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Jan 20, 2024
if you are reading this, you are watching it anyway, so yeah. Do keep in mind that this is a sequel to my overlord III review.
Ah yes, a guy got Isekai into a fantasy world.... as an evil overlord. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. Before I actually get to the review part, I would say that this anime's isekai world is probably one of the most solid and well-thought-out. It isn't the isekai you watch to kill time, it is the one you watch to think and enjoy the ride.
Short conclusion: Solid 8.5/10
Driving deeper
Art: I think the CGI is better, it blends a bit better. The 2D are pretty much the same overlord goodness.
Character: If you ask me, this is the season where the character really shrines. A lot of the holes from the previous season are explained here in this season. Everything makes more sense. And also, I believe this anime has one of the most well-thought-out characters and world
Plot: We got a lot of good moments in this season. Great political action and a great payoff. Man, the last scene feels nice.
Conclusion: isekai enjoyer is gonna really savor this one. recommend for a normal anime enjoyer. Mainstream enjoyers can't ignore this one
8.5/10 for me.
I think we all know how this goes, I really enjoy Overlord's character and world. I believe this season brings the most out of that overlord charm. And there is little to no "weird anime stuff". So I am recommending this season to everyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 20, 2024
if you are reading this, you are watching it anyway, so yeah. Do keep in mind that this is a sequel to my overlord II review.
Ah yes, a guy got Isekai into a fantasy world.... as an evil overlord. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. Before I actually get to the review part, I would say that this anime's isekai world is probably one of the most solid and well-thought-out. It isn't the isekai you watch to kill time, it is the one you watch to thing and enjoy the ride.
Short conclusion: 8.25/10
Driving deeper
Art: Attack of the bad CGI, OOF, it is bad. If we ignore the CGI monster, I think the art is pretty good, as usual.
Character: The author continues to surprise me with more and more well-thought-out characters. They arent just plot material and have a light long history to them. It feels really real.
Plot: There are some parts where I am like... what is this? Why? But it does give an in-depth look at how this world works. And also the payoff towards the end was awesome. I think this is a pretty good mix of foreshadowing and paying off.
Conclusion: a really great treat for an isekai enjoyer. mixed opinions for a normal anime enjoyer. Mainstream enjoyers can't ignore this one
8.25/10 for me.
Another nice season of Overlord, I would've rated this higher if it wasn't for the bad CGI. This season is a great in term of exploring the world, but it is nice because I like that aspect. Some people do and some people don't.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 20, 2024
if you are reading this, you are watching it anyway, so yeah. Do keep in mind that this is a sequel to my overlord I review.
Ah yes, a guy got Isekai into a fantasy world.... as an evil overlord. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. Before I actually get to the review part, I would say that this anime's isekai world is probably one of the most solid and well-thought-out. It isn't the isekai you watch to kill time, it is the one you watch to thing and enjoy the ride.
Short conclusion: 8/10
Driving deeper
Art: pretty much the same as season 1, nothing really improved or degraded.
Character: I'll take some short cut and say that it is the same great character as in season 1 with more extremely well-thought-out character. it just keep getting better.
Plot: In contrast to season 1, this season takes things a bit slower and lays out more groundwork. There's a lot of setting up in this season and so the ups and down moments are pretty tame. But this raised a lot of expectations, I am excited for next season.
Conclusion: a really great treat for an isekai enjoyer. mixed opinions for a normal anime enjoyer. Mainstream enjoyers can't ignore this one
8/10 for me.
I think this is a great prep season, it really gets you hooked into the world and its setting. I don't have much opinion except to say that I am excited for next season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 20, 2024
Ah yes, a guy got Isekai into a fantasy world.... as an evil overlord. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. Before I actually get to the review part, I would say that this anime's isekai world is probably one of the most solid and well-thought-out. It isn't the isekai you watch to kill time, it is the one you watch to thing and enjoy the ride.
Short conclusion: 8.25/10
Driving deeper
Art: Pretty good, the fight scene is well-animated. The action sequences are pretty nice. And is slightly above average in terms of its
beauty. 7.5/10
Character: Oh boy, despite the overwhelming introduction to many characters, all of them are very very well thought out. Theres a lot of lore to them and a massive amount of information if you want to dig into it. I felt like the rate which the info is thrown at us is quite a lot to take in all at once. But this is just the first season of a very interesting anime. 9/10
Plot: In my professional isekai watcher career, I believe the story progresses a bit too fast without much explanation. Everything gradually falls in place as the series progresses but I felt like if it is just this season then it might be too fast of a pacing. Still, a really nice start to something big. 8/10
Conclusion: a really great treat for an isekai enjoyer. mixed opinions for a normal anime enjoyer. Mainstream enjoyers cant ignore this one
8.25/10 for me.
