Jan 22, 2013
I'll keep this as short as possible, seeing as how their are already other in depth reviews. What you need to know is that this story is enjoyable and I'd recommend it. However you also need to keep in mind that the climax that's constantly building up sort of drops the ball. Not that it doesn't take place, seeing as how fights do happen in an epic way, but it's as if the story itself is only half of what it was setting out to be. The story is quite good, the art is great, the characters are for the most part remember-able and overall
Jan 6, 2013
This is without a doubt, a phenomenal manga. It's true to the core, your emotions will go along with the theme that plays out and for many, you will understand what it is that the main character is feeling and experiencing. From laughs to downright anger the mood carries on without fault. I highly recommend this manga to anyone that's experienced bullying, and to all those who love a great story. It takes a lot for a manga to make me laugh or cry, and I experienced both since in many ways I understood the protagonist, the story, the desire to keep a "holyland.".
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