I have only read 2 chapters but this manga does not deserve to be actually good for what the plot of it is. To sum it up the plot consist of the protagonists future self claiming that the protagonist must save his crush or she’ll die! Sounds shocking right? And what does the protagonists future self give him in order to help him save his crush? If you guessed a hyper-intelligent robotic loli then you’d be right!
Despite only the first 2 chapters being Translated it was actually pretty enjoyable and the comedy isn’t anything groundbreaking but I still found it funny. Again since less
Sep 23, 2023
Chi no Wadachi
I just finished Chi no Widachi and if I was a much more emotional person I would’ve been crying right now, however the story is still super messed up in the best way possible. I always liked Oshimi Shuuzou’s stories and this is definetly one of his staple works! The story is really good at feeling “lively” like most of the events could realistically happen, and the illustrations are really good at giving the story a very uneasy vibe. The only criticism I have is that the ending was a lot more bleak than I was hoping, but I guess the ending we got is