A very very good start to something big. I think the setting is just golden, but the pacing of this season seems a bit too fast.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 10, 2024
Ah yes, a guy got Isekai into a fantasy world.... as a sword. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. This is a hard one to review as it is a bit of a mixed feeling. Let's say that I personally don't recommend it for my usual isekai enjoyer friends. But for a newer watcher, I would recommend.
Short conclusion: 6.75/10
Driving deeper
Art: Pretty good, the fight scene is well-animated. The action sequences are pretty nice. And is slightly above average in term of its beauty. 7.5/10
Character: I think this is the main problem,
Flan is a good character with a decently interesting backstory. Our MC on the other hand, doesn't do much, he's kinda just be here.... saying things and teaching Flan. Theres little to no character development. Like it doesnt even feel like the pair powerup much.... 6/10
Plot: This is one of the cases of an interesting concept, nice art but poor execution. My main problem is that usually the fight scene gradually increases in intensity and eventually comes out as a nice climax/conclusion. But during a certain fight, it feels very drag on, like they are trying to stretch the length of the episode. There's also a random joke in the middle of the fight, like am I supposed to laugh at a joke when Flan is in a pinch? The next complaint on the list is that our MC keeps saying things like "We are in a bad spot" or like "What should I do, the enemy is too strong". I understand that they are trying to make it so that the fight is intense. But this is such a cheap way to achieve that effect. As someone who watches a lot of isekai, this is the cheapest and most cliche narrative. Most of the time when the situation doesn't even feel serious or intense, we as a viewer feel like there's more thing to be done before the MCs are actually in trouble and the sword MC says it anyway. This made the word lose its intensity, it made this whole series a lot less interesting.
One last thing I want to mention is that there's a lot of wasted potential in how the story was told. We never really get to piece together information, it is just being spoon fed to use piece by piece in a very brief manner. It doesn't seem as complex as the story was trying to make it be.
all of this adds up to create a very non-meaningful watch that is not memorable, very cliche, has little to no build-up with no payoff and made me doubt a lot of Sword MC's words. But with that said, if you haven't watched many isekai and cant really predict the plot then it is a pretty decent isekai. 6.25/10
Conclusion: a mixed bag of an anime for an isekai enjoyer. A recommended for a normal anime enjoyer. Mainstream enjoyers can ignore this one
6.75/10 for me.
the Sword MC is very annoying and doesn't fulfill the power fantasy I expected. Bonus point for Flan though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 8, 2024
Ah yes, a guy got transported into a fantasy world. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. Hm... I don't know about this one chief, the CGI is pretty bad. Ah well, it is watchable at least. a very average isekai anime.
Short conclusion: 6.75/10
Driving deeper
Art: Attack of the bad CGI. I don't like the usage of it in this particular anime. I know it is very hard to perfect cell shading but you cant just stub in a out of place monster in there. Well, with that said, it has a pretty
solid 2D art. 6.5/10
Character: Ah.... how I love my edgy MC. It stroked my inner chuunibyou. I don't see any meaningful character development, just a "Ok I love my MC" kindda deal. Not the best really, at least there's some for our main character. 6.5/10
Plot: How do I start with this... Very cliche to some degree, a decent concept at the start, questionable plot.... (for the adaption that is). The anime didn't show much of the "reasoning" part of stuff. Luckily I read the source material and it really doesn't do source material justice. There's a good reasoning on why things are happening but that doesn't translate well in an anime form. Oh well, the source material was much better though.... they really rushed it with this one. Bonus point cause source material. 7/10
Conclusion: a decent treat for an isekai enjoyer. A not recommended for a normal anime enjoyer. Mainstream enjoyers can ignore this one
6.75/10 for me.
Anime don't do the source material justice. Only watch this if you really are going for all isekai. If you don't trust my opinion, go read the source material and come back to watch the anime. You'll see what I mean.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 8, 2024
Ah yes, a guy died and rebirthed into another world. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. I would say, this is an interesting watch with a bit of the so-called " weird anime thing™ ". It is surprisingly good for such a simple concept. Great execution, So I would place this in a solid "really good" tier. However, I don't recommend this to a normie or someone who just started watching anime. But for us isekai connoisseur, a must watch.
