolution of the french type, except
for the lack of nobles being beheaded) was in no way, shape or form abused and subjugated by Europe or America, that in fact, japan marched shoulder to shoulder with the "ugly, evil westerners" to kill and rape East Asia and the pacific? That after Soviet Union, the USA and China defeated your country, those very same "evil Americans and Europeans" gave your politicians, the same ones who started the war, free hand to re-stablish their government, to create an independent, economically strong power? What, Mr. Buronson, do you mean by this manga, that your country is not free to plunder, rape and kill the chinese again? That you cant have the strongest military with shiny tanks and warships to shoot at the Zengakuren anymore?
This could have been a great critique of how the JAPANESE ruling class made Japan weak, a bulwark against communism (and today, against China), serving primarily the insterests of the USA, a strong country economically, but at the cost of becoming a dystopia, of having your culture and values arased by capital, but no... this is the wet dream of the Japanese old men who values military strenght more than the wellbeing of the people, that values the "traditional values" blindly, with no tought going into them, that sees Japan as "opressed" just because of american military bases in their territory. Oh, poor japanese! They are so opressed, because now, instead of saying いいね!they say Nice! Because now the women have toughts instead of making kawaii sounds and being subservients! Go to the devil!
By far the worst part of the this thing is how they act as if Japan is hated by the world population, what in the hell? Japan is one of the most prestigious countries in the entire world! Japanese people, japanese culture are loved all around the globe, dont Mangakas realise HOW MANY PEOPLE outside of Japan consume their mangas? Are they too busy with their nose up their asses, or do they just ignore this fact? "MADE IN JAPAN" is LITERALLY a synonim of "Quality" all over the world. I really, really, really wonder WHAT was going on in the head of the person who made this trash, I truly do.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 11, 2020
Before starting, the art, as usual for Hirohiko Araki, is fantastic, everything is beautifully drawn.
Under Execution, Under Jailbreak: 7
This is a very short story, even tough is may be weird to a lot of people, I did enjoy it, it really captures that feeling of “old tale that your grandpa tells you”, with a weird twist at the end about life and fear, like a Grimm Brothers tale.
Dulce and his Master: 7
If the last one was weird this one is absolutely insane, honestly is too weird, I think that maybe
there is some symbolism that I missed, because I still wonder what did I read. Still the suspense and twist elements are very good, and like the previous story, it just works well as a short but interesting read.
Kishibe Rohan at the Confessional: 8
My favorite Kishibe Rohan one-shot, it really shows how much the author knows how to write suspense and horror just as much as action scenes. It’s a really good read with a really good twist at the end, there’s no reason to miss this one.
Deadman’s Questions: 9
The Best short story of the manga, I may be a bit biased, because suspense with supernatural elements and philosophical themes is just my cup of tea, but this is a really good story, its so good at establishing a character, a theme and the world around him that it makes me wish there were some more chapters of Deadman’s Questions, but the two that are there are definitely worth the read.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 9, 2020
Before I begin, the art is the only consistent things trough all of the short histories, its average, nothing more to be said about that.
Gorgeous Irene 1 & 2: 4
Golden Wind: Crackpot Edition
This is probably what anime haters think that anime is about, bad histories with bad characters filled with dumb over-the-top fights and a bunch of fanservice, also, the dialogue in this short story is way worse than the rest.
I don’t like using that Word unironically, but gorgeous Irene was pretty cringe, it feels like the author purposefully made
it extremely weird and cliche-y, and there’s a limit to how much clichés you can take seriously before it becomes weird and creepy.
Mashounen B.T.: 5
This is an average story about a kid solving crimes, it feels like the beginning of a series, but it wraps up all of its plot points, it’s nothing special, that’s it.
Virginia ni Yoroshiku: 7
This is a very solid short-science fiction story. It is a wonderful example of how the author can write tense and suspense scenes and histories really well.
Poker under Arms: 8
The Best short-story by a long shot, again, it shows how much talent the author has to write suspense histories. It really captures the feel of the classic western whiteout relying on constant shooting; it also has a very good twist at the end. Very solid, very good.
BONUS! Outlaw Man: 7
Apparently this other short was present on earlier prints of Gorgeous Irene, so since there is no page for this story I will review it here.
I admit that I am very biased towards westerns, but Outlaw Man is a very solid short western story, narrating the escape of a fugitive from the Pinkertons, it utilizes very well action and suspense elements, and does a good job of feeling like a true western.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 28, 2020
SPOILERS AHEAD! TL:DR: It's bad, but you can read if you want, there is some great art and its short.
While Blame! Manages to create a compelling narrative with little to no dialogue, Abara is too rushed, concepts are not build up, if the white Abaras invaded earth, who are the monsters that activated the tower? What is the tower? Did the city blow up in the end? Did the white Abaras died? Then why there were two out of place chapters about with the two women? What happened?
At the end of the scan I read, there was a glossary explaining all the concepts, names and
events that happened in the manga, I don't know if that was in the original manga, but I know that in Blame!, a manga by the same author and that also used less dialogue, didn't have one, that was because unlike Abara, Blame! actually builds up the world, the characters, the machines, the technology, everything, Abara starts with a man turning into a monster, killing another monster, then gets beheaded and comes back in the end, then we see other types of monsters? But what are these monsters? Weren't the Abaras the ones that invaded earth? What was that skeleton-cyborg-man that activated the tower? WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?
"B-But you have to see the symbolism! And you must interpret your own opinions!" Nah Nah Nah, the greatest writers, movie directors and mangakas showed that you can't make symbolism and interpretation the basis of the history, you can add them as much as you want, but they can't hold the entire thing together alone, there has to be characterization, themes, world building, tone… etc.
This was rushed, weird, nonsensical and disappointing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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