Short conclusion: 8.25/10
Driving deeper
Art: Not super flashy but the action sequence are
pretty good, there's some good effort in the production scene. If we are not counting the horrible anime CGI, I would say it is very solid for its quality level. Also, bonus point for the style. 8/10
Character: There's a character development to some degree. Some are relatable in a way, and some are not. There's also the harem + weird anime thing™. 7.5/10
Plot: Pretty standard for an isekai, you have the MC who is super OP in some standard. But the twist this time is that the guy is an assassin who pretty capable of manipulating people and plan out some scheme. The narrative is pretty focused on our MC going around "helping" the main girl. It is pretty cliche, I can see the flag and predict plot from miles away. If you are a seasoned isekai connoisseur, I am sure you can see it coming as well. Aside from that, the climax moment is a very well execute one, one worthy of getting my "hell yeah" shout. 8.5/10
Conclusion:I wouldn't called it a prime treat but it is pretty close to being one, it is just a good anime to watch as an isekai enjoyer. A "watch if you are up for a weird anime thing™" to a normal anime enjoyer. Not recommended for mainstream enjoyer.
8.25/10 for me.
Lots of thing that make me as an isekai connoisseur enjoy. But the weird anime thing™ is preventing me from recommending it to my normie friend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 1, 2024
Ah yes, a girl played a VR game and is having fun in an immersive VR game. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. And I would say, this exceeded my expectations a little bit. I put this in a "Pretty good" tier. It is a spin-off from the granddad of isekai afterall
Short conclusion: 8/10
Driving deeper
Art: Nice to some degree, not breathtaking by any means. The effects are nice and flashy, it served its purpose. Pretty good, 8/10
Character: Nice development, with some decent twists, and some decent backstory. not much to say,
it is standard by most degrees. But well, who wouldn't enjoy cute girls doing cute things? 8/10
Plot: I would say, it is relatively standard for a VR game isekai, the MC enjoys the game and keeps getting better and better. Nothing really shocking happened, a surprise at most, I am sure most of my isekai junkie homies could see this coming. Anyway, 7.5/10
Conclusion: a good treat for an isekai enjoyer. A decent watch for a normal anime enjoyer. Mainstream enjoyer can ignore this one
8/10 for me.
Pretty good tier, if you enjoy watching girl-playing games, this is the one to watch. It is just that this type of genre usually isn't enjoyed by everyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 1, 2024
Ah yes, a guy was stabbed and rebirthed into another world. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. Gotta be honest, it is very cliche, but great execution. I put this in a "great" tier. There's a reason for why it is mainstream.
Short conclusion: 9/10
Driving deeper
Art: really good, it is on the higher end of the anime production. the effects are gorgeous in multiple schene, and the fight scenes are awesome and satisfying 9.5/10
Character: Really solid development, some with interesting twists, and some with pretty good backstory. not much to say,
except to go experience it yourself. 9/10
Plot: Pretty standard for an isekai, you have the MC who is super OP in some standard. The twist this time is that he is a slime. The interesting point of this is that the plot is usually driven by side character, not the MC. I think this is a pretty good narrative. Oh and the world is really solid, the author did a lot of work. 8.5/10
Conclusion: A prime treat for an isekai enjoyer. A good watch for a normal anime enjoyer. Must watch for a mainstream enjoyer.
9/10 for me.
a mainstream tier, Great watch and is recommended for casual viewers. It's just not a "masterpiece" tier.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 1, 2024
So, an overworked doctor ended up on the other world? Yes. As an isekai junkie, I am set to watch all isekai. This is one of those that explore the trope. I would say, it is one of the better one on the list, but the plot is relatively generic, there's no "wow" moment. Just a lot of things that are rather cliche.
Bonus point as it reminds me of COVID. and are immersive in that aspect.
Short conclusion: 7.5/10
Driving deeper
Art: pretty good, it is probably on the higher end of the anime production. The effect are beautiful to some degree, however, not breathtaking. 8.5/10
Character: Honestly,
I do think that the characters are pretty solid, they just need to take some more time to develop. Well, we have very little bit of that through. I only see bits of reasoning here and there, but there are still some parts that are unexplained. 7/10
Plot: Pretty standard for an isekai, you got this guy who is super OP in some standard. The twist this time is that he is a doctor. that's it really, there's little to no character development, nothing to be learned from. really is standard box default isekai in my opinion. 7/10
Conclusion: Pretty good for an isekai enjoyer. Average for a normal anime enjoyer. Below average for a mainstream enjoyer.
7.5/10 for me.
Better than average, good to watch but not a must watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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